The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2030: Negative opinion

Negatively listened for a long time. He understood what kind of organization this Chu Chamber of Commerce was. They are actually a team of merchants. They are engaged in the business of specialty products of Chu, such as sugar, silk, tea, and some non-ferrous minerals, such as copper, tin, and tungsten ore discovered by the people of Qin. These are all businesses of Chu merchants, but what is hateful is that the nobles of Chu are involved in these businesses. The nobles have a huge monopoly advantage, and this advantage is added to their right to collect taxes. As a result, the businessmen of Chu Kingdom have less and less room for development, and their business is getting more and more difficult. Therefore, they can only complain here, but they are helpless. This is also an important reason why Chu merchants cannot develop. Their strength is too weak.

But Ning Chu saw an opportunity. In his opinion, he found a source of funds to support him in launching the coup. Because of the development, all the nobles have their own businesses and their financial resources are very strong. Therefore, the nobles of Chu are equivalent to having their own country. Coupled with the continuous taxation, this makes them even more unscrupulous.

And Ning Chu, because he was the prince of Chu State, he had his own fief, but compared with those nobles of Chu State who had been in business for many years, his strength was too weak. He wanted to seek the support of those nobles, but it was impossible. Because his political views are in great conflict with those nobles, such conflicts make it difficult for him to get rich funds. And the support of the powerful Chu nobles. At best, he can only get the support of some smaller nobles. If this is the case, he has no way to rise to power through a coup.

But these businessmen can, they have a lot of money in their hands. With such financial support, at the same time, Qin State and South Korea's help. It is not impossible to achieve such a requirement through a coup. It's too possible.

Merchants have money but no status, plus they have no power, and many of their interests cannot be guaranteed. For example, the Chu aristocracy levies taxes, which is the behavior. But the Chu merchants had nothing to do. They have no representatives to appeal their political demands for them.

In Qin, the government is the spokesperson of the merchants, and the interests of the merchants are greatly guaranteed. On the other hand, Chu State did a very poor job in this regard. It can be said that the merchant has reached a harsh point.

"Everyone, everybody." At this moment, Minzu stood up and said.

"Excuse me for not being talented. I think what everyone says makes sense," said Ning Chu.

"But, if you continue this way, what kind of solutions do you have to solve the problem?" Ning Chu asked everyone. At this time everyone looks at me, and I look at you. It seems that Ning Chu has reached a point all at once.

"Nowadays, many countries rely on the power of merchants to make the country a lot stronger, for example, Qin. Qin's strength itself is very large. But after Qin uses merchants, it will quickly expand its territory by a hundredfold, even The Xiongnu in the north were all conquered by the people of Qin. The Western Regions are several times larger than our Chu State, but they have also become theirs in Qin State. There is also South Korea, South Korea is almost subjugated. But the Queen of South Korea quickly reused merchants and developed As for business, South Korea's strength has greatly increased. Today, South Korea has become an important power." Negumi touted this way. Hearing such words, the merchants in Chu State were extremely comfortable, because no one had ever said such a thing. Their merchants did have a lot of money, but besides having money, no one said that merchants were good. But these words that Ning Chu said made them feel that their status has risen a lot.

"In my opinion, in the future, if Chu country wants to develop and grow and become a powerful country of a generation, it needs to be maintained by the strength of our businessmen." Said negative.

"Yes. This son is very right." A businessman stood up and supported.

"Yes. That's right. From now on, Chu will have to rely on our merchants from Chu." Other businessmen rallied in support.

"Since everyone thinks so, I think it is not a way for us to complain here. Think about it. If we continue to complain, can the nobles cut taxes, or that the nobles can let go of these trades? Is it?" Ning Chu asked at this time.

"This." The businessmen were a little uncomfortable, but Ning Chu did say a lot. They complained like this, and there was no solution to the matter. This is the crux of the problem. They are not complaining about the problem, but trying to solve the problem. The businessmen themselves have a lot of practicality. When they want to understand this, they nodded one after another. Although they can't hang up, they still feel that solving the actual problem can help. To make huge profits, this is what they should do.

"Qin people value merchants, and Koreans also value merchants. The Northern Wei Dynasty and the State of Zhao are all strengthening the power of merchants, but our Chu State has fallen behind a lot. Our merchants in Chu State should unite and establish a strong foundation based on the Chamber of Commerce. The political party has done something in the Chu country to let the people of Chu know about us. In this way, we can develop rapidly. Let the nobles of the Chu country have to value us. In this way, our position will be solved a lot." Negative said.

"Yes. That's right. Why didn't we think about it. Everyone has money, but no matter how much money there is, it's different. But it's different if we have power. The status of our businessmen is much higher. This This brother is right." A businessman agreed.

"Yes. That's right." Others praised.

"Brother, keep talking, what should we do next? We listen to you, and you keep talking." A businessman stood up and waved his arm to signal Ning Chu to continue.

"Okay. I'll go on with my opinion." Said negative.

"My opinion is that we Chu businessmen should form a party. This party is more advanced than the nobles of Chu." Said Su.

"Then we recruited soldiers to organize an army in Chu State to form a huge military support. We can support a high salary and replace the current King of Chu without virtue." Said Ng aloud.

Hearing this, the businessmen were shocked. This is something they didn't even dare to think about before. Is there such a great power of their businessmen? Some businessmen smiled bitterly, others laughed, but more people were shocked. They had never thought about it like this.

"We can use the power of Qin and South Korea to exert pressure on the nobles of Chu. In this way, we can quickly obtain our rights and interests, and our interests can be guaranteed to the maximum." Suzu continued.

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