"The colony problem, I think, in fact, Qin is encouraging us to attract funds from them to participate." Han Shu said.

"From the current situation, it is impossible for countries to have a lot of funds to develop their own colonies, but at this time Qin State encourages us to do so. This is really confusing." Zhang Liang said.

In the last item of the meeting, no one thought that it was the issue of colonies. Before, Qin had continuously encouraged countries to have their own colonies, but the situation at that time was that the domestic conditions of the countries were very bad. Therefore, Qin’s The proposal is unbearable for them. But now, the situation of various countries has improved slightly, but Qin State encourages all countries to develop colonies. On the issue of colonies, Qin was able to give maximum financial support, which greatly exceeded the expectations of all countries. Under such circumstances, countries do not know what Qin Guoyuan thinks. Therefore, the meeting was temporarily suspended, and all parties actively discussed specific countermeasures.

"The king, the minister believes that Qin’s ideas and ours should coincide. In terms of specific things, such as our current colonial expansion in South Korea, our colonies are mainly islands and property development. The number is not very sufficient. Most of our goods are made intuitively." Zhang Liang said.

"It can be said that the development of various places is insufficient, coupled with the lack of population, the development of the colony is extremely slow." Zhang Liang continued.

"Although we thought of using the financial industry to promote the development of our colonies, the situation is not very good." Zhang Liang said.

"What do you mean?" Han Shu asked.

"That is to say, our colony has not further deepened and developed, but just stayed on the surface. The intensity of development is not very large. If this continues, South Korea's development of Southeast Asia is somewhat insufficient." Zhang Liang said.

"Korea needs a large number of merchant ships to have a colony. Where do these funds come from? If Qin's capital can be introduced, I think we can solve this problem to a large extent." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"If we do this, it will be good for us in Korea. However, think about it, Shang Wen is right. If we develop colonies, it will bring new markets, and they will also have greater investment needs. Before, we have tried repeatedly, but there is no capital to enter. Now, with the support of Qin State Bank’s investment funds, this is of great help to us." Han Shu said.

"Yes, my lord, if all countries can think the same way, it is also a kind of support for us." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"I hope to get the answers they want in the meeting." Han Shu said.

Inside Li Mu's temporary office.

"Qin State encourages us to establish more colonies, and most of the funds come from the investment of Qin State Bank." Li Mu said.

"Do you think such a thing is reliable?" Li Mu asked Li Zuoche. Li Zuoche's avant-garde thinking, in many cases, this avant-garde thinking can bring great unexpected gains.

"I think it can." Li Zuoche said.

"With a colony and Qin people invest, we only need to have projects. If there are projects, we can make money. We have nothing to worry about if the funds come from Qin." Li Zuoche said.

"Just like the Prime Minister said, we have the injection of capital, which is of great benefit to us, and our business can be bigger. Prime Minister, I think so. If we have more colonies, then Can do more construction, and at the same time develop greater trade. After all, colonies are more established in border areas, such as a few nomadic tribes, or other ethnic minority lands. We currently have a large number of iron factories in the country of Zhao. The iron produced by these iron factories only needs to be processed a little bit. Our iron can become a best-selling product." Li Zuoche said.

"From the perspective of Qin, it is estimated that Qin also took into account the problems of our iron market, and then further asked Wo to encourage us to develop a colony. After all, Zhao's population still has a certain surplus, and at the same time, from the perspective of imports Looking at it, iron will only increase. Considering that our market is getting smaller and smaller, I think the development of a colony is very beneficial to the State of Zhao." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. You are right. Moreover, this time it was funded by the State of Qin. In other words, Qin Guoguo gave a large amount of capital support. In this way, it will have a great impact on the State of Zhao. It has never been." Li Mu said.

"Therefore, I decided that Zhao State agreed to Qin State's capital contribution request. Zhao State should focus more on this and attract these Qin State capital to Zhao State." Li Mu decided. The reason why Li Mu made such a decision was because Shangwen's decision was largely beneficial to Zhao Guo. On the one hand, the State of Zhao can expand his territory, and at the same time increase his finances and taxes. Why not do such a good thing. Moreover, the point is that as long as there is a project, the State of Zhao can attract the capital of the State of Qin, such a thing. Never before, Zhao Guo always begged Qin Guo Bank for a loan. It's different now. Zhao Guoren can invest in Zhao Guoren, as long as they think this is a good thing, they can get sufficient financial support.

This is the attitude of several other countries. They think this policy is very beneficial to them. In the environment of development, lack of capital operation is a very difficult thing, and Qin is relying on sufficient capital in his own hands to complete investment projects. In fact, this is also another method of invasion by Qin. It's just that everyone is willing to accept this method, and in fact, they have to accept it.

Qi State, the Chu Army actually controlled Mengshan in the area.

"Sir, the terrain here is very weird. If you want to enter the territory of Qi from here, there is only this way, and the mountains here are not high. After thirty miles to the south, it gradually becomes a plain, where the Chu army defends. They built a lot of trenches there. I’m afraid it’s hard for us to get there. If we want to go through, there is probably only this place. However, there is only this way into the mountain. The mountain at the intersection is stationed by the two troops of Chu More than a hundred people." A corporal introduced to a major staff officer.

"Yeah. Is it detailed on the map?" the major staff member asked next.

"It's very detailed. We can write all the investigations on it. This is true. At least there are more than 13,000 people stationed in the Chu army. Most of them are gathered on the plains." The corporal continued.

"Yeah. Got it. Alright. You go down and rest." The major said with a wave.

"Yes. Sir." The corporal saluted and left.

With that, the major began to mark some detected situations on the map.

"How is the situation?" Chen Boyan asked Zhang Hou, his chief of staff.

"This is the latest situation." Zhang Hou said.

"Yeah." Chen Boyan nodded. Then I didn't ask any more. He knew that his staff was putting together the latest situation.

Chen Boyan is the major general of the 1st Cavalry Brigade of the South Korean Army. This is a new combat unit formed by the South Korean Army's temporary extraction of troops. The 1st Brigade has the 2nd Cavalry Regiment under its jurisdiction. The 5th Cavalry Regiment, and the 1st Rapid Artillery Battalion. There are more than five thousand people.

His staff is busy and nervously, and Chen Boyan is looking at the distant terrain with a telescope. The cavalry requires more terrain. The plain is the most ideal combat area. However, usually the blockade is the tightest, and the mountainous area is the least. Where he is willing to touch, as long as the opponent occupies a commanding height and concentrates the firepower to blockade, his cavalry will suffer very heavy casualties.

Chen Boyan graduated from the Qin Army Military Academy. He was originally a junior infantry officer. Because of his active combat and the rapid expansion of the new South Korean army, he then had the opportunity to gradually rise to where he is today. Compared to other officers, he is still very young. Only thirty-five years old. It is also so young, his fighting style is always very offensive.

Now he quietly checked the situation of Chu Jun with a telescope. It's not far from the Chu army here, and the high-powered telescope can clearly see the army's layout.

The artillery positions of the Chu Army were clearly arranged behind the infantry positions, and a large number of obstacles were set up in front of the infantry positions. There are also a lot of

To the north, there is a hilly area. There was dense vegetation, and he couldn't see what was on the mountain. It can only be seen through the reconnaissance report of the scout. However, judging from his intuition, he felt that the Chu Army would definitely deploy a certain amount of troops on the mountain, and the firepower allocation would be better. His task is to reinforce, not to struggle with the Chu army in front of him. His time is very limited, and the longer it is, the more disadvantaged he is.

"Sir. Our situation is clear." Zhang Hou said to Chen Boyan at this moment.

"Yeah." Chen Boyan put down the telescope in his hand and nodded and said.

"Good. What's the situation, let's talk about it." Chen Boyan said.

"This is our latest map. If we want reinforcements, we have to cross this line of defense. Then turn to the south and quickly intersect Jimo City. There is a fast-passing road there, and the situation of the Chu army behind it is compared. Simple, there is no decent obstructive force." Chief of Staff Zhang Hou said.

"In other words, if we want to complete the task at present, we must cross this line of defense of the Chu army?" Chen Boyan asked.

"Yes, sir." Zhang Hou said.

"What is your plan?" Chen Boyan looked at the map and said. On the map, there is only one road leading to Jimo City. And if they want to complete the task, they must travel through this area.

"Crossing from the mountain to the past, the defense there is relatively weak, with only two hundred people. We only need to launch a sneak attack to quickly solve the problem. We are cavalry, and we will pass very quickly." Zhang Hou said.

"Yeah." Chen Boyan nodded.

"There are two hundred people there and three artillery pieces on it?" Chen Boyan asked.

"Yes, sir. We also have artillery. They are all direct fire artillery, but our artillery is light and can fight in the mountains." Zhang Hou said.

"Yeah. Attack them with our artillery. Then launch a surprise attack. The Chu army in that stronghold was wiped out in one fell swoop, and all obstacles on the road were cleared. We passed quickly." Chen Boyan said.

"We will plan in more detail." Chief of Staff Zhang Hou nodded and said.

"Okay. That's it." Chen Boyan nodded and said.

A hundred miles of woods to the northwest of Jimo City. The soldiers of the South Korean Marine Corps are resting quietly. They have received a combat mission, and the battle is about to start soon.

"This is the grenade distributed to us above. We didn't have the equipment before. I think it will be used by you, but most of us will not use it." Marine Corps First Regiment, Second Battalion The fifth company commander Zhang Bao said in a low voice. Zhang Bao said with a grenade. He also just got it. The grenades and landmines sold to South Korea were quickly transferred to the South Korean Marine Corps. Transporting such a batch of grenades and landmines actually cost South Korean intelligence personnel a lot of effort. Among them, they bought a lot of money from the Chu Army guards.

"Sir. I know this thing. I have only used this thing in the Qin State Military Academy." said the impatient Wang Gang. He is the platoon leader of the second row. He graduated from the Qin Army Military Academy to take up the post of platoon leader.

"I know you can use it, but other people may not use it. Some of our fighters have not seen this thing. So, I want to teach you, and then you will teach you these grenades according to the class, teach your fighters, let They learn these grenades, but they must be aware that this grenades can only be taught, not tried here." Zhang Bao said.

"This is a war zone, there is no way. This batch of weapons came suddenly." Zhang Bao said.

"There is no way, we can only have a try on the battlefield." Zhang Bao said helplessly. The South Korean military is not equipped with grenades, which are the standard weapons of the Qin army. In many cases, the firepower of the grenades suppresses the enemy. The role of grenades has also been continuously explored by the Qin Army.

However, South Korea cannot obtain such weapons. Qin restricts South Korea’s use of such weapons. In their view, such weapons greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the Korean army and pose a great threat to the Qin army. If war starts, it will be against Qin. The army caused a great cost of casualties, so Qin did not export such weapons, and South Korea was unable to obtain technical materials for production. As a result, South Korea cannot be equipped with such weapons.

As Qin Jun sold such a batch of arms to South Korea. South Korea is also equipped with a large number of grenades. But unfortunately, they have already entered the battlefield, learning to use such a powerful weapon in the battlefield environment. On the battlefield, it is impossible to give them the opportunity to use such a weapon. This was something Zhang Ti was very worried about at the beginning.

In the battlefield environment, South Korean soldiers have no chance to try such weapons. They will go directly to the battlefield with these grenades. It can be said that they will go to war without training, and South Korean soldiers don’t know if they can work in such an environment. Learn to grow. You know, they want to launch offensive operations, actively launching offensive when the number of people is several times less than the opponent. Although grenades can give them a great firepower advantage, after all, they do not have a good grasp of the use of this weapon. What is worse is that it is distributed before the war. They only have oral teaching, but no In actual operation, he really didn't know what role the South Korean Marine Corps could play under the circumstances. But there is no way. Their strength is less than that of the opponent. In order to gain the advantage of weapons, they have to distribute them as a last resort. This may be a kind of psychological comfort.

After some explanation. Zhang Bao finally taught his platoon leaders how to use grenades. The platoon leader led his subordinates to receive the grenades and distribute them to his squad leader. Then he taught the squad leader and asked them to distribute the grenades.

"Remember it all. This kind of thing can only be taught, and you can try it when you fight. You know?" Zhang Bao said harshly.

"If something goes wrong. Lao Tzu was the first to shoot him." Zhang Bao said harshly. The same was given to him above. The grenade is very powerful, but it can also catch the attention of the Chu army. Therefore they can only be used after the war begins.

Subsequently, each platoon leader distributed ammunition and returned to his team.

"Here. Yours. Four grenades, don't touch them randomly." Wang Gang threw the four grenades to Corporal Zhang Sen aside.

"What is this?" Zhang Sen asked curiously.

"Don't move." Wang Gang shouted loudly. His voice was a little loud, which attracted the attention of other soldiers.

"Open this lid and there is a pull ring underneath. Once you pull it open, it will smoke. After four or five seconds, this thing will explode." Wang Gang said.

"This thing is just like a cannonball. Know how to use it." Wang Gang said, closing the lid of the grenade in his hand and threw the grenade to Zhang Sen.

"This thing is really a good thing. If this is the case, our infantry will have a cannon. For this thing, I had longed for something like this. With such a thing, it would kill those turtle grandchildren." Zhang Sen opened the lid and said.

"Cover me. No one can use it until the fight starts. When the fight starts, you can use it whatever you want." Wang Gang said.

"This." Zhang Sen looked at his chief.

"There is no way, whoever lets you hold good things on it, waits for a fight before giving it to you, it's really fucking." Wang Gang scolded.

"It's a good thing." Zhang Sen said with a smile.

"Damn, if you have this thing, you don’t have to rush over with the explosive bag in the future. It’s too heavy to take the thing. Moreover, it will turn off if it doesn’t work well. Damn, I had a brother who went back to light the fire last time. As a result, the fried meat turned into a pile of rotten meat." Zhang Sen said.

"Okay. Don't look. Hurry up and teach your men with grenades, and then distribute them. It is estimated that the battle is about to start. The canned fruits have been distributed. This time it has grown bigger." Wang Gang said.

"Okay. I'm going now." Zhang Sen said.

At this time, Wang Gang was thinking about how to fight the next war and what role he would play in the war. He really didn't know how many people would die next. Thinking of this, he felt a headache, so he lay down and fell asleep.

Outside the city of Jimo. The long ox cart came out of Jimo City. In addition to some food supplies, there was a lot of goods on the cart.

"Fucking, what's this errand?" Uncle Chen said dissatisfied with his gun.

"It's fine in the city, his grandma's sent out to **** these broken things." Uncle Chen said dissatisfied. In Jimo City, he can eat all kinds of delicious food, and sometimes he can find a Qi country woman to have fun, but the general above them doesn’t know what nerves are going on, so they come to **** the goods and hear this. Orders, Uncle Chen is full of complaints, which means that such a beautiful difference is gone. Some are military missions that have to go a long way every day to end. He is not used to such a life long ago.

"Okay. Stop talking." Yan San, another veteran on the side, said.

"Can you bear it?" Uncle Chen asked.

"Yes. If you can't bear it, you have to bear it." Yan San said, holding the gun **** on his shoulder.

"His mother. These gods' nobles." Uncle Chen cursed.

"Okay. Let's just say a few words." Yan San came over to comfort him.

"Yeah. You said, this bullock cart was carrying something, and it took five thousand people to **** it." Uncle Chen asked at this time.

"This." Yan San looked around, and the Qi people who had been recruited carefully left them. They had been beaten many times along the way. These Chu soldiers who guarded the city were full of complaints. When there was really nowhere to vent, they vented their anger on these Qi people, and they were scared. There is no way but to hide from these Chu army soldiers.

"I heard that there are noble goods in it. These goods are shipped to Wei and then to Korea. Qin can sell them at very high prices." Yan San said cautiously.

"Damn it. These nobles, they transport such expensive goods, don't think about peace on the way." Yan San said dissatisfiedly.

"Those Qi people can't wait to kill us Chu people every day, **** it, they also bought so many goods, isn't this killing us?" Uncle Chen said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes." Yan San said.

"They were all spoken to me." At this moment a chariot quickly drove over, and a young general above shouted loudly, waving the whip in his hand. The Chu Army soldiers on both sides of the road avoided.

"Go forward quickly. Don't drag." General Chu Army on the chariot commanded loudly.

"Hurry up, hurry up." At this time the team began to accelerate. Some junior officers began to urge. Both Chen Bo and Yan San had to run quickly.

"Fucking, these harmful beasts. You can't walk slowly." Uncle Chen said breathlessly. They haven't walked so fast for a long time. Yan San's footsteps were also a bit frivolous, obviously he couldn't stand it either. There is no way, they can only move forward quickly and follow the team. In order to speed up and make profits as quickly as possible, the noble generals would never cherish these soldiers. In their view, only getting the payment as soon as possible is their most concern. These soldiers are not worth mentioning at all.

And when Chu Jun was advancing fast, someone looked at them from a distance.

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