The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2060: Introduce Qin State Capital

"Lord, if you want to solve the financial problem of Qi's business development, the only way is to let Qin's capital power in. If Qin's capital power is allowed in, then Qin's bank will come in." Lou Jing said to Tian. Speaking horizontally.

"Let Qin State's bank come in?" Tian Heng asked.

"Yes, Lord, only if this is the case, we Qi can get rid of the current predicament." Lou Jing said.

"The current Qi country has great potential to develop trade. Korean merchant ships from the south unload a large amount of cargo in our coastal area. A large number of warehouses are being built in the coastal area, but our transportation capacity is very high. Limited." Lou Jing said.

"We need to import a large amount of grain and industrial products from Qin and South Korea. This requires capital. We can only rely on our manpower, ox carts, wheelbarrows, and tools like this. Use our own credit or land mortgage from South Korea. People get goods in their hands. In this case, our Qi's commercial trade volume is actually only a small part, and the transportation capacity is limited." Lou Jing said.

"We want to solve the railway problem, but we can't solve it. Secondly, all businessmen lack funds, and the same is true for current military generals." Lou Jing said.

"Qi State is too difficult." Lou Jing continued.

"These difficulties are actually financial problems, and the State of Qi is already solving this problem. We have allowed the circulation of Qin State's banknotes. In fact, Qin State's banknotes have already played an important role in circulation. With such a role, then the funding problem will be quickly resolved. The reason why Qin's commercial trade has developed like this is that they have the support of the bank behind them. I heard that the development of Qin's banking industry also needs the support of local people. , I think we can follow the method of Qin State Federal State Bank, introduce Qin State's capital on a large scale, and establish our own bank in Qi State. With such a bank, we can greatly solve the shortage of funds for businessmen. In this case, our funding problem can be completely resolved." Lou Jing said.

"After all, our current Qi State Railway project is a loan obtained from two banks jointly established by Qin State and South Korea. This problem has been solved. I think we have any reason not to develop." Lou Jing said .

"Well, that's right." Tian Heng nodded. He thinks what Lou Jing said makes sense.

"Korea has developed rapidly after releasing the restrictions on the capital in and out of Qin State. At present, only Qin State has such great strength. We should actively cooperate with the people of Qin State to obtain the funds we want in order to solve the current situation of Qi State. Predicament." Tian Heng said. Tian Heng knows very well that in a war, what is actually fighting is the economy. At the end, whoever has sufficient funds and whose ability to mobilize materials may affect the final result of the war.

The current Qi State has reached the point where it must resume its economic development. Only in this way can Qi State get rid of the current predicament.

"We will let go of the relevant restrictions. In addition, it is best to find a larger bank and cooperate. We must fully express what we mean." Tian Heng told Lou Jing.

"Understand." Lou Jing nodded.

The Northern Wei State Government. With the gradual recovery of the Northern Wei State. The Northern Wei government moved out of the tent and moved to a rural courtyard.

"Currently, many businessmen have responded to me. They want to expand their business, but they cannot solve the problem of funding." Wang Shang said with a wry face. He is a member of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and he has the right to present his opinions to Zhang Er.

"Like me, we all have a certain amount of money, but this money is accumulated by everyone. If it is expanded, a lot of money will be needed. Now business is very good, and these are all good things you have done." Wang Shang Speaking of. Hearing such words, Zhang Er's heart was full of joy.

"However, we really lack funds and want the government to solve it. If we can solve this funding problem, we are very grateful to the government." Wang Shang said.

"How to solve it?" Zhang Er asked patiently.

"Let the Bank of Qin State come to us in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In this case, we will be able to borrow from the bank of Qin State. You don't know." Wang Shang said.

"In Korea, there is also Qin’s bank. Koreans get funds from there. They can open factories or invest. Buy land, build houses, and open shops. However, we Wei merchants cannot go to Korea to get loans. , The reason is that our identity is Wei Guo, and the materials provided cannot meet their mortgage loan requirements. We also have houses and land in our hands, and we are still members of Wei Guo. When did we lose such a big face." Wang Shang was a little annoyed when he said this.

When Wang Shang went to South Korea to handle a batch of goods, he happened to see that a Korean businessman got a lot of money from Qin State Bank. He was curious and needed to solve his own financial problems. He walked into Qin State Bank. As a result, , Because I cannot provide relevant materials. Also, it is a small and medium-sized bank in itself, and their capital capacity simply cannot meet the demand for such transnational services. For this reason, his loan request was rejected. Despite repeated explanations, Wang Shang still believes that his personality has been insulted, and with anger and financial difficulties, he returned to Wei State and reflected the problem to Zhang Er through his own identity.

"It seems to be very difficult to introduce Qin's bank. You must know that Qin's bank needs a lot of conditions to enter. First is the currency in circulation, and second is the partner of cooperation. They all have a lot of screening." Zhang Er Explained.

"All this is easy to say. In the market, Qin people's paper money is mainly in circulation. A small part of Korean paper money is not easy to use for Koreans, and their money has been falling in price." Wang Shang said.

"I think I have enough to cooperate with. I definitely have enough. I have three big shops in Xinzheng, South Korea, and here, I have a street. Isn't this enough?" Wang Shang said.

Hear here. Zhang Er felt that this Wang Shang did have a lot of money and could buy a street, which was a symbol of strength.

"This. I think about it." Zhang Er said.

"Don't think about it. It can be settled like this. If you can't decide. I will explain in the parliament that the increase in taxation is to solve this matter. I don't want to be angry. Especially this kind of angry." Wang Shang exhaled. Speaking of.

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