The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2090: Mortgage railway shares

"Extras, extras, the House of Lords passes the colonial bill. Extras, extras." A newspaper boy shouted to the streets of Handan.

"Stop and bring me a newspaper." A well-dressed man threw a Qin Banliang banknote to the newsboy, and then he took a newspaper and looked.

"Bring me a copy too." After hearing the extra news, the other Zhao people gathered together and took the newspapers. It seemed that some gave money, some did not, but there were a lot of people, and the newsboys didn’t have time to collect the money. .

"In this way, our country of Zhao has its own colony." A Zhao countryman said excitedly.

"No, in this case, the chance to make a fortune is coming. No matter what. I'm going to see it over there. This is the first colony in the country of Zhao. I don't know what the land is over there? If it's cheaper. , I will buy it a few more yuan.” A middle-aged Zhao Guoren said excitedly.

"But I heard that it is quite tall over there and lacks any air. There is no one going to farm in that place," said a Zhao Guoren who read other people's newspapers.

The person who bought the newspaper left here quickly after reading the general news. They don't want to continue discussing such indifferent topics. These people talk about some newspaper topics every day, but they don't actually do a lot.

Next to it and in the restaurant. The place where Zhao Guoshang people are most willing to gather, they are willing to get up in the morning every day, come here for a cup of tea, eat breakfast, and they can also exchange information with the same people.

"What do you think of this matter?" On a table near the French window. Two middle-aged people were drinking tea leisurely, one of them was wearing a fine silk dress.

"Well, Brother Zhao is also a nobleman anyway, it should be easy to get involved in such things." A middle-aged man in ordinary clothes sat opposite and said with a smile.

"Brother Wang is joking. Without your Brother Wang, my nobleman is a man who has nothing to eat." Brother Zhao said.

"Tell me, brother, I want to try this thing. After all, this is a place where no one goes. I think it should be easy to get rich. Those mountain Qiang people don’t understand anything, here I It is easy to get the goods, and there are all kinds of goods. I think I can participate in it. I can make a lot of money." Brother Zhao said with a smile. He thinks that his idea is very clever, and he will definitely get the approval of the opposite Wang brother. He is a nobleman. He doesn't know how to do business, and he doesn't know how to operate. The opposite Wang brother is an authentic businessman and he knows how to do it. The business is running very well. If it were not for his help, his own property would have been ruined by himself.

"In this matter, my opinion is, don't get involved in a hurry. The first to enter may not be the first to make a fortune." Brother Wang said with a smile. Then I took a sip of tea and said.

"What do you mean?" Brother Zhao asked.

"The reason is very simple." Brother Wang said.

"You don't know what the situation is, what are the advantages, but there are many disadvantages. If you enter rashly, there will be too many elements of failure. We might as well prepare more. If we are fully prepared, we will never go again. Late." Brother Wang said.

"It's just that I don't understand." Brother Zhao asked.

"Yeah. I'm being cautious. Take a look. It's actually good to go first, but can this kind of benefit really make a lot of money?" Brother Wang asked at this time.

"We don't know what the situation is. If we buy things, we can easily say that we can transport a batch of goods to the Hexi Corridor from here, but what should we do when we get to the Hexi Corridor? We can only follow the logistics supply line of the Qin Army. Come and go, and we don’t know what kind of dangers there are along the way. In addition, after we arrive, we don’t know who we should contact and who we sell to. Besides, now the colony is just passing through We don’t know exactly how much land will be sold and what location we will sell. We are too blindly optimistic. If this goes on, we will easily lose money. This is where we are very disadvantaged. If this continues, We lose money easily." Brother Wang said.

"Actually, I am not worried about these. These are all easy to say. The problem is capital. To do this, a lot of financial problems are needed. Qin Guo's bank can borrow from us. But, what do we use as collateral, stocks?" Brother Wang asked.

"The question is, how much can we mortgage?" Brother Wang asked.

"We still think about this question. Don't be too anxious now. If you are too anxious, we will suffer." Brother Wang suggested.

"Yeah." Brother Zhao nodded. Then he waited patiently for the opportunity.

Inside Li Mu's office.

"The House of Lords, the King has signed the order. In this way, we, the State of Zhao, can officially purchase the colony." Li Mu said with a smile.

"It's just that we don't know the exact number of this money, and we still don't know how to trade it." Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"These are not problems." Li Mu said.

"I have already thought about the issue of funds. We can borrow money from Qin Guoren. They have many banks. As for mortgage, we mortgage the railway shares in the government's hands." Li Mu thought of it.

"If you do this, is it too risky. You have to know that the development of the colony takes a long time. We mortgaged the shares we had at the time. If we did this, it would be too hasty for us." Li Zuoche said worriedly. In his view, this is indeed a bit of a risk. If the colony is underdeveloped, the shares in the hand will be mortgaged to the bank of Qin State. In the end, the largest shareholder of this railway may become a citizen of Qin State, and Li Mu’s The railway mentioned is the Handan-Zhengzhou Railway. The railway from Handan of Zhao State to Xinzheng directly. This railway will have a large volume of transportation as expected in the future, and its profit prospects are very good. Mortgage out in such a hasty. Li Zuoche couldn't understand.

"There is no way. The South Korean government does not have sufficient financial funds. What we can do is to mortgage the government assets in the hands. And the richest in the hands of the government is how old this railway is." Li Mu explained.

"We have other methods, or other methods, in short, they are all possible, but there is no need to do so." Li Zuoche continued to persuade. In his view, the government of Zhao State absolutely cannot mortgage this railway, which is the lifeline of Zhao State. It would be too dangerous to do so.

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