The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2086: Stock Brokerage Company

"The country can establish a stock trading center." Li Mu said.

"However, Qin State did not harm your interests." Li Mu continued. Li Mu saw the benefits of the stock exchange center. Qin Guoren always said that he would go public, but he did not say where to go public. If this is the case, Zhao Guo could set up a stock exchange center in his country, and the issue of listing would be solved.

In addition, if it is listed and traded, a lot of taxes and fees will be incurred, and most of the previous methods of hotel trading stocks were taken away by the hotel. There is no tax on the country. In this way, all the interests have become the interests of the businessmen, while the taxation of the state has no benefit. This may be an important reason for the Minister of Economy to suggest this.

"Qin Guoren has established such a stock brokerage company. I think you can also learn from Qin Guoren. After all, it is better to get a formal one." Li Mu continued.

"In this case, you still have a fixed source of customers and a fixed trading partner. After you become a stock brokerage company, you will then be unified to the stock exchange center established by the state to trade stocks. Part of it is generated, and the state will charge taxes. The other part, You can collect it yourself and maintain your operation. In this way, the number of participants is large and regular. I think this is very beneficial to everyone. What do you think?" Li Mu suggested at this time.

"This." The bosses of other hotels look at me and I look at you. They think that if they do this, although they lose a certain transaction partner, if these people gather together, the transaction costs incurred are objective, and It is a stock trading center established by the state, which has a strong national meaning, so that their business can be much easier. After all, this is something the government encourages.

At the same time, their affairs are much more formal. In Zhao State, financial transactions, especially stock transactions, are still considered to be a gambling game. There are not many regular people involved. In addition, there is no uniform standard for the fees charged, and the passenger flow is very unstable, but After becoming regular, these things have become reality and extremely stable. For Zhao Guo, this is what they have to do.

"Okay. We agree. In this way, we can do more business." said a person in charge of the hotel. In his view, this is a good way to expand their business. Stockbrokers are not just a buyer's business. If they underwrite the shares of large enterprises, such as iron factories, this is a huge business opportunity for them. . Why don't they seize such a business opportunity.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded.

The others nodded. He agreed, and Li Mu also felt that doing so was very effective. After all, this solves a large part of the fiscal and taxation problems. And Zhao Guo himself can become a financial transaction point, which is a kind of progress for Zhao Guo himself.

A certain colony of Chu in the south.

"Sir, we have already said about the Vietnamese people over there." A neatly dressed young man smiled and said to a middle-aged man.

"Is everything done?" the middle-aged man asked with his hands folded.

"It's all done. We gave them 15 guns, 150 bullets, some iron tools, and some salt and tea. As long as they have these things, they are willing to give us the land in Hedong. We and them use Hexi as the demarcation line. Neither of the two families is allowed to make any decision." The young man said.

"Yeah." The middle-aged man nodded.

"Do it well, so that we can get more food, we can come in more people, and they can live for a long time." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"It's just that there are still a lot of more people over there. Although we have the advantage of weapons, they still pose a threat to us." The young man said worriedly.

"That's why I asked you to negotiate. We only came to this place for a few months, and on average, our ships can only come once every six months. If this continues, the people, weapons, and all kinds of materials we add It’s a lot worse. If we can seize this opportunity and expand our land without war and rely solely on trade, we can have food, and with food, we can feed more people. Those Yue people say Maybe it will come to us too." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"With land, it's easy to say. These more people, when our strength expands, we can defeat them." The middle-aged man said.

Like all the Chu people who just opened up their land here, the Chu people rely on merchant ships for transportation, and their ships can only bring extremely limited supplies at a time, and these materials cannot expand the strength of the Chu people in a short period of time. So the people of Chu people thought of acquiring land by buying and exchanging trade. The Vietnamese people are all local indigenous people. They all occupy very fertile land, but these lands have not been well developed. The indigenous people have farming tribes and some Tribes relying on picking and hunting, in short, they are extremely primitive and backward. The people of Chu have what they want. In this way, the two sides will have trade needs. However, the local indigenous people are not xenophobic from the beginning. On the contrary, they think these people from the sea are worthy of attention. They have a lot of needs. So the two sides reached a trade.

"Sir, I have an idea. After we understand these Vietnamese aboriginals, why don't we buy some people, or provoke some internal struggles within the tribe, so that we can weaken each other on the one hand and increase our strength on the other. When our gathering strength gets bigger and bigger, they will become weaker and our land will expand greatly." The young man suggested.

"Well. Very good, your suggestion is very good." The middle-aged man said.

"We can grow more sugarcane in more occupied areas. With this thing, we can make more sugar. This thing, the north requires more, and the price is higher. Moreover, with this kind of thing, Merchant ships will be more willing to come to our place. This is good news for us." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"So, are we planting sugarcane this year?" the young man asked at this time.

"Plant, more food, more food, we can stabilize. Sugarcane must be planted, not necessarily more, but must have, this is an important means for us to attract merchant ships." The middle-aged man said.

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