"Damn it, people of Qin, arrange such a broken place for me." A young Western Region businessman looked at the dirty Western Regions and said in Qin's dialect.

The house is made of simple wooden boards. The house is not very big and can accommodate more than 20 people at most. However, there are more than 100 people living here. Everyone has only a little place to sleep. There are children, women, and the elderly.

"Cough cough." An old man next to him kept coughing.

"Spit." The old man spit out a thick sputum to the businessman's feet and saw the thick sputum. The young Western businessman was about to vomit. Not long ago, he still had his own tall villa, the extremely spacious Qin Guo spring bed. There are beautiful women to accompany, there are fine wines, all kinds of food, but now. He has nothing left. His clothes have not been washed for several days. And there were a lot of big holes torn, because the silk clothes were not wear-resistant, and his feet were worn out. On the way, he was driven here by Qin Jun. Although he was not beaten by Qin people, what he encountered along the way left him exhausted.

"Damn it," the young Western businessman cursed. These are the low-level Western Regions, they are surreptitiously living, they have no feelings for such a businessman to appear in front of them, they are already numb.

"Ah." The cry of the child made them feel depressed. Irritable. But many people are busy with their own affairs.

"It's dinner." Just then. A soldier of the Qin Army came in and shouted loudly. Many people from the Western Regions suddenly regained their vigilance, and they looked at the soldiers of the Qin Army. At this time, the soldiers of the Qin Army were followed by two Western Region men. They carried two buckets of food and placed them in their room, a bucket of porridge, a bucket of noodles, and no vegetables or fruits. Just two buckets of food.

"Go." As he said, the soldier of the Qin Army adjusted his rifle strap, then turned and left. The two Western Regions followed the Qin Army soldiers and left.

"Wow." Something tripped over. The young Western Region merchants looked at the other Western Regions who had risen all at once. They were robbing food. And seeing that kind of food, the young Western businessman who was already very hungry had no thoughts.

"Boom." The old man from the Western Regions who had just vomited a thick phlegm next to him also rushed out, perhaps because his body was too weak. He fell to the ground all of a sudden, but just like that, he quickly stood up again. Pounced directly on the food side. He grabbed the food and stuffed it into his mouth regardless. The young Western businessman shook his head.

"It's crazy. It's crazy. These people are simply not human." The young Western Region businessman shook his head and said. In this regard, he can only express his incomprehension and disbelief. In his opinion, such a move is incomprehensible.

"Dang." At this moment, the door was kicked open by the soldiers of the Qin Army. People from the Western Regions all over the room felt terrified when they saw the soldiers of the Qin Army. They hid in fear, and the food in their mouths stopped swallowing. This may be the only thing that can stop them from looting food.

"Which one of you is Hamill." A corporal Qin army carried his gun and scanned all the Western Regions in the house with sharp eyes. His eyes were like a machine gun. His goal was to shoot these. Poor people from the Western Regions,

The people from the Western Regions looked at the soldiers of the Qin Army numbly.

"Who is Hamir. Or it is Hamir." Another soldier of the Qin Army shouted impatiently.

At this time, the young businessman from the Western Regions couldn't believe his ears, and the soldiers of the Qin Army would call his name.

"Damn it. This person no longer exists." The Qin Jun said impatiently.

"I. I. I am." Hamill stood up quietly. In order to show his identity, he also extended an arm specifically to prevent the soldiers of the Qin Army from not seeing him.

"Damn it. Are you the **** Hamill?" a Qin army soldier asked impatiently.

"Yes. Yes, I am the **** Hamill." Hamill nodded softly.

"You really deserve to die." Qin Jun's soldier scolded. But this sentence was shocked, Hamill thought that Qin Jun was going to shoot him.

"You come out for a while." Two soldiers from the Qin Army framed him out. He thought that the soldiers of the Qin Army would really shoot him. He wanted to shout, but he had completely softened. But the Western Regions would not care about him at all, they continued to eat food. Restored the numb daily life.

Conference room.

"Damn it. I was scared to death. These Qin army soldiers took me here regardless." The restored Hanmir smiled and said to several of his business partners. They are all from the Western Regions, and they do business together with the people of Qin. They know what sells quickly and what is in short supply. They are all businessmen through and through.

"Do you know what Qin people brought us here for?" Hamill asked.

"I don't know." Several other Western Region businessmen shook their heads and said.

"Okay. At least our treatment has changed. We have delicious food, we can take a bath, and we can stay in a clean room. These are the differences between us and those from the Western Regions." Hamill said optimistically. The people of Qin Kingdom gave him a great deal of improvement, food, living conditions, and clean clothes.

"Everyone, everybody, I'm sorry. I know that our Qin army has treated you a bit rudely." At this moment, the Chief of Staff handed over and said sorry.

"Nothing? Nothing?" Said businessmen from the Western Regions with improved treatment.

"Since everyone is safe and sound, then I will go straight to the subject." said the chief of staff.

"Everyone is also a victim. The Restoration Army of the Western Regions is making a lot of trouble. Everyone is a businessman and the losses are huge. I understand that the reason why you are imprisoned is compelling. Because some of the Western Regions hate the people of Qin. Yes." said the chief of staff.

"For this, the federal government will gather you together and gather you together. However, after gathering together, problems arise." The Chief of Staff said.

"There are currently 30,000 people from the Western Regions gathered together, and there may be more in the future, about 60,000 to 70,000 people." The Chief of Staff said. Hear the people from the Western Regions here, look at me and I will look at you.

"So, in order to solve the problem of 60,000 to 70,000 people, we decided to use a commercial method to solve the problem in this concentrated place. Everyone is a businessperson. Think about it. Is there any good way to solve it? For example, Your identity is a member of the Qin country. As long as you come up with a good solution, it can be discussed." The Chief of Staff said.

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