The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2018: One-two group fight event

"DaDaDa", the 12th Cavalry Brigade of the Qin Army was directly attacking the defensive formation.

The Qin Army's infantry, which emphasized frontal firepower, gave the cavalry brigade a lot of damage. The cavalry hit very hard.

"Oh. My goodness. Our cavalry is brave in attack, but their brains are not enough." The colonel made such an evaluation. Hearing this kind of evaluation, the main trainer's face was a little bit uncontrollable.

"Okay. Exercise, that's it, give them a day off, and then prepare to go south." The colonel took a binoculars and looked at the 12th Cavalry Brigade and said.

"This. Sir, is it too fast?" the chief trainer asked worriedly.

"This is the order from above. We need to wipe out the Western Regions Resurrection Army and the horse bandits as soon as possible. We cannot afford too much time to fight. Cavalry is the main unit of combat this time. Therefore, we must be fast, even though they are tactically. There are still some strangers, but I think this problem can still be solved." The colonel said to the chief trainer. Then left here.

"But." the chief trainer said worriedly.

In the second battalion, 112th Regiment of the 12th Cavalry Brigade, fierce clashes are breaking out.

"How did you Huns attack?" a second lieutenant officer of Echunbu shouted loudly. He is from a non-Hun national tribe. The Qin Army’s grassroots officers were selected by outstanding young men from the tribe. This can maximize the cohesion of the army. Let them all gather to maximize combat effectiveness.

"We Huns, you little-known tribes, what can you do?" A Huns lieutenant shouted to the other side with disdain.

This exercise is mainly about harassment and offensive operations. The task of the cavalry is sneak attack and mobile operations. As the power of firearms and weapons increases, the role of the cavalry is getting weaker and weaker, so the cavalry often assumes such a task. However, with the change of combat targets, the tasks of the cavalry have also changed a lot. This is also the main reason for the mobilization of cavalry.

"We are an unknown little tribe, what are you?" The second lieutenant officer was very annoyed. The Huns’ tribes were very large, like his Forechun tribe, which was a small tribe attached to the Huns before, but with the Qin army The adsorption of a large number of such small tribes, the status of these tribes has been greatly improved. But the Huns are still not used to such an equal footing, and there is a deep contradiction between the two sides.

"The people of Qin asked us to harass. Don't attack, but you attack directly. If it weren't for your direct attack, could you drag us in?" the second lieutenant accused.

"What the people of Qin asked you to do, what do you do, thinking you are really a dog?" The lieutenant smiled and sneered.

"You." The ensign looked at the lieutenant angrily.

"Hahahaha." When the Huns heard this, they burst into laughter. There are contradictions among the tribes, and such contradictions have not disappeared because of the establishment of the Qin army. On the contrary, the competition between the Qin army has given such a kind of soil. The Qin army promotes the competition between the troops For combat effectiveness, these soldiers are specially organized according to certain tribes. In this case, the Qin army is more and more common.

"I'm fighting with you." As the second lieutenant rushed forward first, the soldiers behind saw this situation and rushed forward to fight. For a time, the two companies of Qin Jun joined the battle.

"Kill." I don't know which side made the first move. Anyway, during the confrontation, some people directly used cold weapons like bayonets and sabers. Because it was an exercise battle, all shots were empty. It was impossible for the Qin army to give the opponent. Real bullets to shoot. But both sides are good at using cold weapons, and they have been fighting for a while.

"It's not good. It's not good." The patrolling military police first discovered the situation. The soldiers of the two companies fought against each other, which was not a trivial matter.

"It's not good, sir. There was a sparring incident in the one and two regiments. The two companies fought. The scene was very chaotic." A military police urgently reported to the chief trainer.

"There are such things in the Qin Army, just pull it away." The chief trainer thought this matter was not a big deal, so he didn't care too much.

"No, sir, this time is different. There are casualties on the ground," the military police reported. Suddenly caused the chief trainer's worry.

"What?" The chief trainer was startled.

"There are casualties," the military police reported.

"Quickly, immediately mobilize other companies and separate them. Go ahead." The chief trainer heard that there were casualties, and knew that things had become bigger.

The development of the matter may have been out of control, and the cause of the outbreak may no longer be triggered by competition between the troops, and there may be other reasons. What is the specific reason. He is also not clear. Now it can only be known by investigating clearly.

After that, the Qin Army mobilized the forces of the two battalions to drive away the chaotic second battalion, and all the soldiers who fought were detained for investigation. After the two companies were dispersed. Twenty-three people died and 51 were injured. The cost is very high.

"Quickly. Investigate the matter clearly and we have to report it as soon as possible." The chief trainer said with a headache. When something like this happens, you have to bear considerable responsibilities. These few nomadic tribes are really not worry-free masters.

The matter soon had a preliminary result, and with such a preliminary result, it was reported to the above soon, and then the telegram was transferred to the General Staff.

"How did this happen?" Wang Jian asked the training department staff annoyed when he saw such a telegram.

"This, there are too many contradictions between these few nomadic tribes. We can't pay attention to it clearly." The staff explained.

"This is not a reason, nor an excuse. If you don't know, please investigate it clearly." Wang Jian said annoyed.

"Yes. Sir." The staff officer saluted and left.

"Don't you have to make such a big fire?" Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian.

"The time has come to transport troops south. And at this critical time, something like this happened unexpectedly." Wang Jian said to Yang Duanhe.

"How can I not be in a hurry for such a thing," Wang Jian said.

"I think this matter may not be so simple. We have received reports from the lower-level officers before. They said that such incidents are too frequent. It is not like a competition between ordinary troops at all." Yang Duanhe said.

"Do we think of a way to disrupt the organization and let them mix together? For example, the Huns and the mountain people are mixed together. If this continues, the Huns will have a lot of xenophobia, and this kind of xenophobia will be very xenophobic. It is not conducive to the formation of the combat effectiveness of the troops." Yang Duanhe suggested.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded.

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