The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2007: Concentration camp

Western Regions, a small town in Qin State.

"Western Regions, stand up and take them away." A soldier of the Qin Army angrily arrested a Western Regions who came to Qin's business.

"I'm just here to do business, you shouldn't arrest me." The Western Region native shouted loudly. But these are useless.

"Take care of you, I'm just following my orders." The Qin Army soldier ignored these and directly captured all the Western Regions.

In order to restrict the actions of the Restoration Army of the Western Regions, the Qin Army launched a series of actions in the Western Regions. First of all, what they had to do was to arrest a large number of the Western Regions. Some small towns took excessive actions and they killed them. All the Western Regions I saw. In some places, checkpoints were set up to arrest all the Western Regions they could see.

"Damn it, these Western Regions." In the small town of Qin State, the children looked at the Western Regions who were confined together in the town with hateful eyes.

"Disperse, disperse." The militiamen waved their guns and expelled the children loudly, but the children didn't care about it at all. Some of them had already shot and killed their prey. They had already learned the related things when they were in school. Knowledge. Qin State School has a special military course, because they are close to the Western Regions, necessary military training is necessary.

Inside the town mayor’s office.

"The people above asked us to arrest the Western Regions, and now the Western Regions are arrested. Unexpectedly, we arrested so many Western Regions. These people are eating and drinking every day, and they are arguing about going out." The mayor said.

"Telegraph the **** military. Let them find a way to solve these Western Regions, otherwise we don't care about anything." The town mayor said.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Unexpectedly, we arrested so many people in such a short period of time." Wang Ben said while looking at the telegrams sent from various small towns. The chief of staff on the side is doing various statistics.

"There are a lot of people. We can't deal with too many people." The chief of staff said.

"How many people are there?" Wang Ben asked.

"Preliminary statistics show that there are about 50,000 to 60,000. These people's food, drink, and housing are a problem. We can't kill them all, right?" the Chief of Staff said.

"Well. It's true, we can't kill them." Wang Ben said.

"You know?" Wang Ben said to his chief of staff.

"This morning, I received a lot of telegrams and letters. They are all pleading for their Western partners and businessmen. They hope that we will release them unconditionally and they can make a guarantee." Wang Ben said.

"What to do? Don't we let them go." said the chief of staff.

"If you let them go, what will be the consequences? They are businessmen, they have a lot of funds, they must be dissatisfied with us, they have a lot of financial support, they can control a lot of material resources, this is not our hope What you see." The chief of staff continued.

"Yeah. However, these people from Qin are also under a lot of pressure." Wang Ben said embarrassingly.

"Think of a way, yes. Isn't the prime minister here?" the chief of staff said at this time.

"Okay. I asked the Prime Minister. This question made the Prime Minister think of a solution. Maybe he has a better way to solve this problem." Wang Ben said.

Inside Shangwen's temporary office.

"Hello, Mr. Wang Pi. Are you looking for me, can you help me?" At this time, Shangwen asked actively. Wang Pi is a local celebrity. He did all kinds of business here, first he was in leather business, and then all kinds of blankets. These blankets were sold to Qin Guoguan. He imported all kinds of goods from Qin Guoguan, such as silk fabrics, tea, sugar, paper, etc., as long as he could He has profitable businesses.

"With all due respect." Wang Pi said.

"I'm here for a friend of mine, a business partner. He is from the Western Regions, and now I know about the Western Region Restoration Army. We regret the damage caused by the Western Region Restoration Army, but those The Western Regions are different from the Western Regions Restoration Army. They are our business partners and I can guarantee them. Otherwise, I will suffer a heavy loss. Prime Minister, I know that you respect commercial development. At present, we meet It's difficult. You have to help us." Wang Pi said sincerely.

"I understand." Shang Wen nodded.

"However, the military has military considerations. You know, they are a separate system, and I can help you very limited." Shang Wen thinks this matter is very tricky, because the restrictive measures are proposed by the Qin military. In terms of military affairs, Shangwen's ability to interfere is very limited.

"I know this." Wang Pi nodded.

"But I hope that the prime minister can consider the interests of our businessmen and at least guarantee their lives." Wang Pi said worriedly.

"The prime minister." At this moment, Shang Wen's assistant quickly stepped forward and handed Shang Wen a telegram.

"This belongs to the military." The assistant whispered to Shangwen.

"Oh." Shang Wen nodded. Then opened it quickly.

"Yeah." Shang Wen looked at the telegram seriously. In the telegram, the military seriously stated their views on this matter and the positive impact it brought. They hoped that the federal government would find a way to solve the problem.

The blockade is of great significance. Shangwen is very clear that only a blockade can completely solve the problems of the Western Regions. This involves Qin's interests in the Western Regions.

However, these businessmen were closely related to the Qin State, despite the influence of the Western Region Restoration Army. Shan Qin still needs people from the Western Regions.

"Okay." Shang Wen thought for a while and said.

"We still need these people from the Western Regions." Shang Wen said.

"What do you mean?" Wang Pi asked at this time.

"We need these Western Regions, we need to protect them." Shang Wen said.

"But out of military needs, we need to gather these Westerners together." Shang Wen said politely.

"So, we plan to bring them all together and handle them together. We will build a concentration camp and let them live together for a period of time. We guarantee their safety." Shang Wen explained.

"But." Wang Pi was still worried.

"Don't worry, they will only be closed for a period of time, not very long, promise." Shang Wen promised Wang Pi.

"I will guarantee their safety, and their property will be guaranteed as much as possible, and they will be regarded as a part of our Qin State." Shang Wen said to Wang Pi.

"This. Okay." Wang Pi nodded. He knew that the prime minister had already made his biggest concession, and if this continued, it might end up with nothing.

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