"Qi's railway requirements are indeed beyond my surprise." Han Shu said frankly to Zhang Liang.

"They thought of using asset mortgages or converting them into shares to solve this matter. It seems that Lou Jing is indeed a talent." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"The minister thinks so too, and this person's view is very clear. It is a great fortune for Qi State to have such a person." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"If Qi is going to build a railway, what will they do?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Unify with Qin State, share with South Korea's Qi State Railway." Zhang Liang said.

"South Korea currently has spent a lot of money on the construction of the railway between South Korea and the Kingdom of Zhao. At this time, if Qi is involved, South Korea really has no extra funds to join it. There is also the development of the maritime industry and the navy. The cost is even greater. I am afraid that the finances are already difficult to support." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. Agree with Zhang Liang's statement.

"In this matter, I think we should actively help Qi country. Only in this way can South Korea gain greater benefits from the construction of Qi country's railway." Han Shu said.

"It's just that we don't know the specific operation. The only things Qi people can take out are land, human advantages, and resources." Han Shu thought for a while.

"The specifics are not clear enough. After all, we don't know much about Qi's situation. His ocean transportation is much better than ours." Han Shu said.

"Right. The Qi people have agreed to the Langya matter. We will enter Langya." Han Shu said.

"The King." Just when Han Shu explained the situation. Xiaohe walked in quietly.

"Prince King. The envoy of Chu State would like to see you." Xiao He said in a low voice. When discussing such an important matter, Xiaohe knew that he couldn't come in casually, even if it was a close female official. But Chu's affairs forced her to come in. The envoys of Chu are coming in noisily.

"Huh." Han Shu was a little dissatisfied. The conversation was in progress. Being interrupted at this time was the last situation Han Shu wanted to see.

"Let's talk. What's the matter" Han Shu suppressed his dissatisfaction. For Chu State, she didn't have much interest.

"The envoy of Chu asked for a meeting and asked for a joint construction of a railway to Wei and South Korea with South Korea." Xiaohe said at this time.

"Oh." Hearing such a thing. Han Shu's interest was raised.

"Chu State requires the construction of a railway?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked. If Qi State builds a railway, Qi State has its own needs. Chu State was building a railway, which made her unclear.

"The King." At this time Zhang Liang motioned to Xiao He to retreat. And he stepped forward to explain this matter. Xiaohe withdrew carefully.

"Wang Shang. The matter of Chu State may be due to the Chu State’s economic problems. The Chu State’s economy as a whole is in a stagnant state. If they can successfully open the railway to the north, their property advantage will be It can be shipped out. In this way, their domestic economic problems can be solved." Zhang Liang explained.

"Well. Regardless of this. Now, most countries build railways to solve domestic economic problems. All countries have transferred agricultural taxes to commercial taxes. The development of commerce can quickly obtain a large amount of taxation in order to solve financial problems." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Majesty, but the envoys sent this time seem to be sent by the nobles of Chu State. Although they are in the name of Chu State, the nature of the railway construction is more private." Zhang Liang said.

"Speaking of these nobles, I think of one thing." Han Shu said at this time.

"Didn't Zhao also have many nobles?" Han Shu said at this time.

"Chu also has it, didn't the nobles of Zhao country let Qin take care of it?" Han Shu said at this time.

"Chu also has a large number of nobles. Isn't their selfish desire to get a lot of benefits from the railway?" Han Shu said at this time.

"As long as they have such interests, we can align the interests of the nobles of Chu with our interests like Qin." Han Shu said.

"The king, the minister believed that railway construction requires a lot of funds, and the nobles of Chu State do not have sufficient funds, but they have a large amount of land, a large number of slaves, and other populations. In addition, the mineral resources are also relatively rich. If we can combine them, we can do this." Zhang Liang said specifically.

"The specific method is to make the cost of the railway higher. We need to unite with Qin to do this. Raise the cost of the railway, and then force the nobles of Chu to unite. Then let them form a unified one. United Railway Company, and then we acquire a large number of shares from it. With a large number of shares, we can control this railway. However, in terms of funding, South Korea is not able to provide a lot of funds." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"We can find a way to pledge our shares in other trading companies to obtain such a large amount of capital." Han Shu thought about it for a while.

"Qin Guo has an advantage in this regard. I heard that their finance does this. If they can do this, why don't we do it?" Han Shu thought about it.

"Qin Guo got the funds to do this by relying on such a big financial advantage, then we can do this too." Han Shu said.

"Among our Korean companies, although there is a big difference in quality from Qin's corporate quality, our company has a very important position in South Korea and future trade. Qin people should be able to see this, I think , It shouldn't be difficult." Han Shu analyzed.

"The Wang Shang’s analysis is correct. Wang Shang and Chen believe that we should also actively expand cooperation with Qin State. It is best for our company to be listed on the Qin State stock market. In this way, our stocks can face even more. In the vast market, the financial capacity in the market suddenly surpassed any period before." Zhang Liang then suggested.

"That's right, I think so. In this case, we don't have to be restricted to Qin Guoren's bank, we can make our own interests. In the stock market, we can also actively sell our own shares instead of Seek greater opportunities for cooperation. I think it’s good. South Korea should have its own national and royal companies to list these companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises are also actively listing in South Korea’s local market in order to more solve corporate financial problems. Create better market tolerance for our business.

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