"These days, we have been busy, from morning to late at night, and then after a short rest, we have to be busy again, what are we busy?"

"We are busy burying landmines. It's very simple. Dig a hole, bury them in various types of landmines, and install fuzes. Then bury them all, that's it. Very simple."

"Our task is to block the attack route of the Western Regions Restoration Army. As long as they stop the offensive, we have a chance to defeat them. Then I can apply for retirement. I don't think the country will support us veterans."

"After I retire, I will find my chief. He is now an engineer and has many engineering projects. I can be the person in charge of engineering projects. I know some principles of building structure. These things are very simple to learn. I am I can learn by myself and go to the engineering department. I heard that there is a rapid development in my hometown. I think what I have learned can definitely be used."

"My beautiful girl, I miss you all the time, do you know? The moon is very beautiful at night in the Western Regions. When I see the moon, I will see you. I have received the photos you sent, and I am watching, Watching every day. I miss you??????." This is a letter from a Qin Army engineer. In the letter, he explained what Qin Army was doing. They blocked not only horses. The bandits, and the Western Region Restoration Army, but they have to lay landmines in a large number of deserts. The number of landmines laid is more than they have ever been before, and the number is huge, mainly because the desert is really big. The area they can blockade can only be blocked in this way. In order to strengthen the security of the small towns in the Western Regions of the Qin Kingdom, the situation in the small town has to mobilize some militiamen to learn how to lay mines, and then lay mines on the roads of the small towns to prevent the Western Regions from recovering. The harassment of the national army. However, they did not see the Western Region Restoration Army. On the contrary, some of their own people or vehicles suffered losses because they did not see the warning signs. For this reason, all classes have protested, but the establishment of minefields was considered by the military. However, in the process of arguing between the two sides, no new mines continued to be buried in the ground.

Qin State Xianyang.

The Federal Parliament is discussing a proposal, which comes from Meng Yi.

"As we all know, lower commercial taxes and tariffs can greatly stimulate our trade growth. Our factories are constantly producing, scale, and production lines are constantly expanding. We need a large market and a large amount of raw materials." Meng Yi said.

"Qin needs raw materials. At the same time, our products need to be exported to various countries. In this way, a large number of tariffs will be generated. The collection of these taxes is very unfavorable to Qin and the economic development of other countries. Said it is a loss." Meng Yi continued.

"If we can combine the taxes of several countries and reduce the related tariffs, what will be the result?" Meng Yi said.

"The trade of various countries will grow rapidly a lot." Meng Yi said.

"My plan is to unite all countries and follow this idea to reach a unified tariff agreement. In this way, on the basis of Qin, South Korea, and Zhao, we will join several other countries. For example, The Kingdom of Yan, the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Kingdom of Qi.” Meng Yi continued.

"Everyone can discuss freely." Meng Yi did not continue. For specific benefits, the parliamentarians present have their own ideas, and they come from all walks of life.

"If this is the case, trade will definitely increase. Our factory can be expanded a lot at once. I can consider building a flour mill in South Korea, Zhao Country. I heard that people over there love to eat noodles. They make various kinds of noodles. The pie. It’s better than ours.” said a member of the food factory.

"If tariffs are reduced a lot, my costs will be reduced a lot, and my business will be much better," said the congressman.

"Well. It seems that there are many benefits to reducing tariffs. We can totally agree with this point. I do processing. I need to import some raw materials and export some things. Qin's goods are very easy to sell. If the other party intends to impose tariffs, They simply can't afford it. There are many such things in Yan State. In fact, there are many rich people in Yan State, but the things are too expensive and they don't think it is worthwhile." Another member of the Diet said.

"If Qi and Yan can join in, there will be a bigger market in these places. You must know that Qi has a large population, and there is demand where there are people. There is still sea in Qi. If there is sea, overseas Some of the resources can be entered here." said a middle-aged congressman.

"That's right. Qi can also build railways. In this way, the demand for steel and cement will increase. Not only these, but also all kinds of wood from Qin." A Qin construction businessman said. I was able to serve as a member of Parliament because he had a large business in the field of construction materials.

In this way, the lawmakers started to discuss. And Meng Yi hopes to see such a situation. What he saw was that the business opportunities that Qin’s merchants saw from it, and the reduction of tariffs, could open up a lot of markets for Qin, and these markets could accommodate a lot of Qin’s products. With the market for these products, Qin’s factories could only Will continue to work on. Qin can be further strengthened.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The tariffs of various countries are not so simple that they can be opened." Han Shu said.

"For example, in Chu State, the situation in Chu State is more complicated. By the way. I remember that our navy proposed a plan to attack the Chu army in Langya. Does the prime minister know about this?" Han Shu asked.

The minister is not clear about this matter. "Zhang Liang replied.

"Oh. Our navy plans to launch two attacks from sea and land, attacking the Chu army from two directions." Han Shu said about the specific tactics.

"Your Majesty, the minister is just worried, if this is done, is it a declaration of war on Chu State?" Zhang Liang said.

"Well. I think so too. At present, we still can't find a good reason to solve this matter." Han Shu said with a sad expression.

"If we don't declare a war, or if we are unnamed, what will happen?" Han Shu asked.

"As a result, we lost the war as soon as we started the war. I don't want to see such a result. I hope the prime minister can help me solve this problem." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang. And Zhang Liang thought for a while, but couldn't think of a good way. After all, there were not many intersections between South Korea and Chu.

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