The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2000: Training soldiers

"Remember, the gun, you are your life, without the gun, you will be dead." The Sergeant Chief said loudly.

"Now I teach you the most basic knowledge of muskets." As the master sergeant started to operate the muskets, gave them how to load them, then pulled the trigger and reloaded the bullets, and those few nomadic tribe soldiers studied seriously. These are all related to their salary. It's a big relationship, they don't want to lose such an opportunity.

In the other company, the people of Qin were teaching these soldiers how to observe discipline.

"Here, I don’t care about any of your previous battles. How you don’t obey orders, but here, you must obey my orders, otherwise, you will be sent to a military court. Accept all punishments, and your salary is gone. Nothing. There will be no more." said a sergeant walking back and forth.

"So, here, you'd better listen to me. Otherwise, if there are any unpleasant consequences, you have to bear the consequences yourself." The sergeant said loudly.

Although the few nomadic soldiers lined up were a little unconvinced in their hearts, they couldn't help it. The reason was simple. The people of Qin provided a lot of generous supplies, and when they came, no one got the paper money they wanted most. Not much, no one only has six golds per month, but such a small amount of money is enough to make their families live a lot better, and they can buy a lot of living supplies from Qin's merchants to live on.

"Of course. Your current rank is very low, just private." The sergeant said.

"But if you follow me, I will let you be promoted to my rank." The sergeant said, pointing to his rank.

"Sir." At this moment, a few nomadic tribe soldiers shouted loudly.

"Very well, I have something to call the sir. Your progress is very fast. For this, I can give you an extra meal." The sergeant praised. Hearing this, many soldiers of the nomadic tribe became excited. Although the food provided by Qin Jun was not bad and it was delicious, at the beginning, they looted like a group of mad dogs, but they were quickly beaten by the military police. Although there were a few people and the gendarmerie. But they also received severe punishment.

The food is not bad, but the variety is relatively single. If they eat for a long time, they also feel very bad. Although the canned meat is delicious, it is too salty. Let them have to think about other delicacies.

"Sir. We want to know what your rank and salary are?" the soldier asked loudly.

"Yeah. Very good. My rank is sergeant and my salary is 30 gold." The sergeant replied.

"Oh." Hearing this, all the soldiers were surprised, surprised that the sergeant's salary was so much.

"If there is a fight to fight, there are more. I got two hundred gold when I was the highest in a month." The sergeant said proudly. At this time, a few soldiers of the nomadic tribe were in an uproar. Although they were very observant of military discipline, the news shocked them too much. They have to imagine that two hundred gold is enough to settle their family well. A few soldiers of nomadic tribes looked forward to a bright future.

"Quiet. Quiet," the sergeant shouted loudly.

"Because you fools don't follow the discipline, now, I want you to run. Have you seen that mountain? Twenty minutes, I want to see you come down. Hurry. Hurry." The sergeant roared loudly.

A few nomadic tribe soldiers woke up from their longing at this time. They wanted to get so much money, the only way was to train well, become soldiers of the Qin army, and then go to war.

"Quickly. Quickly," the sergeant roared loudly. The soldiers ran wildly. They didn't know how to run in groups. In this way, the collective combat effectiveness could be maintained to a large extent. But a few nomadic soldiers are used to fighting alone. In addition, they come from various tribes, so the binding force on them has dropped a lot.

"All give me a team to run. If one of you doesn't come back, you all run again for me. There is no need to eat at noon." The sergeant saw such a dragged team and the extremely chaotic formation made him feel very confused. Annoyed, so he shouted loudly in irritation. Then their team gathered again. Run again. The sergeant only felt a little relieved. But it took too long to reorganize the team. They have spent five minutes.

"These **** few nomadic tribe soldiers." A major officer said, looking at the rows of nomadic tribe soldiers in the training camp.

"How is it?" a lieutenant colonel said to the other party.

"Did they cause you a lot of trouble?" the lieutenant colonel said with his back to his hands.

"Okay. I'm old-fashioned. Don't look at me like a staff officer. I hate you staff officers." The major officer said disdainfully.

"Haha, I was wrong. Don't call me old grass. My name is Guo Zhen." The lieutenant colonel said with a smile.

"Oh. Got it. Got it." The major officer said impatiently.

"I tell you, you'd better seize this opportunity. The few soldiers of nomadic tribes trained this time will go into combat in less than a month. You'd better let your soldiers enter it as soon as possible, otherwise, you The chance of promotion is gone." Guo Zhen said.

"Oh. You just entered the staff than me, and you will have the rank of colonel. My military career is about to end. I won't be promoted." The major said impatiently.

"I'm just talking." Guo Zhen said.

"I know. I know." The major said impatiently.

Both of them joined the army, and then were selected from the army to enter the military academy, and then practiced, combat, and promoted. Because the major has been engaged in front-line tactical command for a long time, although his tactical command level is very high, he has no overall concept. On several occasions, he almost went to a military court for disobeying military orders. The lieutenant colonel command is average, but he knows how to cooperate, and he has an overall view. He was recommended to work in the general staff and had a chance of promotion when he entered the staff. However, the major was not promoted because he did not have an overall view. The military rank may stay here forever.

"This time, a large number of military officers were drawn from the above. The non-commissioned officers entered here, hoping to master this army in a short period of time. With you, you can quickly fight. I hope you can seize this opportunity. I hope to see it in the staff. To your place." Guo Zhen said solemnly to the major.

"Oh. I know. I know. I know that your staff are very good." The major still said disdainfully.

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