The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2107: Shang Wen, you are wrong

"Are there any gains?" Wang Ben asked his chief of staff. Regarding the prisoners caught this time, Wang Ben believed that he could get a lot of intelligence, and at least they would be able to understand to a large extent the situation of the Western Region Resurrection Army in the depths of the desert. .

"There is a certain initial understanding. According to our understanding, not all people in the Western Regions hope to regain their country. Their country has perished. But the existence of our Qin people also brings them many opportunities. At least, we understand. That's the way it is." said the chief of staff.

"Be more specific, I need to fight our enemies, not understand these." Wang Ben interrupted. He didn't want to know too much about these political things, nor did he want to know too much.

"Yes, sir, our opponents are actually reluctant to fight. The prisoners we captured are only a few diehards. Most of them are reluctant to fight. They are just blindly trapped in." The Chief of Staff said. .

"Well, can they provide specific information. For example, how do we enter the desert, their specific location, lifestyle, etc., we must know that it is difficult for our cavalry to enter the desert area, such an area has caused us a lot of Troubled." Wang Ben said.

"We can recruit such soldiers from it, but we don't know whether we can use them," the chief of staff said.

"It seems that these people from the Western Regions are of little practical use." Wang Ben said disappointedly.

"Well, let's go directly to the front line to take a look. I also want to take a look at the Huns cavalry and see how they fought bravely." Wang Ben said.

The chief of staff nodded. He agreed with Wang Ben's request, and all the commanders of the Qin Army should participate in frontline operations.

Although the Qin Army captured a certain number of prisoners in this battle, they could obtain some important information through the interrogation of these prisoners, but this was not enough for the Qin Army to completely eliminate the existence of the Western Region Restoration Army. The reason was that these Western Regions were restored. The national army hid in the depths of the desert, and the Qin army had no experience in desert warfare. This was where Wang Ben was most troubled. His cavalry was not as good as camels, and his durability was not enough. Not only these but also the air power is helpless. Although a large number of blockade measures have been taken, for the time being, these measures have not been performed very well. Because a large number of mines were buried, the existence of these minefields affected the economic activities of the people of Qin. For example, in some important traffic areas, the ability to recognize the minefield signs in time caused a lot of accidental injuries, and there were also some local situations. Livestock has also suffered certain losses. The landmine weapon itself is nothing, but it has caused great problems in the use of landmine weapons. Several local towns in the Qin State have united against the Qin army's abuse of landmines.

Wang Ben had to take on another task at the same time to destroy the Western Regions Rehabilitation Army in time, but the Qin Army was helpless in the face of the complex terrain and geomorphology, which made Wang Ben feel very helpless. He urgently needs to change the current situation, so he He wants to rush up to the prisoners of war to solve the problem. If the prisoners of war can solve the problem well, he can use these prisoners to solve the problem.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Our Qin State Investment Bank will provide you with sufficient funds. You can rest assured of this, but we have one of our requirements." Chen Fei said. He is the representative of Qin State Xianyang, Chen's Commercial Bank, and Xinzheng in South Korea.

"I don't know, what kind of requirements do you have?" Zhang Er asked at this time. Zhang Er's papermaking business in South Korea is not bad, but recently he plans to enter the banking industry. He thinks the banking industry is very promising, so he enters the bank, but many people are currently worried about problems with the development of the bank. Many people are worried. He was also worried, but he thought of a way, that is, to cooperate with Qin Guoren, so that his bank would have a great guarantee. He knows that Qin State Bank is also in continuous expansion. If he cooperates with Qin State Bank, he will make a lot of profits. After all, he is not fighting anymore. Development is the best environment. Everyone needs funds. Under such circumstances, it is easy to do business.

"To go public, we require your shares to be listed. You must know that if you and we contribute capital, it will take up a large proportion of your shares, plus business and other needs, such as the training of operating personnel, and the development of business, etc. These all require us to send manpower. We have a large number of shares in our hands. We need to list and circulate the shares in our hands for these shares. Otherwise, we would never do this." Chen Fei said.

"Listed." Zhang Er said. He still knows a little bit about the listing. After all, he has also played with stocks before. This thing caused him to lose a part of his money. He felt that this thing was very unreliable, but Qin asked to do so.

"I will consider this." Zhang Er decided to delay.

"No, it's not a consideration, it's one of our conditions." Chen Fei emphasized. Qin State Commercial Bank is indeed adjusting its business. They have stayed too much on loans before. If they do so, they will have too many fixed asset stocks in their hands. This is very unfavorable to the circulation of Qin State Bank. After investing in this business, commercial banks discovered that they can easily dispose of these shares. For example, if they have shares in their hands, they can sell them through the market. , To sell these shares, so that they can withdraw a large part of the funds, if possible, they will make a lot of money, which is indeed a new business growth point for them. Therefore, after adding new business, Qin’s commercial banks can’t wait to start this business, but before investing, they must first let the other party understand one thing, that is, their company, a trading company, must be listed. With such a concept, they can make further investments.

"That's it." Zhang Er nodded and said.

"This, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. In the Korean stock market, only a few companies can buy and sell stocks, and these companies have royal backgrounds, companies like ours. And they have just begun to develop," Zhang Er said embarrassedly. He actually wanted the people of Qin to take a step back.

"Then, we have nothing to talk about." Chen Fei put away his pen at this time, and then said to Zhang Er.

"This. We can discuss it again." At this moment, Zhang Er quickly stopped the other party and continued.

"This, I don’t think it’s really easy to talk about. Our cooperation is based on listing and your project. To be honest, your project is very good, producing all kinds of packaging paper, and all kinds of printing paper, such projects. Very good, but you can't go public. If that's the case, it will be difficult for us to invest. This kind of risk is too great." Chen Fei shook his head and said.

"This." Zhang Er didn't know what to say. He didn't understand why Qin Guoren insisted on asking the company to go public. He didn't understand some of the reasons, but Chen Fei had already left. This is a project proposed by South Koreans. He thinks this project is very promising, but the problem is that they cannot guarantee that they will be listed, so it will be very unfavorable to them. Qin State Investment Bank cannot hold too many shares in their hands. If this is done, it will be easy for their liquidity to be fixed. They need to sell their shares through the market. At this time, their investment reasons and reasons.

Inside Xinzheng Railway Station.

"We finally met." Han Shu said to Shang Wen with a smile. Shang Wen and Meng Yi got off the car together. Nowadays, the density of train departures between Xinzheng and Qin Xianyang in South Korea is the highest, because the trade exchanges between the two countries are also very large. This is not only due to the development of South Korea, but also required by South Korea's special geographical location.

"It's nice to meet you." Shang Wen said with a smile. Saying that the two shook hands happily.

"I don't know if the prime minister came this time for the investment of Qin State Bank or for other things?" Han Shu asked Shangwen.

"Well. Not only the investment of Qin State Bank, there are many more things." Shang Wen replied with a smile.

"Oh. That's it. We hope to develop in-depth financial cooperation with Qin Guo Bank." Han Shu said to Shang Wen with a smile at this time.

"Yeah. I think South Korea will play a very important role in the financial market soon." Shang Wen said with deep meaning.

"Oh. I don't understand this." Han Shu shook his head and said.

"South Korea must first have its own securities market. Only in this way can the Korean financial industry be the most complete." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Oh." Han Shu nodded. She didn't know what Shang Wen thought, and she didn't know what Qin Guo was doing anymore, but she knew that Shang Wen must have made a big move this time.

"I have tea from the Chu country that came here. I don't know if the prime minister is interested in visiting me?" Han Shu decided to explore the Qin people's tone. After all, at this time, the Zhao people have not come, and the Wei country is not as big. Qualified to welcome Shang Wen's arrival.

"Well. Drinking tea, I don't like to drink tea." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"Oh. You can put sugar, I have good white sugar." Han Shu then invited.

"Oh." Shang Wen felt that adding sugar would not be good for tea. After all, he didn't want to drink tea, and Korea, Chu, and Wei were not willing to put sugar in tea. In order to show honor and difference, Qin State added white sugar to tea. This tea-drinking behavior affected the Western Regions. This is also the reason why white sugar can be sold in the Western Regions. It can be said that Qin State has a great influence. Han Shu said this formally after taking into account the way the people of Qin drink tea.

"I don't like to drink tea, but do you have soda?" Shang Wen asked.

"Soda water?" Han Shu was taken aback, she didn't expect Shang Wen to say so.

"Soda water, I have it here." Han Shu reacted quickly.

"Well, I feel I should drink a glass of soda." Shang Wen said to Han Shu.

"Okay. Please here." Han Shu saw Shang Wen accept her invitation. She knew that Shang Wen would reveal more secrets to herself this time. Han Shu walked ahead. Meng Yi signaled Shang Wen to slow down behind him, he wanted to know what Shang Wen thought.

"We need an ally. We can't let Qin people sing a one-man show alone. If this goes on, Qin Guo will lose the initiative." Shang Wen whispered to Meng Yi. He knew what Meng Yi meant. He was worried that he would reveal more secrets of Qin's trip, which would put Qin in a passive state.

"Oh." Meng Yi understood what Shang Wen meant. Shangwen needs the interaction between Qin and South Korea. Only in this way can it drive the anger of the summit.

"What's wrong?" Han Shu saw Shang Wen and Meng Yi lag far behind. What are the two people talking about?

"Oh. Nothing. Meng Yi wants to drink a glass of juice. I don't know what kind of juice you have?" Shang Wen explained.

"Well, I need to see this. I don't know what juice Prime Minister Meng would like to drink?" Han Shu said.

"Yeah. This." Meng Yi didn't know how to answer.

"Let's go over and take a look." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Okay. Just right, the scenery there is not bad, and I can take a walk." Han Shu said to Shang Wen.

"Yeah. Not bad." Shang Wen agreed.

Immediately several people took Han Shu's car and left the train station to reach the place where Han Shu lived.

The place where Han Shu lives is a military camp. However, for the sake of her queen's living better, it is just a defensive military force stationed here, and there are not too many other military forces deployed.

"I didn't expect that you would live here." Shang Wen said to Han Shu.

"Hehe, I think it's good to live here. Wasn't your office also a farmyard at the beginning?" Han Shu said.

"However, I feel very good, the scenery here is good, the air is fresh, living in Xinzheng, I feel very boring." Han Shu said.

"Yeah. It's true. Xianyang has too much population and it feels very prosperous, but it's very chaotic. The place where you live is remote, but the scenery is good and it is easy for people to quiet down. I like such a place very much." Shang Wen said to Han Shu.

"Thank you for your compliment." Han Shu said to Shang Wen with a smile.

"There, I just feel it personally. Then I said so." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"I don’t really want the Palace of the Han Dynasty. Moreover, Xinzheng has a large population and it feels very irritable when it is crowded. I have seen Xinzheng. Like Qin, people are very busy every day. People are no longer as relaxed as before. It's extremely nervous, and I'm in a hurry for a lot of time." Han Shu said.

"There is no way, this is the industrial society, and commercial competition is like this. If they don't do this, society won't have such a big development." Shang Wen said.

"In fact, the Qin State is like this. In the morning, people are very busy. It is rare to have some time at noon, but in the afternoon, the whole is busy again." Shang Wen said.

Han Shu nodded. Agree, and she observes the same. As more factories started in the two countries, the rhythm of the factories changed a lot in both countries. The first thing to change was the concept of time. People have accepted the twenty-four-hour system, and the vague concept of time has become more and more clear. Not only is it clear, people pay more attention to smaller units, such as minutes and seconds, in units that specifically require time. Pay attention to greater efficiency.

Secondly, people have a particularly strong sense of rhythm, and everyone's activities are carried out in a planned manner as scheduled. The last thing is that people seem to be very busy and have no free time. In an ordinary worker's family, almost everyone is very busy. Both men and women will be very busy and have no free time. And this kind of thing is in Korea. There was none before.

For such changes, Han Shu knows that this is caused by the great division of labor in society, and it is also the price that progress must have.

"Tell me, what plans does Qin State have next?" Han Shu asked.

"Our plan is very simple." Shang Wen said.

"Developed around investment." Shang Wen said very simply.

"Sure enough." Han Shu was very happy that he had guessed Qin's purpose.

"Although it is simple, in fact, it is not simple at all." Shang Wen shook his head and said to Han Shu.

"Why" Han Shu asked.

"Because a lot of things need to be done." Shang Wen replied.

"For example, for investment, the first thing we need is security. First, countries’ trade taxes should be reduced a lot. In this way, it will bring great trade opportunities. Only with trade can there be greater business investment. Several countries still lack great guarantees in terms of tariffs. We need legal provisions to guarantee this." Shang Wen went on to say.

"Yes. You are right." Han Shu said.

"Then there are the specific laws of each country. On the one hand, we need to give specific legal provisions guarantees. At the same time, we require that the laws of various countries have great fairness. You must know that in Zhao and other countries, the laws It is not binding on the nobles. It also has great unfairness on the civilians. All these have some impact on investment." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"Yeah. You are right." Han Shu said to Shang Wen.

"However, I think there is a big problem with your analysis. First of all, you have the wrong question." Han Shu understands what Shangwen means. In her opinion, what Shangwen said is indeed problematic, but it is not the main one. The problem. It can be said that these problems are easy to solve.

"Am I wrong?" Shang Wen asked without understanding.

"Yes. You are wrong." Han Shu said.

"You were wrong from the beginning. All countries are currently short of funds. Qin knows the situation in Korea best." Han Shu said.

"But that's the case, countries also lack funds. In order to solve the problem of funding, countries will definitely make compromises to varying degrees. At present, in other words, only you, Qin, have funds, and there are many lack of funds. Qin can choose the side that is favorable, but how should the side that does not get the investment solve it? Naturally, they start to think about their own problems. They either improve some conditions or make the conditions favorable to you, and they make major compromises. These are all It is beneficial to the Qin State. As for the legal issues you mentioned, it is beneficial to the nobility but not to the common people. In my opinion, these things are beneficial to the Qin State. After all, the rich are only a minority, and most of the wealth is It's in the hands of a few people." Han Shu said.

"And you are really wrong." Han Shu said.

"If you participate too much in the formulation of laws in various countries, it will be extremely detrimental to Qin State's investment. They will think that Qin State is using investment to force the Qin Law, which will attract great investment to Qin State's investment. Dissatisfaction and hindrance are extremely unfavorable to the development of Qin and other countries." Han Shu continued.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded at this time. He had to admit that he was a little wrong. And Han Shu reminded him on this point, if he believes that the laws of various countries are flawed, and require all countries to implement the laws of Qin, or the legal provisions based on Qin, what will be the result? It will definitely cause dissatisfaction or suspicion among people from all over the world. In this way, the advantages that Qin has finally built up will suddenly disappear.

"You are right." Shang Wen thought for a while and wanted to say.

"If it weren't for your reminder, I'm afraid I'm going into another mistake again." Shang Wen said.

"On legal issues, the State of Qin should not have too many requirements, but just adopt conditions such as investment protection." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. That's correct." Han Shu nodded.

"However, with regard to finance, I think you have a lot of say." Han Shu continued. This is what Han Shu wants to know most. She really wanted to know how Qin developed finance.

"Indeed." Shang Wen nodded.

"Qin State needs investment, and investment needs financial development." Shang Wen said.

"You know. Qin’s bank’s business model has a big problem. They have a large number of shares in their hands, but these shares are just collateral. Unless they pass a certain period, they will not be mortgaged. In this case, It will cause the bank's liquidity to fall, and the profit cycle is very limited, which is very unfavorable to the bank." Shang Wen said.

"Yes." Han Shu said.

"That's why Qin State Bank has an investment bank. If the bank puts money into it, these shares will be purchased. With these shares, Qin State Bank can dispose of it at will. As for how to dispose of it, It's up to them to deal with it in this way," Shang Wen said.

"But there is another problem." Shang Wen continued.

"These shares are also fixed." Han Shu said.

"Yes. So, if the bank wants to quickly withdraw the funds, one way is to sell the shares. This requires the securities market. Zhao Guo already has his own stock market, and South Korea has it, but I think these are not enough. The two markets are not perfect. I hope that the two countries can solve the financial problems to a large extent, that is, let more companies enter the listing stage. This will usher in a larger scale of investment." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. It was the first time she heard Shang Wen's thoughts. She has to think about it.

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