"These people should be strictly controlled." Mo Li said to Shang Wen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen just hummed, he was still a little bit resistant to blood.

"These people are a small number of nomadic tribes, their nature is like this." Shang Wen said.

"I'll find someone to solve it, you follow me." Shangwen immediately found his security officer, and the security officer did not understand the situation. After checking some of the situation, he made some reports to Shangwen.

Through the report, Shang Wen learned that this was one of the Qin army's blockade measures. A few nomadic tribe soldiers had a great cavalry advantage, and they were the most suitable for blockade tasks. However, their blockade against the Qin army was not very effective, mainly they could not annoy the people of Qin, but they could do so against the people of the Western Regions. The reason is that the people of the Western Regions are easy to recognize and deal with them easily. So these soldiers took action against the people of the Western Regions. Not only that, among these people from the Western Regions, there were people from the Western Regions Restoration Army. This became the reason for them to kill at will after they captured the Western Regions. It was very difficult to check anyway. This resulted in the wanton behavior of these few nomadic tribe soldiers.

After listening to Shangwen, he was very annoyed by such behavior, but calm down and think about it, it is difficult to manage. Because many soldiers of these nomadic tribes actually lost the opportunity to fight during their escort. These soldiers come from a few poor nomadic tribes, and their salaries largely come from their military salaries. And the other reward comes from the spoils. For them, losing the opportunity to fight is to deprive them of the opportunity to obtain the spoils. The few soldiers of nomadic tribes have grievances, and they spread this grievance on the people of the Western Regions. In this regard, Shang Wen can't do anything about it, after all, this is an army matter.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the chamber of the House of Lords.

"Establishing a colony, the House of Commons said, there are many advantages, in my opinion, it is extremely detrimental to the State of Zhao." Sure enough, as long as the bill passed by the House of Commons, the House of Lords absolutely opposes the opposition between the aristocracy and the civilian class. Too much.

"If we set up a colony, we need to buy it. If we buy it, how do we get the money?" A tall, well-dressed nobleman stood on the podium in the central hall and explained his reasons.

"Of course the country has come out. Should we come out?" a young nobleman shouted impatiently.

"Don't be rude," a middle-aged nobleman scolded.

"It was originally. This is a matter of the country, of course the country has come out. If this colony is bought back, we don't need to pay for it, I think, I also vote for him." The young nobleman said loudly.

"Sit down. Sit down." The middle-aged nobleman grabbed the opponent and pressed it firmly.

"Haha." Zhao Yuan laughed haha. Regarding this matter, he didn’t care much. Like other nobles, such a matter did not have a great impact on Zhao’s country, because they paid taxes, but the tax rate was low, and some noble families benefited from their own family advantages. A very large tax exemption form was created, which actually put the pressure of finances and taxes on the civilian businessmen. In this regard, he is indifferent. Coming here is just for fun.

"I looked at the vote in the House of Commons on this matter. They explained that with this colony, our Zhao country's iron can be bought by the mountain Qiang people. They have few bronzes. If we use it, If you change iron, I think you can change a lot of things. In this iron factory, the more iron you sell, the better. Our stocks can be more valuable. I won’t mess around with them about this matter. I’m going to vote. Agree vote." A nobleman behind said firmly.

"Oh." Zhao Yuan turned his head and looked at the two congressmen behind.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yuan asked back.

"With a colony, it is equivalent to the state of Zhao State having a business station for the mountain Qiang people. The mountain Qiang people lack a lot of things. This transaction seems to be trading materials with us instead of money. This thing is easy to say. Ah, we can import a lot of things from Korea and Wei, and it doesn’t cost much, but after we have these land, we can suggest trading stations. With trading stations, the mountain Qiang people will send more things. Come here, although the Qiang people in the mountainous areas are poor, there are still good things in some places, such as their leather goods, and there are good quality goods in them." A member of the latter introduced.

"Moreover, we have a lot of ironware. With such ironware, can we not make money? The only way to do business is to sell as much as possible. If we continue to oppose it, it will definitely not be good for us. This motion, I think It should be passed, not opposed." Another member of the Council said.

"Oh." Zhao Yuan nodded. He also felt that such a desperate objection was really without reason. There was no clue what kind of benefits it would have to Zhao Guo and Zhao Guo's enterprises. He had no idea about such blind opposition. Zhao Yuan was not interested in the meeting, but this time he heard about such a thing, and he felt that it might only be beneficial.

"You are right, this bill must be passed, and it must not be delayed like this." Zhao Yuan thought for a while, selling this iron, and selling more things. This is a big trade and it makes money. Matter, who has a grudge against this. And these **** congressmen were blindly opposed. Zhao Yuan felt angry when he heard this. He thought for a while and started contacting some members of the council he knew. He needed to convey his ideas to people he knew. In this way, he would get more support during the voting activities. Zhao Yuan had a considerable amount of support in his hands. Railroads, iron factory stocks, more and more places need iron, iron factories have also made a lot of money, but the people of Qin people have not invested in the construction of larger iron and steel plants, only they have made more money, dividends can be further Stimulate investment. Otherwise, the stocks in his hands may fall in price. In order to maintain this profit, more markets must be expanded. This is an initial idea of ​​Zhao Yuan, but before that, he has to persuade all the MPs he knows.

"Can you come out with me?" Zhao Yuan found a congressman he knew.

"Come out, there are important things." Zhao Yuan said solemnly.

"What's the matter? It's good to sleep here." The congressman looked at each other with a sleepy look.

"Come on. Come on. Important things." Zhao Yuan dragged the opponent up as he said, and in desperation, the other party could only leave. Follow Zhao Yuan to leave here.

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