The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2118: You provide equipment

"Those are prisoners of war, not railroad workers," said Wang Zhao, Wang Ben's chief of staff. The Qin Army has ceased its exercises in the southern Xinjiang of the Western Regions, and the troops still used regiments as units to carry out a large-scale suppression of the Western Region Restoration Army and horse bandits. This action was codenamed "Qing Suppression." The military operation was carried out very smoothly. A large number of the Western Region Restoration Army was arrested, and some fled into the desert. However, the military operation went smoothly. The Qin Army captured tens of thousands of prisoners of war, among them. There are many with moisture. But no one compares these in accounting, because the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense want figures, not specific personal files.

"Prisoners of war also have value for use, don't they?" Meng Da, who was on the opposite side, said to Wang Zhao.

"Yeah. That's right." Wang Zhao nodded and said. The prisoners of war were indeed caught a lot, but they killed a lot. However, the Western Restoration Army was very cunning. They surrendered in batches, and the Qin Army was on the sidelines as an auxiliary battle, which caused the Northern Huns cavalry who relied on their heads to record their merits. , Because they couldn't kill these Western Regions people with the Qin people holding guns, and after these Western Regions prisoners of war were arrested, it was a very headache.

If detained, a certain number of combat troops will be required to come and see them. At the same time, it also consumes a lot of food, which makes Wang Ben feel a headache. But for others, they think this is a business opportunity.

For example, Mengda is, he is the United Railway Company of Little King State, and they are responsible for the construction of the railway section from the bifurcation town to the border area. These are the road sections for which they are responsible.

But the United Railway Company has its own difficulties. The first thing they face is the financial problem. Their railway company is formed by a joint venture, and the capital composition is very complicated. As a result, it is more difficult for them to use funds. On some small projects, they simply can't open a larger amount of money, and they are building railways. A considerable part of the funds is used to purchase railroad tracks, locomotives, build railway stations and so on. Secondly, they have no government background and are composed of merchants and farmers. If they want to get a large order, they need the support of the military, so they sent Mengda to find Wang Ben's chief of staff to negotiate. The last point is the important purpose of their trip. They lack enough cheap labor, perhaps because of the relationship with the farmer. They have become accustomed to extremely low labor prices, and the labor from Wei and Chu, Only railway companies supported by China and major banks can afford to pay. Their treatment is very good, and these expenses are money. They are not used to spending so much money on manpower. At this moment, they discovered a business opportunity. This business opportunity was prisoners of war. During this military operation, Wang Ben's army captured a considerable number of prisoners of war, and how to deal with these prisoners of war became the key. This was readily available cheap labor. Therefore, Mengda's plan is to get the right to dispose of these prisoners of war, so that their railway can be completed smoothly.

"What do you mean?" Wang Zhao asked Mengda.

"I mean, these prisoners of war can become railroad workers, as long as you want, their prices are easy to negotiate." Meng Da said with a smile.

"Do you want these prisoners of war to build railways?" Wang Zhao asked at this time.

"Yes, we want these prisoners of war to build railways. I think these prisoners of war will consume enough food every day. It is better to let them move, for example, to build railways, so that the railway can be built." Mengda said.

"This proposal is good. But we can't deal with these prisoners of war. This needs to be decided by the above." Wang Zhao thinks this is an opportunity to make a fortune. Wang Ben's trading company only does a few small businesses, and the profitability is not It's not too good, and they don't have specialized business talents to do specific business. For example, the above goods are sold well and where they are purchased. They don't know these. As a result, their business is not very good. Profitability is very poor.

Wang Zhao believes that this is an opportunity, which can expand the profitability of their trading agency.

"Oh. That's it. It's just that this is an opportunity. As for the profit. These are all easy to say. If it is not good, I think that the chief of staff can join our company. If you do this, you can get more profits. As for the shares to be invested, just take these prisoners of war to calculate." Meng Da continued.

"The profits of railway projects are great. If you do business, you need railways. If there is no railway, a lot of goods can't reach the destination. Especially in places like southern Xinjiang." Mengda continued.

"Yeah. Your proposal is good." Wang Zhao said with a smile.

"It's just that, how many shares can we prisoners of war occupy? If there are few, we can switch to other companies. After all, there are many companies engaged in railway business now." Wang Zhao said.

"Twenty percent, this is the maximum we can give. You know, many people have invested more than 100,000 yuan." Meng Da said embarrassingly.

"Yeah. A little bit less." Wang Zhao said.

"I think that there should be more. After all, we are all military. The prisoners need to be detained. If there are no armed men to suppress them, I am afraid they will run away. After all, these places are their own places. That's right. For us, it's not that simple." Wang Zhao said embarrassedly.

"This. I understand. But we also have difficulties. After all, building a railway, without rails, the railway cannot be built successfully. We also need a certain profit to operate. Twenty percent is already very high. This is beyond our capacity." Meng Da said with an embarrassed expression.

"I think you should also know that it is also very difficult for us soldiers to capture these prisoners. We use our lives to complete. Some may have already lost our lives. Our situation is not very good. Really. Yes. I think this is our difficulty, those of us who are soldiers." Wang Zhao said embarrassedly, shaking his head.

"This, let's take a step back, 23%, this is the maximum we can give." Meng Da said.

"If this limit is exceeded, our company will not be able to continue to operate. Even if it participates, it will also lose money. The dividends and dividends of 23% of the shares are also very substantial. Sir. I think. You should understand. This." Meng Da said.

"Okay. That's it." Wang Zhao thought it had already been done.

"We will transfer these slaves to our company as soon as possible, and then we can participate, and we can start the railway project as soon as possible. In this way, it will be beneficial to both of us." Wang Zhao said with a smile. .

"Yeah. Happy cooperation." Meng Da stretched out his hand and said.

"Happy cooperation." Wang Zhao said. The military and the railway company finally reached a preliminary agreement, which can help them complete the railway project. After the construction of the railway. The profits of both parties can be greater.

The station of the Twelfth Regiment.

"This battle was given to us. This little iron piece. How much is it worth?" Qin Da asked Newton dissatisfiedly.

"What kind of iron piece. This is a military medal. If you have this, you can pay you more. When you wait until the end of the month, you can see how much your salary is. The bonus must have been included in your calculation. Don't be careful. "Newton said to Qin Da. Because they succeeded in blocking the Western Regions Restoration Army and completed a major combat mission. They all received the Qin State Second-Class Hero Medal. The bonus is also more than 300 gold, which is not a small number, which is enough to excite many soldiers for a while.

"That's good. That's good. My family still needs my salary to support the family. Everything over there needs Qin's money. There is no way, I can only make money." Qin Da is honest and honest. Speaking of.

"Yeah." Newton nodded.

"How many of your tribes have come here to serve as soldiers?" Newton then asked. Newton received the First Class Hero Medal. The bonus is more. He doesn’t care about these. What he cares about is that he gets the title of excellent commander. In this way, he can serve as a higher-level commander. He can command a battalion or a larger military unit. These are Newtons. Exciting place.

"This. There are a few, but they were all disrupted and separated. When the recruits were still together, they were separated later. Because I am a man of great manpower and good riding skills, the Qin people promoted me to an officer. "Qin Da said.

"Now that I am a member of the military, I am actually a member of the State of Qin. The treatment at my family is also better. Qin said. As long as I have money, I can stabilize. If I live in a good house, I won't have to run back and forth like that again in the future. There is a cry when I am sick. I have food when I am hungry, as long as I have money. Everything is fine." Qin Da said.

"In the future, my children will grow up. They will also serve as soldiers, and the family's income will be more." Qin Da said.

"Don't you want to be promoted? If you are promoted, you will get more money, and it will be easier to do meritorious service?" Newton asked.

"This. I really haven't thought about it. Qin people said this before, or I can't be the platoon leader yet." Qin Da said.

"In the future, I will go more in this direction. Maybe I can become a bigger officer." Newton encouraged.

"Well. I don't want to think about it. I think it's good to be able to live a good life. To be honest, if you can get so much money, you will definitely be able to live better." Qin Da said contentedly.

"Yeah." Newton didn't say anything any more. He knew what the situation was like in the Xiongnu tribe. They were all poor. Many men wanted to support their own families, but it was very difficult to support them. Newton also learned something. Many tribes have entered the border areas of the Qin State, and the Qin State has accepted them, but the materials they need must be made by themselves. Some people do business, but this is after all a small number of people, and most of them do not have a stable source. The people of Qin have enough cattle, sheep, and horses. They can do it without relying on these Huns. Some tribes sell their own people to The people of Qin were slaves and gained a lot of money, but no one would know how long they could last. However, most tribes encourage adult men in the tribe to serve as soldiers. In this way, they can obtain a stable income, which is relatively low for the people of Qin. For them, the file is already a very large sum of money, which is enough for them to live a good life.

Qin State Mobei Grassland. There are a large number of tribes gathered here. These tribes are thinking of ways for their survival every day.

"Mr. Ju." Leader Li Ma of the Tuoluo tribe walked over with a smile. Li Ma is his Qin country's name. His original name is very long, and no Qin countryman can remember it. These are also the ways that their tribes can quickly integrate into the lives of the people of Qin. Many tribes have accepted the names of the people of Qin. At the same time, in order to better communicate, some tribes still speak the official language of the Qin dialect and the Xiongnu language, but officially , The Qin dialect has already begun to prevail.

"Oh. It turned out to be Chief Li." Ju Qi said with a smile.

"Oh. Don't dare to call Chief Li anymore." Li Ma hurriedly shook his head and said.

"I don't dare to call this leader anymore. Here in Qin, I can't come like this. I'll still call me Mr. Li. In this case, I will be more civilized and more civilized." Li Ma said with a smile.

"Haha. Yes. Mr. Li." Ju Qi said.

"Mr. Ju, thank you for your support in our business. Oh, I, or the Huns, are willing to speak directly."

Li Ma said.

"I don't know Li. Does Mr. Li have any needs?" Ju Qi asked.

"Hey, Mr. Ju, you also know our situation." Li Ma said.

"Our tribe is not alive anymore. When we came, we sold sheepskins and these things we could sell. Sheep also sold a lot. But these were not enough. Our tribe did not How much has changed." Li Ma said.

"We still lack a lot of things. These things make it hard for us to live." Li Ma complained.

"No, don't you already have a lot of good things?" Ju Jie said puzzledly.

"I can give you the salt you want, and you shouldn't be short of supplies." Ju Qi said, looking at Li Ma in confusion. In fact, you know what happened, because this happened many times. How could he not know that those tribes were close to the border area of ​​the Qin State, and they received the Qin State's security guarantee. They got enough supplies, but at the same time they went to the grassland where they depended. The Huns who left the grassland became the objects of competition for Qin merchants. They provided the Huns with a large amount of various materials. These materials were things that the Huns wanted but could not get before. They were naturally willing to come in exchange for it, but at a price. It's very big. With the loss of grassland, how can they maintain their demand for these materials? Sooner or later they will become impoverished and become the object of businessmen squeeze.

"It's not these. We need money to change these things. We don't have money." Li Ma said.

"No money. It doesn't matter. As long as you have something, I remember you still have sheep and horses. These things are all okay." Ju Qi continued.

"Horses are the foundation of our Huns, and we will not change them." Li Ma said firmly.

"Oh. This is my fault, I didn't understand your habits." Ju Qi said.

"No, no, no." Li Ma heard of Ju and was a little dissatisfied. He quickly explained.

"I don't mean this, I mean, Mr. Ju has a wide range of knowledge, can you introduce us to some survival work, that is, the kind of business that can make a lot of money. It can be suitable for our Huns to do business." Li Ma smiled Speaking of.

"This, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Ju Qi said, shaking his head.

"If you want to do business, you must first have capital. This is one of them. Second, you have to know people. You are all Huns and enter the territory of Qin. You need a permit. This requires official promulgation and a business license for trade. , In addition to paying taxes, etc., these things. All need to apply. Finally, you may not be able to do business with these things. This seems to be very simple to do business. But it is particularly difficult to do." Shook his head and said.

"For example, let me say, I need to sell things from the mainland of Qin, and then resell them to you. I will also make money for transportation, but can you buy the goods? Another thing is that you can sell them. To whom. This is what I care about the most." Ju Qi said kindly.

"This." At this time, Li Ma realized that business was really not easy to do.

"This. I don't know if Mr. Ju is suitable for the work that we Huns can do. We Huns are very good. We can put horses and fights are also very powerful." Li Ma turned to introduce.

"I know this. If it doesn't work, you can conscript. Many tribes are conscripting." Ju Qi said.

"This. To be honest, the number of Qin army recruits every year is very limited. Our tribe has gone a lot, but only a few people are selected, very few." Li Ma said.

"There are still many people in our tribe who will fight. They are very powerful riders, but they can do nothing but this." Li Ma said embarrassedly.

"This." Ju Qi thought for a while hearing this embarrassment.

"Actually, I have a way." Ju Qi said.

"What way, Mr. Ju, please make it clear." Li Ma said.

"This. It's actually a bit embarrassing." Ju Qi said embarrassedly.

"Forget it. Don't say it. If you say it, it may hurt you." At this time, Ju said embarrassingly. Then turned around and left.

"Don't leave. Mr. Ju. Just say it, I can consider it." Li Ma Li Ma stopped Ju and said.

"This. Actually, the way I think is that land can be used to exchange money, and then I will hire you to take care of the land. In this way, you will have your own source of livelihood." Ju Ke said at this time.

"What does this mean?" Li Ma asked.

"Oh. Actually, you can go and occupy the land in the north. There are a lot of unowned lands, grasslands, hills, and woodlands. As long as you can occupy it, you prove that the land is yours. Then you sell these lands to me. In that case , Don't you just make it?" Ju Qi said.

"This. The land is given by God. This. I sell you." Li Ma was a little embarrassed.

"You need more materials, and these materials need money. As long as you can get the money, there is nothing wrong with changing the land. Besides, these land is of little use to you. Your horses can buy food. Feeding, those sheep and cows can be fed in this way. The feed is sufficient. Isn't our Qin country's horses produced like this? Is it much worse than yours?" Ju Qi asked rhetorically.

"This. It's true." Li Ma said, scratching his own hair.

"Your horses are indeed better than ours. Your horses eat food, and our horses are forage. And your forage can last a whole winter, but we can't. This is indeed not as good as yours." Li Ma Speaking of.

"That's right. With money, you can also raise your horses like this," Ju Qi said.

"Furthermore, after the people of your tribe stabilize. The population will increase. Many things are things that your tribe didn't even dare to think about before. Besides. Your tribe's population is still superfluous. There are many people who want to be soldiers. Are you not good at this? If you want to get more things, let’s talk about it. You can buy more weapons and equipment, Qin people, there are so many here. As long as you want, there is nothing you can get. ." Ju Qi encouraged at this time. And Li Ma was already tempted at this time. That's true, Jue is right.

They can get what they want. First of all, the safety of their tribe can be greatly guaranteed because it is close to the border of the Qin people. They have no possibility of the tribe being harassed. At the same time, there are many adult men in their tribe. They are all willing to fight for production and how to produce. They are already blind. Without the grassland, they can do nothing, only fight, and they will have some more. The most important thing is that they can get more advanced weapons, Qin’s saber. This thing is the best weapon. They want to get one very simple, as long as they pay them enough money to get it, and there are a lot of other things. Weapons, these are things they didn't dare to think about before. With such weapons, are they still afraid? Thinking of this, Li Ma was moved.

"Is it enough to sell the land we occupy to you?" Li Ma asked.

"Yes, if you find me, I will definitely give you a suitable price, but you must ensure that you can occupy, expel all the people on the land, or be captured as slaves. Anyway, all we need is land. I will give you a very fair land price." Ju Qi said.

"Okay. I promise you, but, equipment, I need you to provide us with equipment. Otherwise, I won't be able to occupy those lands." Li Ma said embarrassingly.

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