The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2110: Send you to a military court

Mobilizing the interests of businessmen is not a simple matter. It requires the government to make great concessions. It is not just as simple as reducing and exempting taxes. Korean businessmen who own ships have their main interests in ships and traders. Fixed trading venues are not valued. As a result, it will be difficult for the South Korean government to give them other preferential treatments.

But it is precisely this point that Zhang Liang sees an important part of mobilizing the enthusiasm of businessmen. That is to give them a large land transfer right after they occupy Jimo City, or a part of the land is sold directly to the other party at a lower price. Such land is not used for farming, but mainly for development.

The original Jimo City can no longer meet the increasing demand for maritime trade, so what South Korea has to do is to actively expand Jimo City's new trading functions. This kind of function is what South Korea should do. It is one thing to occupy Jimo. It is Zhang Liang's goal to develop Jimo and further develop the city's urban functions.

After Zhang Liang and Han Shu discussed some details urgently, they forwarded the telegram quickly.

"Wow." A team of Marines drove to the coastal area of ​​Qi State. As soon as they saw a Korean merchant ship, they rushed up quickly, driving off the sailors and crew on the ship. The merchant owner’s merchant, the captain, The first officer and the gunner gathered together to watch the guard.

"Go. Hurry up." A Korean Marine Corps soldier pushed the sailor off the ship.

"Why are you arresting us?" a businessman waved his arms in protest with dissatisfaction.

"This is Qi country, why are you arresting us?" the businessman protested dissatisfied.

"Don't ask us if you have any questions, we don't know anything, you'd better cooperate, otherwise I will give you a butt." A corporal behind said helplessly to the other party. Because they are all Koreans, the South Korean Marines did not take tough measures. After all, they are all people in their own country, after all, they must be afraid of these things.

"Damn, you are really a group of pirates, more vicious than pirates, pirates looting property will let us go, you are really a group of pirates." The businessman scolded very dissatisfied. And there are many such curses, after all, their interests have received a lot of losses. Originally, they just unloaded the goods and left. Unexpectedly, the South Korean Marines seized their ships at once.

"This is my ship, you have no right to seize my ship." A captain shouted loudly while waving the telescope in his hand. He was very angry. He did not expect that the pirates did not seize his ships. These **** South Korean troops seized his own ships. He really couldn't think of any reason to describe these **** soldiers.

"If you don't have the skills, don't seize our ship. It's really a bunch of rubbish." The captain scolded angrily.

"Fuck, you scold again, I will give you a gun butt." As he said, a Marine Corps soldier was about to raise his gun **** and smash it.

"Stop it." At this moment, a second lieutenant officer stopped his men in time.

"Don't do it." The second lieutenant officer ordered his men. This is an action. They have been specifically ordered to not move or cause casualties. After all, they have to rely on these merchant ships to leave this **** place.

"Damn it. You group of pirates are not the queen's navy at all, but a group of pirates." The captain shouted.

"I'm going to the Queen to sue you, you wait to go to the military court." The captain saw that these Marines were helpless. They didn't know why they had to execute such an order. The captain planned to go to South Korea after he got out. The military court sued these people, after all, they innocently robbed their merchant ships, and South Korea’s law clearly protects their interests. Just like this, these soldiers still seized their merchant ships.

"Let's take a look, I know, there will be such a disorder." The chief of staff looked at Wang Adam helplessly.

"Such a thing has been done. There is no way." Wang Adam looked at the crew gathered on the pier, the sailor said helplessly. There is no way for him to complete the task, and now there are not many ships, his task simply cannot be completed.

"You bastard, I want to sue you. You, a grandson-like villain, just wait to go to the military court." An angry captain was dragged away by two soldiers.

"Bah. Villain." The captain scolded angrily. The captain never shows mercy to those who seize his own ship.

The saliva spit out by the captain splashed on Wang Adam's boots. He didn't look at his boots. The chief of staff on the side looked at Wang Adam helplessly. The businessman was forcibly dragged away by the soldiers.

"Oh." Wang Adam was also helpless. After all, he did such a thing. He is ready to go back to the military court by himself.

"Sir, these ships are the lives of these captains, and some of them have to give up their lives and sink to the bottom of the sea when the ship sinks, I think." The chief of staff explained.

"I know. The boat is their life. I understand that when we seized someone's boat, it is light to spit." Wang Adam said to his chief of staff.

"Yes. Sir," the chief of staff nodded and said. He knows that this is also a helpless move, if it is really done. The chief of staff himself didn't know what to say.

"Wow." At this moment, a team of Qi troops quickly drove to the dock.

"What do you want to do?" a South Korean Marine Corps soldier yelled loudly with his gun in his hand. Those who drove over did not pay attention to each other, but continued to expand and confront the South Korean Marine Corps, but the South Korean Marine Corps did a little bit. Not afraid.

"What are you guys, don't look at what weapons you are holding." A South Korean Marine Corps sergeant saw that the opponent was still holding an old flintlock gun, which had already been retired from the South Korean army. , Only those militiamen would hold such a weapon. But the other party didn't mean to be afraid at all. After all, they were all veterans who had experienced **** battles and had very rich experience.

"Wow." The soldiers of the Qi Army pointed their bayonets at the South Korean Marines, and they fiercely confronted the South Korean Marines.

Although the equipment of the Qi army is backward, after all such weapons have been retired from the Korean army, but the Qi army is still equipped, many butts have been knocked out, and some butts are still patched with cloth strips. Obviously the weapons are It has been used for a long time.

However, the opponent uses the bayonet to face the opponent. In such close combat, the bullets in the rifle and the bayonet are the same. The South Korean Marines are veterans and elites. They know the role of bayonet. Dare to fight the bayonet, it shows that the other party is full of courage, which has to make them restrain their breath and confront the other party.

"Get the bayonet." At this time, an officer of the South Korean Marine Corps shouted.

"Wow." The South Korean Marines also mounted bayonets and confronted each other at this time. In most cases, South Korean Marines are not allowed to mount bayonets. They only use bayonets when charging and fighting at close quarters, because the bayonet bullets will be inaccurate, but in this case, use old-fashioned flintlocks. There is not much difference between the hair gun and the new rifle. The double hair is bayonet to bayonet.

"What's going on?" Those Korean businessmen, captains, sailors, gunners, and crew members who were imprisoned didn't know what happened. They squatted on the ground and watched the situation.

"Please come out, the commander of Han Jun." At this time, a Lieutenant Colonel Qi Jun shouted loudly.

Wang Adam didn't know why Qi Jun came to the dock suddenly, he didn't know what happened, he decided to check the situation.

"What's the matter?" At this time, Wang Adam took the initiative to stand up, while the chief of staff retreated to the fighting position. He wanted to direct the army to deal with emergencies at any time.

"Chief Han, please take your troops out of the coastal area. This is the jurisdiction of our Qi army. You have no right to seize any ships in the coastal area." The lieutenant colonel said politely.

"This is our Korean business." Wang Adam refused.

"Sorry, sir, the coastal area is under the jurisdiction of our Qi army. We have the right to be responsible for the safety of all ships in the coastal area. If your army cannot leave in time, then it will be difficult for us to guarantee the safety of your army." The school said it seriously at this time.

"Wow." At this time, Qi Jun stepped forward one after another. Seeing Qi Jun stepping forward, the South Korean Marines also stepped forward, and both sides did not show weakness.

"Damn it." Wang Adam cursed.

"As long as your army leaves here, we will definitely not embarrass your army." The lieutenant colonel said politely. The sailors did not understand the captains who were detained.

"Oh. I know." The experienced businessman suddenly realized at this moment.

It turned out that when the South Korean Marine Corps suddenly drove into the pier in the coastal area, the officials of Qi State realized that it was not good, and they immediately ran to ask for the rescuers.

Most of the merchant ships docking in the coastal area are Korean merchant ships. There are also some Chu merchant ships but the number is small. Because of these Korean merchant ships, Qi has received a considerable portion of taxes and other benefits, such as secondary trade, imported from Qin and South Korea. All of the goods were sold to these Korean merchant ships, and the goods of Korean merchant ships were sold to Koreans and Wei people, so that they could get a considerable part of the benefits.

A large part of Qi's military expenditure comes from commercial taxation in the coastal area. In order to encourage merchant ships to actively stop here, Qi has given a lot of preferential treatment to Korean merchant ships. The actions of the South Korean Marine Corps suddenly caused dissatisfaction with Qi, because if Qi did not react, it would make these businessmen think that this place was unsafe, which would seriously affect the coastal area of ​​Qi. Taxation, Qi's fiscal revenue, and military expenditures all have a great impact. In order to protect their own interests, the Qi army naturally dispatched one after another.

"We are only acting on orders. These ships only need to obey the orders of our South Korean Admiralty. We have the right to impound them." Wang Adam shouted loudly at this time.

"We don't care about this," the lieutenant colonel said.

"Our responsibility is to protect the coastal area from any infringement. This is the land of our Qi country. In our Qi country, you Koreans have no right to use force." The lieutenant colonel declared loudly.

"We hope your army can withdraw immediately and apologize." The lieutenant colonel then shouted loudly.

When Wang Adam heard this, he felt very embarrassed. He didn't want to withdraw the troops, but he didn't expect that the people of Qi would come and step in. This would make things more complicated.

"Sir. Sir." Just then the chief of staff ran over.

"Sir, we need to delay some things. We have to ask Xinzheng for instructions and try to delay as much as possible." The chief of staff thought of a postponement plan. There is no alternative. I am afraid that this situation has exceeded the scope of the duties of his own chief.

"Well, it's the only way for now." Wang Adam heard the opinion of his chief of staff, and there was no other way but to accept it.

"We need an order from the Navy Department. We need time." Wang Adam said to the other party.

"We give you three hours." The lieutenant colonel chief of staff said to the other party.

"Too little. We need twenty-four hours." Wang Adam said.

"No. I will give you twelve hours at most." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Eighteen hours." Wang Adam said.

"My soldiers can't last so long." The lieutenant colonel refused.

"Okay. I need to send a telegram now." Wang Adam received. After all, the other party has already given a lot of concessions. Random Wang Adam prepared a telegram. Send your own messenger to make a telegram. Qi Jun and Han Jun formed a confrontation.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"We are very grateful to the State of Qin for his help to the State of Wei, helping us to tide over the difficulties time and time again. The current situation of the State of Wei has been greatly improved. Wei State has opened a railway and has a factory, which has solved our Wei State. There are many problems in China." Zhang Er said to Shangwen.

"These are all determined by your Wei Guo's investment environment. This is just letting the flow go, and there is no need to thank." Shang Wen told the other party very rationally.

"However, that's it, we also want to thank Qin Guo." Zhang Er said very sincerely.

"Okay. We accept Wei Guo's sincere thanks." Shang Wen accepted with a smile.

"Just, don't you know what plans Mr. Zhang has next?" Shang Wen asked with a smile. Shang Wen is not very clear about Wei Guo's own plan, and he does not know what kind of development Wei Guo is doing.

"Well, we really want to develop trade. After all, we now have many factories in Wei, and these factories produce a lot of things, and they are very cheap." Zhang Er said.

"Furthermore, the prime minister also knows the position of our Wei country. It is very central, with smooth roads from north to south and east to west. This has a great effect on our trade, so we want to do trade business next. It's just." Zhang Er said embarrassingly.

"It's just that we don't have money, and we lack a lot of funds." Zhang Er said embarrassedly.

"If you want to do business, it is impossible without funds." Zhang Er said. Zhang Er has his own understanding, analysis and judgment of Wei's current situation. He believes that Wei State does not have the resource advantages of Zhao State, at least they do not have such things as coal, and iron ore is also scarce. In this case, they can only rely on their own population advantages at best, after all, they are located in the Central Plains region. The population is relatively dense. This is an important reason why they opened a factory.

At the same time, because of the plain area, their transportation is relatively developed, which is caused by the special geographical environment of Wei State. South Korea is the gateway to the Kingdom of Qin. If the Kingdom of Qin wants to expand eastward, it must completely occupy South Korea. If you go east, you will have to face Wei, because Wei is well-connected and can reach the desired place in all four directions. Such a geography is very bad for Wei, but it is very good for trade. Because of the geographical advantage has brought great convenience.

"Well. Your idea is very good, the funding problem. How do you plan to solve it?" Shang Wen asked patiently. Shang Wen is not eager to promote his bank investment plan, but patiently wants to see what kind of needs Wei Guo has, which is very important to him. Understanding the needs of the other party can solve the problem further.

"We need Qin State Bank to enter our Wei State, we need loans, a lot of loans." Zhang Er said excitedly. He knew that as long as the problem of funding was solved, Wei's trade problem would be easily solved.

"Impossible." Shang Wen told Zhang Er this answer very rationally.

"What?" Zhang Er originally thought it was easy for Qin State to agree to such conditions. After all, he saw that Zhao State's large number of loan projects were passed, not only Zhao State, but also South Korea. If it was Wei State, he believed that Wei The country should also easily get these loans, but the fact is that they do not have such loans.

"Why?" Zhang Er asked incomprehensibly.

"Qin Guo's bank funds have encountered some problems. If they continue to do this, there will be big liquidity problems. This will have a big problem for the survival of the bank." Shang Wen said.

"This." Zhang Er was very upset. He originally thought he could solve this problem easily, because many Wei merchants were waiting for good news here, but such news. Zhang Er is hard to understand.

"Don't get excited. Qin Guogu solved the problem for Wei." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"This." Zhang Er didn't know what to say. His brain is messed up now, and he doesn't know what to say.

"Although there is no loan. There is investment. Qin Guo is now expanding the bank's business. With investment, I think Wei Guo's situation will be better solved." Shang Wen said.

"Investment, this. Prime Minister, I think Wei Guoguo can solve this problem. We Wei can let go of the currency, we can use Qin's banknotes completely, and we will ban the circulation of Korean banknotes." Zhang Er didn't know what the investment was. What's the matter. In order to get Qin’s financial support, he decided to let go of Wei’s currency. At present, Wei’s currency is very messy. There are Qi’s currency, Qin, South Korea, as well as the currency of the country, and the exchange between currencies. The situation is very chaotic. Zhang Er was also very dissatisfied with this. He decided to take advantage of the current situation and directly use Qin State banknotes. In this way, a large amount of Qin State fund support could be attracted, which would greatly contribute to the development of Wei State. Good, this is why Zhang Er decided to use Qin State banknotes all at once.

"No, I think Mr. Zhang does not understand the meaning of investment." Shang Wen explained to Zhang Er.

"Investment can be more advanced than loans." Shang Wen explained directly.

"Investment." Zhang Er was a little at a loss at this time. He didn't know what Shang Wen said, but the sentence Shang Wen said was more advanced than loans. This sentence suddenly caught Zhang Er's attention.

"With investment, Wei's trading company can develop rapidly. After all, some people can make large-scale capital contributions. From the current point of view, the trading company does not have any fixed assets. In the case of bank mortgages, this is a good match for the trading company. It is very unfavorable, but with investment, as long as Wei Guo takes out the project, he can develop rapidly." Shang Wen said to Wei Guo.

"That's great." After some explanation, Zhang Er suddenly understood the difference between investment and loan. Loans need to be mortgaged, but for now, Wei Guo certainly can't come up with decent fixed assets to mortgage. If this is the case, Wei Guo still can't solve the funding problem, but with investment, it is different. As long as Wei Guo believes that he can make money on this project, he can use Qin State Bank to persuade Qin State Bank to invest. Although it takes up a large number of shares and loses a certain degree of autonomy, the company has developed, and, In the future, shares can be purchased through acquisitions. In this case, the company will have certain development. The key is that Wei Guo has solved the funding problem. Shangwen explained a lot of investment to Zhang Er, and explained in detail the relationship between shares, stocks, and the importance of having its own securities market.

"However, I do not recommend Wei Guo to establish his own securities market, because the risk is too great, and Wei Guo is currently unable to undertake such a heavy responsibility." Shang Wen said.

"I suggest that Wei Guo can unite or set up a larger market scope. Only in this way can Wei Guo solve this problem. With the stock market, can he completely solve the worries of investment." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I understand. Thanks to the Prime Minister for reminding." Zhang Er smiled and quickly thanked Shang Wen.

Inside Han Shu's office.

"Wow." Han Shu pushed all the office supplies off the desk very annoyed.

"How did this regiment commander be? Go, order the military court to bring this regiment back to me. I want the military tribunal to shoot this regiment commander." Han Shu ordered loudly and extremely annoyed.

"My lord, calm down, calm down." The Minister of Defense on the side looked at the furious queen, he was a little scared. When he saw the telegram, he felt that the matter was very important. He didn't expect that Han Shu's reaction far exceeded his own.

On the other hand, Zhang Liang looked at things like this calmly, and the Minister of Defense looked at Zhang Liang in surprise.

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