The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1992: Conscription of the Qin Army

"We do not accept female soldiers here." The lieutenant replied, seeing that it was a woman from a few nomadic tribes.

"You have female soldiers in the Qin army, why can't you accept me?" the woman asked unceremoniously.

"Yes, we also want to join the army. Why can't we take us in." The woman asked several women loudly behind her. They look like five big and three rough, they are really not good-looking by women's standards, but from other angles, they meet the standards of soldiers.

"We have strength, can cavalry, and archery is not as bad as a man. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try." The woman was going back to get a bow and arrow.

"No, no. That's not what it meant." The lieutenant officer said first.

"You are good soldiers, I understand, and we know too." The lieutenant officer said.

"Why don't you accept us as soldiers?" the women asked.

"This, this, this time we recruited cavalry." The lieutenant officer replied.

"We can also ride horses, not worse than men at all," said the woman who took the lead.

"If you need cavalry, we women will too," said the woman who took the lead.

"Okay." Lieutenant Qin Jun nodded.

For such a woman. The women of a few nomadic tribes in the north are no different from men. In the eyes of the people of Qin, they are not beautiful, but they find it ugly, but these women can be used as ordinary soldiers.

"The army needs some medical soldiers and some medical teams. Or you can join other combat troops, but I have to apply first to see what your conditions are?" Lieutenant Qin Jun said.

"You register first, but you cannot register for military status. I will reply after we reply above, okay?" said the lieutenant recruiter.

"Okay. That's it, but how long does it take to wait?" the woman who took the lead asked.

"It is estimated that it will take some time, but not too long." The lieutenant said.

"Okay, we'll just wait." The leading woman nodded and said. In the tribe, the status of women is relatively low, and all they can do is consume. After the entire tribe is attached to Qin, their survival will face great challenges. Men have no income yet, and as women, they just add to it. Not reliable anymore. In order to solve their own survival problems, these women had to go to the battlefield.

Recruitment is not only carried out in the north.

In the mountainous area in the east. A large number of mountain people gathered in the recruiting station of the Qin people.

"Shave clean. These people's hair must be shaved." A sergeant instructed several soldiers to shave the mountain people's hair. Their hair is strange, some with disheveled hair, some with pigtails, and Some people do not have it in the front, or have it in the front or in the back. All in all, it looks very messy. These hairs indicate that they are from a certain tribe. But the people of Qin country saw that these hairs were too messy, so the people of Qin country simply shaved off all of them.

"Okay. Go and wash and change into a military uniform." The sergeant waved his arms and asked a soldier to take a few shaved mountain men to take a bath.

In order to complete the conscription as quickly as possible, the people of Qin put the objects of conscription on the mountain people. The mountain people are poor and can be replaced by a loyal servant with a bag of salt. Many mountain people live very freely, but they are short of supplies. In exchange for materials, Or to survive, the harsh winter in the mountains will kill many people. In order to get a good birth. After the mountain people heard that the Qin people needed fighters, they directly sent a large number of young people to serve as soldiers.

This is a sign of friendship from the mountain tribe to the people of Qin. However, the people of Qin State grasped this and quickly won over the mountain people. A large number of young mountain people entered the Qin military camp.

"Sir, our mission is well accomplished. In just a few days, we have completed the requirement of 5,000 recruits." A second lieutenant officer excitedly said with a report.

"Yeah." A lieutenant colonel's staff officer nodded and looked at the growing mountain crowd.

"How many people are still registered?" the lieutenant colonel asked. Because there are many people who come to register, Qin people can choose their soldiers preferentially. For example, they will say that those who can understand Qin's dialect are preferred, and those who are young and strong are preferred. Although Qin people only enrolled 5,000 people, the actual number of registered people far exceeds this number, and the number is still increasing.

"There are about six to seven thousand people. There is no problem in forming two regiments. And they are all brave young people in the mountains." The ensign said excitedly.

"Yeah." The lieutenant colonel nodded.

"Keep their registration, maybe we will recruit them later." said the lieutenant colonel.

"As for those who are not elected, we must give them some comfort and some money. Let them know that it is a good thing to come to the army of Qin." The lieutenant colonel ordered.

"Yes, sir." The ensign nodded.

In the northeast, the troops recruited by the Qin people have exceeded their expectations. But how to train and how to control this army is very troublesome to the lieutenant colonel. He is in charge of conscription, and soldiers are not simply conscripted. And then a lot of training. These are all things he should be worried about.

On the defense line in the southwest of Qin State. A section of barbed wire set up by the State of Qin.

"I, I need that." A mountain Qiang said to a Qin army soldier with the sheepskin in his hand.

"Firearm?" Qin Army soldier asked, waving the firearm in his hand.

"That's it." The mountain Qiang said with a smile.

"Oh. This, no, you need one hundred, one hundred sheepskins." Qin Jun's soldier shook his head and said.

"This." The mountain Qiang people were a little embarrassed. He heard that the musket is very powerful, and even the most powerful prey is scared. But he didn't have so many things to change.

"Tell you a good way. Come here. Come and you will have a gun." The soldier Qin Jun said with a smile.

"Oh." The mountain Qiang looked at the Qin Army soldier. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but he passed. He wanted to go to the barbed wire side, where there was everything. He wanted to know how these things came from.

"Come here." The soldiers of the Qin Army grabbed the opponent and came to the people of Qin.

"Go, come with me to be a soldier, if you are a soldier, you will have everything. Musketeers, money, what do you want." Qin Guoren said to the other party.

The mountain Qiang people don’t know what the other party is talking about, but he knows that the people of Qin can bring him a lot of things. He doesn’t know how to do it. If he were a slave, it would be a good thing to be a slave in such a wealthy country. .

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