The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2069: Stabilize the situation

"These are the minutes of the meeting recorded by the House of Commons. They are all here. Especially the young man Zhang Ping said, I gave a special excerpt." Li Zuoche said to Li Mu. Li Mu put on his glasses and looked over.

"This young man's opinion is not simple." Li Mu looked at it a little and said. For the discussion in the House of Commons meeting. Li Mu heard about it later, because it shows that this incident has attracted the attention of all walks of life in Zhao State. Members of the House of Commons come from the civilian class, especially the merchant class. The Senators are mainly the opinions of the nobles, and their opinions are only for reference, because they cannot make constructive opinions. Li Mu is very unwelcome to the House of Lords, because they are always making trouble without reason.

"I think it's just a different way of thinking." Li Zuoche said his views.

"Oh. Tell me your opinion." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"My opinion is that Zhang Ping is a businessman. He thinks about problems more from the perspective of a businessman. For example, the prime minister has not done business in person, nor can he do business with these people, naturally. I don’t know what will sell quickly or what can be sold, but the merchants are different. This is what they do. In terms of details, they naturally know more than the prime minister knows.” Li Zuoche said.

"The prime minister considers issues from a military and political perspective," Li Zuoche said.

"The prime minister think about it. What is our starting point?" Li Zuoche said.

"We are thinking about the interests of Zhao Guo. If Zhao Guo gets this piece of land, what kind of reaction will he have, and the businessmen, thinking about the actual economic interests, their interests are very realistic, and our interests, it seems, It is also very realistic, but in fact there are a lot of considerations, and it must be comprehensive." Li Zuoche explained.

"Haha." Li Mu laughed.

"The prime minister, this is." Li Zuoche looked at Li Mu in confusion.

"I laugh at you, you can be a councillor." Li Mu said with a smile.

"This. I thought, people have to choose me too." Li Zuoche said.

"Haha." Li Mu laughed.

"However, what Zhang Ping said is quite reasonable, especially the sentence controlling the war." Li Mu said.

"Previous wars were uncontrollable and there was a tendency to escalate, but the people of Qin were able to effectively control the progress of the war, especially in some places. They could fight if they wanted to fight. If they didn't want to fight, they had to withdraw immediately. Qin Jun’s style of play before was completely different, and Qin Jun’s fight had a purpose." Li Mu said.

"That is, the people of Qin were fighting for the benefit of the merchants. If this goes on, their continuity will be very strong, and they will not harm the country because the war is prolonged. This is the case in Qin before. It takes a long time for them to recover before they can reach their previous level. And Qin’s current national foundation can’t hurt at all.” Li Mu analyzed.

"It seems that we should take this piece of land." Li Mu said. In fact, some of Zhang Ping's words resolved some of Li Mu's doubts. What was the purpose of Qin, the people of Qin would not give Zhao a colony for nothing. What is the reason and why it is done. Zhang Ping’s explanation is business. Integrating the expansion of the Qin Kingdom in any period before, he found that the expansion of the Qin Kingdom has become very clear. This is commercial demand, especially since the Qin Kingdom currently stops at the gate of the Western Regions. The people of the Qin Kingdom have already occupied a Western Region of the Qin Kingdom, but they are The Western Regions stopped advancing. In addition to many of its own reasons, an important reason was commercial factors. Railway transportation could not keep up. At the same time, their commercial development cooperation also needed to continue. When Qin's attention was focused on the Western Regions, his side and rear, especially the mountainous Qiang people on the plateau flanking the Hexi Corridor, made Qin too much to take care of. Instead of putting tens of thousands of troops on the line of defense, it is better to take the initiative to withdraw and withdraw. Let the people of Zhao Guoren, let them establish their own colonies.

And such a colony also has a natural limitation. First of all, the production of grain in the plateau area is very limited, which determines that the number of people is unlikely to be too large, and it is also heavily dependent on the Qin State Railway.

Secondly, the state of Zhao had to deal with the offensives of the Qiang people in the mountains, and to develop trade, which required the state of Zhao to expand flexibly. In fact, this colony belongs to the Kingdom of Zhao, but it is actually a federal system or a loose confederacy system. In this case, Zhao actually had very little control over the colony. But this is conducive to the development of the colony. Because there are no more restrictions on colonial development.

The last point is. Dealing with the problems of the Qiang people in the mountains. The purpose of controlling war and fighting the Qiang people in the mountains is for trade, and trade is inevitable to avoid conflicts. The protection of soldiers is needed, but the protection is very limited. This level is to protect trade. In this way, the development of the colony entered a virtuous circle.

"One more thing, is the attitude of the people of Qin?" Li Mu said.

"You have to know that the established colony has close ties with Qin State. If Zhao State and Qin State become hostile, what will happen?" Finally, Li Mu was worried.

"This." Li Zuoche thought for a while and said.

"I don't think the people of Qin will do that." Li Zuoche said.

"Why?" Li Mu asked.

"Because Qin has an open prime minister." Li Zuoche said.

"The reason why Qin was able to occupy the Western Regions and stabilize the Western Regions, with a region as large as the North, was to a large extent the prime minister of Qin." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded.

"That's right." Li Mu said.

"In this case, we want this colony." Li Mu said.

"However, we cannot wait for us to speak, but the House of Lords will come out with this conclusion. Only then can we establish our own colony." Li Mu said.

"Yeah. Let's wait." Li Zuoche said.

Qin State Xianyang.

"Our Han army will launch an offensive against the Chu army stationed in Langya. We will attack by land and sea." Zhang Liang introduced Meng Yi. Meng Tian nodded on the side. He is very clear about the strategic purpose of South Korea. Before, he was an officer who accurately analyzed the movements of South Korea.

"What can Qin State do?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"We hope that Qin can win more support." Zhang Liang said.

"We need the support of all countries. Without this, it would be difficult for us to control the war, and the war may expand further. This is the situation we least want to see." Zhang Liang said to Meng Yi.

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