The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2037: Prejudice between services

"The airtightness of the fuel injection nozzle will never be solved well." A Qin Tianjun ground repairer said with a wrench.

"This problem is not something you and I can solve. It needs an engineer to solve it." Another ground crew member sat in the cockpit of the plane and said.

"This is about to go to war. This problem will not be solved. In this case, the aircraft can easily spray oil." The ground crew who was repairing touched his sweat and said.

"A lot of pilots have already told us. When they do dive again, sometimes the aircraft will make too much movement, and it will spray out fuel at once. This is too difficult and dangerous." The ground crew of the maintenance. Speaking of.

"This problem can't be solved." At this time, a lieutenant came over, his whole body covered with oil.

"The nozzle interface must have a certain degree of flexibility, but our best nozzle can only use this nut as an excuse. Once the movement is too large, it will vibrate and the screw will loose. No matter how we connect it, it will still loosen in the end. Said the lieutenant.

"Oh." The ground crew nodded.

"There is no way. If we can improve this nozzle, at the very least, our aircraft can do this kind of action. Although many pilots have already explained this problem. But. We can't solve it." The lieutenant said.

"What we can do is to let them do our best and not to make such dangerous moves." the lieutenant said.

"We solved what we could do well. That's it," the lieutenant said.

"We will continue to work." The lieutenant waved his arms, and the others continued to work intensely. Qin's Western Regions suddenly saw a lot of planes, which made the original simple airport suddenly crowded with many planes, and the ground crew was also very busy. 'S nervous and busy.

Because of the processing level and material limitations. Some important parts of the aircraft still need a new material, rubber, but Qin does not produce rubber, not only in Qin, but in the entire south. Rubber is only available in South America. It is also the lack of such a key new material. Many engineering problems of Qin's aircraft are difficult to overcome. Coupled with insufficient funds, this slowed the progress of Qin's aircraft engineering.

"It would be great if we repaired the airship every day. Just check the engine. They won't have big problems." A ground crew member said.

"The beauty of thinking. Let's learn more about these engine principles. Once the service is over, you can go to the machine factory. The salary there is more than the army gives. These are good places to accumulate knowledge." The slightly older ground staff told the other party.

"Oh." The other party screamed and then went to work patiently.

"What's the weather like?" asked a colonel of the Celestial Army on the airport flight tower.

"The next three days will be okay. But the area is very limited, and the Western Regions are too big. I can't guarantee that the rest will have such good weather." The weather officer replied.

"Yeah. There is a task on it. Let us fight the horse bandits and the Western Regions Resurrection Army. The intelligence we have collected in the past few days is very limited. It is really hard to say whether we can fight such a battle in a short period of time. "The colonel said worriedly.

"Sir, we can send an airship to perform a fan search. In this case, I think a problem can be solved." A staff officer behind him suggested.

"Does such a search guarantee that we can search for a specific area?" the colonel asked.

"Sir, I think we should contact the Army and ask them to provide the scope of the blockade. In this way, we can focus on the search, otherwise, our search mission is too big." The weather officer continued. To.

"Yeah." The colonel nodded.

"It's just that the arrogant army will provide such information, you know, the army has never dealt with our heavenly army." The colonel said. Because of the vicious competition among the services, the competition among the five major services of the Qin Army was very bad. Some services often take some extreme behaviors due to the prejudices of the services. For example, in terms of information sharing, the army’s intelligence is never told to the heavenly army, and the heavenly army does not tell the army after knowing the information, resulting in the lack of mutual intelligence. , Qin's wars are often completed by a single service. This is very unfavorable to the joint operations of the Qin army.

"Sir, we still have Army Aviation in our hands. These guys are now under our command and we can get them through this channel. In addition. I think we can also go through the staff. In this way, our information will be detailed. More." The staff then suggested.

"Yeah." The colonel nodded. He thinks what the other party said makes sense.

"Perhaps this way, we can have something to do." said the colonel.

"Anyway, let's try it." said the colonel. Although the Qin Army has the highest staff, they can coordinate the deployment of the Qin Army as a whole, but at the level of specific campaign command, the cooperation between the Qin Army's services is not very active. Because of the prejudice of the services, the sense of coordinated operations among services is not strong. The Army relies on its own firepower to defeat the other side. They never want the heavenly army to interfere with them. In order to have its own air power, the Army strongly urges itself to establish an army aviation force. In order to avoid dealing with the heavenly army in this way. As for the space army, the control of ground forces can only be built by expanding its own ground crew and air defense forces. Regarding the concept of coordinated operations, the two sides have no intention of actively cooperating.

Although the Qin Army has the best command organization and management organization, it has not established a special jurisdiction at the specific campaign level. This puts the Qin Army's operations at potential risks.

The Prince's Mansion of Yan State. In fact, this is equivalent to the prime minister's residence of Yan State.

"The situation in North Korea is still deteriorating. We have found a large number of deserters in the border area. If this continues, I am afraid that we will have difficulty getting rid of defeat." Prince Dan's defense minister said. He is a military commander. The combat experience is also rich. He has already seen that the defeat of the Yan army has been determined. Even if it is to retreat, it may not be difficult to retreat.

"Well. Qin will not provide such assistance." Prince Dan said.

"None of us can rely on it." Prince Dan continued.

"There is no reinforcements in the country, no money and food. It seems." Prince Dan said worriedly.

"It seems that our defeat is set." Prince Dan said anxiously.

Other people look at me, I look at you.

"Prince, there is still another way. This way can only be tried." The Minister of Economy said.

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