"This is a typical trade protectionism." Shang Wen said to Mo Li.

"Their tariffs are too high. They did this deliberately in order to reap their own huge profits, so that they can maintain their cost advantage at a lower price. At the same time, using high taxes can get higher benefits. This is very unfavorable to the development of business." Shang Wen said.

"I heard that there are a lot of smugglers in the country of Chu. It seems that it is caused by the high taxes imposed by the nobles." Mo Li told Shang Wen what she had heard.

"Chu must reduce tariffs." Shang Wen said.

"So, how can Chu State reduce tariffs?" Mo Li asked Shangwen.

"You have to think of a way. Reduce tariffs may take some military measures." Shang Wen said. Shang Wen's first thought was to use the military to open the other side's market. This is the usual practice.

"Can't it be avoided?" Mo Li asked.

"Maybe not." Shang Wen replied.

Then the two stopped talking. Mo Li is from the Mohist school. The Mohist school has always opposed non-moral wars. Shangwen resorted to military means because of tariffs. This is obviously inconsistent with moral matters. Mo Li is very clear, but Shangwen cannot explain what kind of clarity there is between morality and justice. relationship. Shang Wen can't say this clearly.

Moon Mountain controlled by the Yuezhi people.

The approximate location of Moon Mountain is located in what is today northern Afghanistan. It is named Moon Mountain because it is the first to see the moon at night.

"The Tocharian." Li Fei's translator said to Li Fei nervously. Li Fei is an explorer. He used to be a lieutenant with rich combat experience in the Qin Army. However, because of the military system, he did not like the restrictions of the Qin Army’s clauses and clauses. Although the Qin Army’s regulations did not allow officers to corporal punishment of soldiers, there were many such things and many insulting words. He retired from the active army because he didn’t like these. Unlike others who were busy making a fortune after retiring, he was keen on new things, such as places he had never been to, or places he hadn’t seen before. These are what he likes. Things, so after he retired, he became an explorer himself and went out to explore. The place he chose first was the place of the Yue family, because he had a Yue family servant, and he was very familiar with the Yue family. So he chose to come here.

"Damn it." Li Fei cursed.

"Abbe." Li Fei told his guide. Said the servant.

"We don't need to be nervous, take our weapons, and the enemy can prepare for battle. They can't get up." Li Fei looked at the situation through the stone gap and said.

"Yes, my master." Abbe patiently waited with both guns loaded. The Yueshi defending here is trying to deal with them.

"Bang. Bang." The sound of gunfire came. The muskets equipped by the Yueshi began to fire. The ejected bullet hit the target. Because Li Fei heard a scream from someone.

"Haha." Hearing a scream. Li Fei smiled.

"These **** Tocharians. I don't know what's good or bad. They don't know how much their weapons are behind. They attacked. This is Moon Mountain. Below is an important passage. And here is the commanding heights nearby, holding cold weapons. , I just wanted to rush forward. It's so weird." Li Fei shook his head and said. Then he easily took his own notes and started to record what he said and saw today.

"Master, don't we help?" Abbe asked Li Fei in a low voice at this time.

"Yeah. No help." Li Fei said.

"We can just look at them. Musketeers are good for defense. Tocharians cannot attack." Li Fei said.

"Right. Abbe, have you asked clearly?" Li Fei asked at this time.

"Who is this Tochar?" Li Fei asked.

"This. It's not very clear." Abbe said.

"I heard from our people that this Tochar is very likely to be from the Sabbath nation, but they are different from the Sabbath nation. But they come from the Sabbath nation. It is very chaotic." Abbe explained contradictory. Li Fei felt very confused after hearing it, but he decided to analyze the reasons.

"I think that the Tocharian people may be a small country attached to the Nation. This country may have come from the Nation before. Or other countries. In short, he is under the orders of the Nation, right?" Li Fei asked. shell.

"Yeah. It might be so." Abbe smiled awkwardly. He didn't know much about the situation here, because in some places the Yue clan control was not very clear, and the spheres of influence of both sides were intertwined. This made the situation even more chaotic.

"Oh. Okay. I just follow my understanding." Li Fei said. Then Li Fei began to record something in the immediate notebook. These things are some recent developments.

They came for an expedition. They walked to the vicinity of Moon Mountain. Just when Li Fei wanted to check the situation here, he saw the Tocharian people waving their weapons and approaching them. As a last resort, Li Fei took refuge here. It just so happened that there was a stronghold of the Yue family, and this stronghold gave Li Fei a lot of faith that he only had two people, and he couldn't beat the large number of opponents at all. For your own safety. Li Fei can only take Abe to hide to the Yueshi people, and the Yueshi people here are even equipped with old-fashioned flintlocks. The power of the weapons is very weak for Li Fei, but with the favorable terrain, they are sharp. With firearms shooting, the Tocharians just couldn't fight offensively. The Tocharians suffered a lot of casualties, but they seemed to be very patient and didn't mean to give up at all. They have tried several times.

"Why do these Tocharians attack us?" Li Fei asked while writing notes.

"Well, they think we are businessmen and they want to collect taxes. If we don't pay them, they will kill us, grab our belongings and sell them by themselves." Abbe said.

"These robbers." Li Fei cursed.

"There are a lot of businessmen here, they were robbed by each other and hid here." Abbe continued.

"Oh. I didn't think of this." Li Fei said.

"The Tocharians are very abominable. They are as greedy as the Siberian nation. We Yueshi people pay taxes to them, but they are still not satisfied. Now that we are asked to hand over the goods, we simply do not agree." Abbe said.

"Are you willing to fight the Tocharians?" Li Fei asked.

"Yeah." Abbe thought for a while.

"We don't want to fight, but we are not afraid to fight." Abbe said.

Li Fei looked at Abbe.

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