The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2056: We don't want Zhao Guo

"The prime minister's idea is correct. If Zhao Jun is in front of him, not only military expenses can be saved, but our troops can also be transferred back for rest and recuperation. With such an opportunity, our army will have one. There is a chance to upgrade." Yang Duanhe said while looking at Shangwen's telegram.

Shangwen explained his views in detail in the telegram. In his opinion, after the Kingdom of Zhao had a colony, he would manage it well. In order to consolidate the colony of the Kingdom of Zhao, when Zhao Jun faced other tribes of Qiang people in the mountains, Zhao Guoguo Do your best to resist, if Zhao Guoren is in front of Qin Guoren, Qin Guoren can rest. This is a great opportunity.

Wang Jian was silent. He was worried that something like this would happen in the future. After all, the terrain of the Hexi Corridor was too special, and such a special terrain posed a great strategic threat. This is what Wang Jian is worried about. But according to Shangwen’s thinking, Zhao must first stand firm in this place, and to stand firm, it will require a lot of troops, funds, and various material guarantees. In this case, Zhao will need to invest a lot, then The local defense is relatively weak. Not only that, a large amount of logistics supplies need to pass from the Qin State. Such passage requires the logistics system of the Qin Army. Taking this opportunity, Qin State can quickly develop some expressways or railways. In this case, it would be beneficial to the Qin Army.

"Well. I think it will be more beneficial to the Qin Army in a certain period of time." Wang Jian said.

"Let's sign this plan." Wang Jian thought for a while and said.

"This." Yang Duanhe hasn't reacted yet.

"It just so happens that there are a lot of military supplies in our warehouse to be consumed. These things will be sold to the people of Zhao Guoren by the way, and let the people of Zhao Guoren help us to deal with them." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"Okay." Yang Duanhe nodded. Ask someone to prepare documents, and then. Qin State officially submitted relevant documents and reports to Zhao State through the Ministry of National Defense.

Zhao State of Handan.

"Investment matters need to be solved by the people of Qin." Li Mu said.

"The prime minister." Just when Li Mu set about asking his cabinet members to find a solution to the construction of the Zhaoguo Northern Railway. However, the first problem to be solved by the Northern Railway is the problem of funding, and the funding potential of the Zhao State aristocracy has been tapped. But wanting to open another railway in a short period of time seems to be a little difficult. Faced with such difficulty, Li Mu has no intention of retreating at all.

"What's the matter?" Li Mu stopped, and then signaled everyone to think about it. Li Zuoche hurried forward and handed Li Mu the telegram he received from the Ministry of Defense of the State of Qin. After reading it, Li Mu frowned and looked at it again. He didn't believe it, thinking he was dazzled.

"Discuss first, let me solve these problems." At this time, Li Mu quickly got up and left, and then left here with Li Zuoche.

Two people came to the small conference room on the side.

"What the **** is going on in this matter?" Li Mu asked first.

"Why don't I know about this, the people of Qin will let us establish our own colony, we don't know, why do the people of Qin know?" Li Mu asked Li Mu suspiciously.

"I also heard about this matter from the people of Qin. The matter has not been found out yet. It is estimated that we have received the relevant telegram and ignored it directly." Li Zuoche explained.

"In this case, it is ridiculous." Li Mu rebuked.

It turned out that Zhao Jun, who was dispatched, had already sent relevant messages, but in the process of reporting level by level, it was considered absurd and was detained without sending it. In this way, Zhao Jun’s senior management did not receive relevant messages at all. The telegram, on the contrary, the people of the Qin State contributed to this incident, but instead told the incident from the Qin State. But Zhao Guo's senior officials didn't know anything about this matter.

"However, what the Prime Minister now has to solve is whether the colony we want to establish is established according to the wishes of the people of Qin, so that we will have a colony of our own." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah." Li Mu then turned his attention to this.

"What are your thoughts?" Li Mu asked.

"This, I thought about it, and I think that occupying a colony has certain advantages. For example, we can threaten the central hinterland of Qin State from the flanks, which can reduce the oppression of the Qin army on us. In addition, we have a colony of our own in the State of Zhao. We all lost our land in the country of Zhao before. Now, our country of Zhao has opened up the land by ourselves. This is a very remarkable thing. This is a great encouragement to our country of Zhao. This encouragement makes us Zhao The Chinese are very excited." Li Zuoche said.

"However, I am a little worried. What I am worried about is that our colony is not well located. It is a plateau area. It is not suitable for living. I am afraid that our people will not be able to keep it. Moreover, there are no resources to develop." Li Zuoche Then talked about.

"The other thing is that it is far away from our homeland of Zhao. Logistics transportation is very inconvenient. Our logistics supplies may be provided by Qin. This will weaken our original purpose of establishing a colony. In the end, it is very likely to cause a kind of Possibly, that is, this colony has become a state of the people of Qin, or part of a certain state. This is a great loss for our country of Zhao." Li Zuoche analyzed.

"Your analysis is correct. This is what I worry about. Moreover, the principle of local operations, although the strategic position is very good. But what's the use?" Li Mu asked.

"In the current situation in the Zhao country, the colonies opened up are of no use. The people of the Qin country give us nothing, what is the result?" Li Mu asked.

"This is an enclave, so it must not be possible at all." Li Mu said.

"If we go up, it will rush us ahead of Qin State. This is a very unfavorable situation for our Zhao State." Li Mu said.

"We don't want what Qin people gave for nothing." Li Mu thought for a while and said.

"With such a colony, it is a burden to the State of Zhao, and the State of Zhao cannot take it." Li Mu said.

"This matter should be sealed off first, so don't let all of us know about it. If you know it, it will cause even greater trouble, and it will be very unfavorable to us." Li Mu said.

"No one can say." Li Mu said.

"Yes, I understand this, but, I am afraid, we have already blocked it. This is a telegram from the State of Qin. We can block it, but the people of the State of Qin still send it to the nobles and the king. There is nothing we can do about it." Li Zuoche said of.

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