"The requirements of the banks are not excessive. We can establish a large number of banks in Zhao, and the bank has obviously become a system. I think we should also be able to establish a related banking system in Wei or South Korea, if necessary. , It can also be extended to Qi country, just like we did in Zhao country.” The bank minister said to Meng Yi.

"Yeah. The prime minister said the same, and he agreed with the Federal Bank Reserve Board's approach." Meng Yi said.

"However, the prime minister believes that these countries still lack some things, such as regulations, and preferential policies, etc. Qin needs a legal document to resolve this matter. Alliance relations are not as good as a document." Meng Yi said To.

"Yeah. As far as I know, some banks have already started negotiations on relevant aspects." Meng Yi said.

"That's it." said the bank minister.

"If you do this, you can save a lot of time. For example, Qi State has given great concessions. As long as the people of Qin State invest or borrow money, they will give tax exemption and other support. This kind of support. It’s never been before, and many Koreans are also doing related operations.” said the banking minister.

"Well. Wait and see. Capital matters are not that simple." Meng Yi said.

Meng Yi believes that unilateral actions may have negative effects, especially capital. Without legal support or strong government protection, it is easy to suffer heavy losses.

Chang'an District, the commercial center of Qin State, is home to a large number of company offices. On the top floor of a tall building. Li You is thinking about a problem.

"According to our current production situation, our production is very good. We don’t need to worry about the scale of our production. However, there is one problem. We must pay attention to the market. As the Qin Army stops expanding, and foreign business With the expansion of trade, some of the original markets are already saturated. We can see from the sales price of a musket." The Director of Marketing and Sales of Li's Armory reported with a report.

"I know this, you don't need to give an example." Li You said to the sales director.

"I want to know, can we still export muskets in the next period of time?" Li You asked.

"Yes. It can last for half a year. But the profit rate will gradually decline, and in the end we may become profitless. And it will become a burden." The sales director said.

"Why?" Li You asked.

"The market is in a saturated state. The current world is very peaceful. There are many people who buy weapons, but they will not choose such backward weapons. To be honest, Chairman, the weapons we produce are already seriously backward. We can only export to Those places that have not seen muskets, but there are very few such places. If it weren’t for Qin’s current development of the Western Regions market, I’m afraid our production line for flintlocks would be stopped.” said the sales director.

"I know. The Western Regions are currently our largest market, and they can provide sufficient funds. I heard that our tongs can be exchanged for some gems. I don't know if this is true, but I think there is still a lot of it. Profit." Li You said.

"However, Chairman, we must clearly know that in the future, we cannot have such a market. The competitiveness of our products is gradually declining. It may be difficult for him to maintain our development for a period of time in the future. The suggestion is, we want." The sales director said with some embarrassment.

"What is needed?" Li You asked.

"Yes. We need new products. With new competitiveness, we can no longer use such simple weapons to maintain the current situation. Otherwise, the competitiveness of our Li's arsenal products will be very low." said the sales director.

"What can we produce?" Li You thinks that the sales director is right. If his products are not competitive, then in the future, his arsenal will be in a very bad situation.

"Landmine." said the sales director.

"There are also grenades. In short, we need a weapon that is explosive and powerful." said the sales director.

"Why are these things?" Li You asked at this time.

"Among our production projects, there are military orders. If the military stops expanding, the amount of these orders will decrease a lot. At present, we have two production lines. If the military does not need them, our production lines It will be closed, and then we will lose a lot, because the equipment invested requires costs. There is also depreciation." said the sales director.

"Furthermore, explosive weapons are very defensive, easy to operate, and powerful. Such weapons will give people a great visual impact. Such weapons are easy to sell, and we can sell them where the military does not need them. After the order is placed, they are sold to other regions on a large scale, and other countries also need such weapons. They are imported from Qin, and we can sell them. This is a new market." The sales director said with a smile. . He learned that the Ministry of National Defense ordered a large number of landmines at the Li's Armory and Wenyang Armory. These mines were sufficient for the two arsenals to produce for a long time. If the military ceases the demand for so many landmines one day in the future, there will be a large number of landmines in the inventory. Why not sell these landmines to other countries, or these countries need them, the sales director thought, so he thought Up. The arsenal no longer produces muskets on a large scale and one-sided, and instead expands the production of another powerful weapon, landmines.

"No, without the approval of the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of National Defense, we would not be able to ship these items. If we produce privately, we will be punished extremely severely by the Ministry of National Defense. I think they will definitely not give such approval." Li You refused to speak.

"Chairman, I think we should give it a try. If we don’t give it a try, we won’t know this. Otherwise, our future situation will be very bad. We need to improve our future situation. Landmines must Export, this kind of weapon has great power, and every country needs it. This is a new market." The sales director continued to persuade.

"Okay." Li You nodded and agreed. He also felt that this kind of market had great potential. It would be too wasteful to give up without trying. So he decided to give it a try, give it a try.

"I'll give it a try. This is a new market after all." Li You said.

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