"What prerequisites?" Yingyu asked.

"The prerequisite is to use paper money. If a large amount of gold is used, we will bear a lot of pressure from metal currency." Xiao He said.

"This." Yingyu slowly leaned on the back of the chair.

"This problem is a bit big, but really a bit big." Yingyu said.

"Although we are a bank, our company is very large, and our assets have exceeded 100 million yuan. But. After all, we are just a company, and we need the country to complete related currency issues." Yingyu said.

"I understand this." Xiao He nodded and said.

"For the currency issue, I think we can make some pre-plans in advance. Or, as far as possible, facilitate the government to reach relevant agreements. Once such an agreement is reached, the benefits to us will be very obvious." Xiao He said .

"For example." Yingyu said.

"For example, if we can unite Qi, or a family of Chu, issue banknotes and use their country’s credit as collateral, or other substantive things as collateral, we will be able to control the country’s currency issuance. Quan. Or, into the currency system of the Qin State, such as the State of Zhao. There are also special circumstances such as South Korea." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. That's right, this is a kind of thinking, this kind of thinking seems very reliable." Yingyu said.

"However, the first thing we need to do is to meet their needs from a commercial point of view. In particular, as Qin's banknotes enter these countries, there are some powerful institutions to ensure the stable operation of such a system. We need an agent. At the same time, we also have to make a profit ourselves." Xiao He said.

"Of course we want to make a profit, but we should launch specific actions in this area. Then we can tell the prime minister something with actions. We can not run for the prime minister's position, but our interests must be preserved and our goals must be achieved. We can To support him, the prerequisite is to achieve our goals." Yingyu said. Yingyu has lost much interest in the Federal Party election. The reason is that the Federal Party lacks a clear campaign platform, and many policies cannot be supported by voters, and Shang Wen relies on his incumbent election advantages to continuously move out many preferential policies. For example, the recent military has a very different attitude. The ambiguous.

Shangwen increased part of his military expenditures, although some projects were rejected. But some projects passed. For example, Army Aviation allows airships with ground support firepower to be established, as well as special transport airships to complete projecting tasks, and so on. The space army also recruited a series of companies to develop more powerful engines in order to improve the performance of the aircraft.

The improvement of these conditions gave Shang Wen the confidence to win a considerable part of the military votes. This has already demonstrated Shangwen's advantage, and now the votes in the bank are also obviously concentrated on Shangwen's side.

"Especially the Federal Bank Reserve Committee under the Shangwen policy. After such an institution is established, it has greatly eased the existence of funding tensions among banks. At the same time, it has given banks greater opportunities for expansion to meet the funding needs in the market." Yingyu said.

"The fulfillment of these conditions gives us the Federal Party no chance at all. It's not just these." Yingyu said.

"There are other conditions that are actively being met, how many votes we can get. Obviously it is impossible to threaten Shangwen's re-election. This is a trend." Yingyu said.

"So, we have to take this opportunity to agree to our actions on banks in various countries, so that it doesn't make much sense to make a fuss, we have to do this." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. I think it's feasible." Xiao He said.

"What we need now is to maximize the influence of our banks overseas. I think that in order to achieve such a face, the first step is for our banks to have a greater scope of financial influence." Xiao He said.

"The second step is to further influence the above policies." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. I agree with your idea. However, there is not a lot of time for the campaign. We have to implement policies that are conducive to the development of our bank during the Shangwen campaign. There is not much time for this and the opportunity is rare. I think it's right. The development of Qin State, the development of the six countries as a market on its own, is not a conflict, I think it should be achieved in this way." Yingyu said.

"How about this?" Yingyu saw Xiao He a little embarrassed.

"We might as well act in both directions, as long as we achieve our goals. We can just ignore the rest for the time being." Yingyu said.

"Okay. I'll send a telegram to Shangwen to explain this matter." Yingyu said.

"I urge our people to start similar cooperation. I think this time we will have a very large number of banks." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. Okay. This will begin." Yingyu began to draft the telegram. Xiao He went to get busy.

Shang Wen was in southern Xinjiang at this time. The problem of banditry between southern and northern Xinjiang is very serious, which has always been difficult for Shangwen to solve. The Qin federal government was unable to raise more troops to clean up, but the problem of banditry has been affecting the commercial development between the two places.

"Serious train robberies have occurred in these two areas. They not only robbed gold cars. At the same time, they also damaged the railway." Shang Wen said while looking at the report.

"If this problem is not resolved, it will be impossible for the prime minister to continue his re-election." Fan Zeng said.

"Yes." Shang Wen nodded.

"But to solve this problem, the military must be used. Do you know?" Shang Wen said at this time.

"The entire Western Region of Qin is very large, and they can flee. If there is no military force to block them, they will quickly flee to another direction." Shang Wen said.

"If you adopt a policy of solicitation?" Fan Zeng suggested at this time.

"In that case, Qin's judicial system is a disaster." Shang Wen replied.

"But we can't solve the problem of banditry." Fan Zeng continued.

"This question is very contradictory." Shang Wen said.

"But we can still think of a way to solve the problem. Bandits must be clear. We can't let them continue to be arrogant." Shang Wen said.

"Perhaps, we can rely on other forces to solve it. For example, recruitment, or other methods." Shang Wen thought for a while.

"But I really don't have a good way to solve this problem." Shang Wen said. This problem is too difficult for Shangwen.

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