The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2082: Navy involved in smuggling

"In South Korea, how could there be such a good thing. I feel very strange." A Chu merchant in Xinzheng, South Korea, who is engaged in tea business, said in the Chu Chamber of Commerce.

"Double one-way. This is a great deal. We can bring things made in Xinzheng to Qi. The freight is considered by the Korean government. After arriving in Qi, Qi also has a lot of things, such as salt, and All kinds of marine products from the coastal area." A Chu merchant who specializes in reselling marine products excitedly said.

The so-called marine products are all kinds of products brought back from Nanyang by Korean armed merchant ships. These products are dazzling and are only unique to Nanyang and are called marine products.

"If you think you can make money, you can follow me. Anyway, this is a good thing, and you can make a lot of money." The Chu merchant who reselled seafood said excitedly. Because reselling seafood is very profitable. The main reason is that the usefulness of some things has not been developed, such as sea beads and corals. Such things can only be used for ornamental purposes. There are also some precious woods, some are suitable for furniture, and some are good spices. Because of the restriction of Qin's perfume, the perfume can't sell much price.

"This." Some businessmen worry that there is a lot of risk in this, so they are unwilling to participate.

"You should fund a car. If it's good, continue to do it. If it's not good, you won't lose much." said the Chu State businessman who is engaged in marine cargo business.

"Okay, just do it. Anyway, the loss is not big, so just do it." As the other businessmen were finally moved, they were willing to participate in such things.

After hearing what the businessmen were talking about, the minion on the side began to wonder.

The recent developments in South Korea are very suspicious. Why does South Korea spend so much effort to do such a loss-making business? Is it to encourage maritime trade? Minzu shook his head and thought. He thinks things are not so simple.

The most suspicious thing is that the movement of the new South Korean army and the military exercises against the southern Wei state have ended. According to reason, the new South Korean army should be withdrawn. But what I didn't expect was that the new South Korean army went to Qi to suppress the bandits. Is this a coincidence?

Negative believes that this is definitely not a coincidence, there must be something weird in this, and there are many unclear points. Negumi thinks that South Korea may be doing something against Chu, and he vaguely feels wrong, but this is just his sensitive nerves.

State of Chu Changsha.

"General, I found something to do business." Xiang Bo said to Xiang Yan excitedly.

The current position of the Chu State Navy is very embarrassing, as is the Xiang Enterprise. Although Xiang Yan had given orders, no more Chu people were allowed to go to Qin. But there is no way, Chu's domestic tax is too high. The oppressive force in the country is too great, and many nobles know that selling people to relatives can make a lot of money, so a large number of Chu people still came to Qin. Not only that, but Xiang enterprises also entered it. In this way, Xiang The company will be in an extremely embarrassing situation.

But in order to save such an unfavorable situation. Xiang Yan ordered them to look for alternative businesses. Uncle Xiang thought about it seriously. And after careful investigation with the merchants of Chu State, he finally got his own idea.

"What business?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Tea, sugar, and silk, these things can make a lot of money when sold to Qin," said Bo Xiang.

"Well. We don't have any of these things." Xiang Yan said.

"We can enter. Now there are many businessmen who are smuggling. The nobles have set up quite a lot of tax cards on the way to the north. The tax collection is too much. Many businessmen are smuggling. If we can get involved. If it does, there will be a lot of profit.” Xiang Bo said.

"Smuggling?" Xiang Yan asked.

"In fact, it is not smuggling, we are just avoiding those nobles' tax cards." Xiang Bo said.

"I heard that in Wuyue area, the price of silk is very cheap, and the price of sugar is also very cheap, but in the north, the price will quickly soar to a hundredfold, which is a huge profit." Xiang Bo said.

"There are so many?" Xiang Yan didn't even think of it. Tea, sugar, and silk have such big profits.

"If we don't smuggle, we will pay taxes to those nobles all at once. In this case, we will be crazy." Xiang Bo said.

"We didn't have much profit in the first place, so we'll give it to them all at once, so we must smuggle over." Xiang Bo said.

"We have a great advantage. We set off from Changsha, and then went east along the Yangtze River to Wuyue. We purchased goods from Wuyue, and then went northward along the sea road to Qi. In this case, our tea, sugar, and silk Can make a lot of money." Bo Xiang suggested.

"Yeah." Xiang Yan nodded. He was thinking about whether it was worth it.

The issue of military expenditure has always been a major issue that plagued the development of the navy. It is clear that relying on agricultural taxation cannot meet the expansion of the navy. Xiang Yan has already understood that a bullet will consume a lot of fiscal and taxation. If it is replaced by agricultural tax, it will cost It's even bigger. Therefore, the biggest source of finances and taxes still needs to rely on commercial taxes, but currently Chu can only do business with the people of Qin, and the nobles have blocked the road to the north. As a result, the goods of the South cannot circulate to the North, which is a huge crisis for the South.

"General, as long as we solve this problem, then the following problems will be solved." Xiang Bo said.

"This is what we have to do now. Use the ships in our hands, otherwise, our ships will be useless if we don't go to sea. It is difficult to use." Xiang Bo then suggested.

Xiang Yan nodded. Agree.

"Our navy has been docked on the pier. If this continues, our navy will become a pile of rotten wood. We can't fight out in the wild, and do we have a lot of money in our hands. If this continues, we ourselves We are going to be trapped to death. There is only one way at present. This way is to smuggle and cover a large number of merchant ships to do business. We will have the value of existence, and the Chu State navy will be able to develop and grow." Xiang Bo said.

"Yeah. There must be business. You are right." Xiang Yan thought about it for a while.

"We must change a bit. Just follow your instructions and smuggle. We will participate in smuggling." Xiang Yan decided. If this continues, Xiang Yan's navy will be completely broken down, and then there will be really no strength to rise again.

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