The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2121: Solve the share problem

"The son doesn't just want to understand the Qin State, right?" Fan Zeng said leisurely, putting down the cup in his hand.

"This. I really don't want to hide it. I want to talk to Qin Guo. However, I don't know how to get in touch with Qin's prime minister." Xiang Chu said frankly.

"Oh." Fan Zeng was a little surprised. Negatively waited patiently for the answer from the other party. He came to Fan Zeng after hearing the explanation from the merchant of the Chu Chamber of Commerce. He wanted to use Fan Zeng to expand the interests of Chu State. After all, it was such a big and wide-ranging summit without Chu State. This is obviously very unbearable. If a final agreement is really reached, wouldn't Chu State be excluded. Ning Chu knew very well that if this were the case, it would be of no benefit to the State of Chu.

"It's just that I don't know how the son is called?" Fan Zeng asked at this time.

"Xia Xia's surname is Xiong, and his name is Negumi." Negumi said frankly.

"Oh. It turned out to be Young Master Minzu." Fan Zeng said in a salute.

"I don't know what the son wants to talk to Qin Guo?" Fan Zeng asked.

"This. Ning Chu has no solution." Ning Chu also shook his head and said at this time. Ning Chu did not know what he would talk about after he found Prime Minister Qin. He didn't know what the people of Qin wanted to do or what they wanted from Chu State. He didn't know these. If it weren't for him to meet Ning Chu, I'm afraid that Prime Minister Qin's face. He may not even be able to meet up. Fan Zeng is different. He is the former Secretary of State of the State of Qin. He naturally knows some things about the State of Qin. If he introduces him, his own affairs will surely be accomplished, but he really doesn't know what to talk about.

"Dare to ask the son. How much does the son know about Qin?" Fan Zeng continued to ask.

"This. Qin is the number one power, a big country. The military is strong. The economy is the first. Weapons and equipment are advanced. The territory is larger than that of other countries. In addition, there are many firsts. These firsts are very threatening to Chu. But it’s very strange that the State of Qin will not expand eastward, but will continue to cooperate with other countries. It has always been puzzled underneath.” Negative Chu said slowly.

"The son doesn't understand Qin, then does Qin understand Chu?" Fan Zeng continued to ask.

"This. I am afraid that Qin may not know Qin, but it is a pity that our nobles in Chu do not know anything about it. They just protect themselves by importing a large number of weapons from the people of Qin. Many things disdain Chu. Chu. Many countries are backward," said Ning Chu.

"So, how does the son of Chu compare with South Korea?" Fan Zeng then asked.

"This. Chu country should be able to fight South Korea. However, the people of Qin country behind the Koreans. This." Said Hou with some unconfidence.

"It seems that the son doesn't need to talk about it." Fan Zeng said at this time, shaking his head.

"Why is this sir?" Negatively asked Fan Zeng dissatisfied. He didn't understand why Fan Zeng was so optimistic about Chu State.

"I heard that Mr. Chu is also from the country of Chu, so why do you have so little confidence in the country of Chu?" said negative very dissatisfied.

"Because Qin is a different country." Fan Zeng said.

"The current state of Qin is different from any previous generation of Qin. Qin's strategic vision is no longer in the Central Plains." Fan Zeng said to the young master.

"Isn't in the Central Plains, isn't it in this world." Said negative.

"Perhaps Qin's world is bigger than the one you said." Fan Zeng said.

"This. I still ask Mr. Chu about the current specific practices of the State of Chu." Min Chu said in salute at this time. Regarding Fan Zeng's entangled strategic vision, Ning Chu believes that this is not important at all, at least there is no need for the current situation. After all, he doesn't have any influence.

"Yeah. I don't know what the son wants?" Fan Zeng asked. Fan Zeng felt that Young Master Negumi had great ambitions, and this ambition made him feel that Young Master Negumi was restless.

"I'm strong and prosperous, Chu State." Ning Chu replied very simply.

"Oh." Fan Zeng just nodded and said nothing.

"Sir, please teach me." Ning Chu saluted.

"Well. If you want to prosper Chu Kingdom, you don't need to rely on those nobles. For the nobles, you can only win over them. You can rely on the power of merchants to get the upper hand. This can also get Qin's support." Fan Zeng said easily.

"Businessman?" asked negatively.

"Yes. Merchants have great financial resources, and their abilities are also very broad. Merchants are willing to take risks, but farmers are not willing. Those nobles can profit, but they will seek comfort. Unlike merchants, they absolutely dare to take risks. Merchants have the right to take risks. With a large amount of wealth, these businessmen are willing to take risks in order to obtain greater wealth. It is precisely through the use of businessmen that Qin has rapidly developed and grown to such a situation. Qin's continuous expansion of territory is a manifestation of the businessmen's continuous pursuit of greater interests. Didn't the son see it?" Fan Zeng asked.

"This." He hesitated for a moment. He thought about what Fan Zeng said. It is indeed the case. Merchants are indeed much stronger than those nobles. The nobles are very stubborn in keeping their professions. In this way, the nobles become conservative with vested interests. When they get up, they are only passively accepting new things, and they will never actively expand on some new things. But businessmen are different. They always pursue greater interests. Even if they don't have much money in their hands, they will risk borrowing to do bigger business. They dared to try new things. The people of Qin didn't take advantage of this. If the previous Qin was an agricultural expansion, this expansion was very cyclical and compulsory. But today's Qin State relies on commercial trade and commercial competition. This competition is more cruel than agricultural competition, and its foreign expansion is also extremely active. They are constantly seeking greater profits. For them, this is a kind of nature. The expulsion of interests makes them very expandable and more willing to take risks.

"This time Qin State convened the summit, and most of the content of the discussions was beneficial to the merchants, while the aristocracy of Chu State was much closed. They were unwilling to open their markets to other countries. At the same time, they were extremely greedy for interests. High taxes were imposed on merchants in Qin, South Korea, Zhao and other countries. Merchants in Chu were also not immune. Merchants in Chu were already on the opposite side of the nobles. All kinds of behaviors in Chu were very unfavorable to Qin. , Not only Qin, but also other countries. At this meeting, all countries have reduced and liberalized their tariffs. Only Chu did not do so. Moreover, Chu continued to increase its own tariffs. Such a move would be harmful to Chu. The national aristocracy is very disadvantaged." Fan Zeng said.

"The young master wants to get the support of the merchants of Chu and Qin, as long as he targets the nobles and develops things that are conducive to the merchants." Fan Zeng said lightly.

"With these two points, which are beneficial to the merchants of Chu and the development of business and trade in Qin, the prince will be able to rise to the top. At this meeting, Chu will receive support from more countries." Fan Zeng is very clear about the burden of the prince. I'm talking about my purpose this time.

"If you can, it's okay for the old man to be willing to introduce him, or to write a letter." Fan Zeng then said to the young man.

Ning Chu was thinking about one thing. He was hesitating. Fan Zeng meant clearly that he would give up the nobility of Chu in exchange for the support of Chu merchants who were weak but able to fully support, even though Fan Zeng explained Qin. He was desperate for the development of business and trade, but he still hesitated, worried that walking too close to the Chu merchants, Qin, would be very detrimental to the stability of Chu.

"Do you still hesitate about the nobles of Chu State?" Fan Zeng asked at this time.

"This. It is." Ning Chu did not deny it. He believes that there are many nobles in the Chu Kingdom. If you blindly suppress it, it will cause serious consequences. Even if you are in power, you will be greatly suppressed, and the domestic situation will be very unstable.

"You don't have to worry about this," Fan Zeng said, shaking his hand.

"You can look at the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Kingdom of Zhao. South Korea's iron-blooded suppression of the nobles does not need to learn. The Kingdom of Zhao allocated power to the nobles and established a noble council to stabilize control. The Northern Wei Dynasty separates the nobles from the merchants. The son thought If you want to stabilize the domestic situation in Chu, you can learn from the state of Zhao, set up a parliament, and leave part of the decision-making power to the nobles, the upper and lower houses, or other alias houses. In short, the interests of merchants and nobles must be drawn and attacked. The guardian is available." Fan Zeng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ning Chu suddenly became clear. He had never been so clear before. He wanted to win the support of the nobles, but the nobles could not get further support because they needed the expansion of their own interests and could not satisfy Ning Chu.

"Mr. is really a talent. I dare to ask Mr. to arm me." He said, he gave a big gift.

Fan Zeng's vanity in his heart was satisfied after seeing Ning Chu's salute. However, he felt that it was not the time yet. If he agreed too early, wouldn't he underestimate himself.

"This. You are old and old. If you want to travel around the world, the son must not force it." Fan Zeng refused.

"This. Mr. Genius, why don't you teach me how to get the support of Qin State?" Negative retired, and he hoped to keep Fan Zeng through this matter, and then slowly consolidate Fan Zeng.

"This. Okay." Fan Zengmian agreed with difficulty. Seeing Fan Zeng's promise, the hanging heart finally fell.

Inside an electrolytic aluminum factory in Taiyuan County, Qin State.

"Wow." There was a loud noise, and then the factory plunged into darkness.

"What's the matter? Ah? Why the **** power cut again." The workshop manager shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Light up the lights. Light up the lights. It seems that you can't do it today. A worker sat down on the spot. He also felt very tired. He wiped his sweat.

"Manager." At this time, a man in his thirties came over with glasses.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with your power supply station, one month, just a few days, you stopped the electricity for more than half a month, other times, you also stopped me. Intermittent. What's wrong with you Do you want to do it?" Guan Chang pinched his waist with one hand, waved with one hand, and then shouted loudly.

"Well, we have nothing to do. If you don’t believe me, you can tell me what the situation is like when you come to the power station with me. I don’t have a generator set. My generators are all burned out. Electricity is too scared." The man in his thirties said bitterly.

"This." Old Wang was embarrassed to say something. After all, the other party has already explained his difficulties, and if he goes on, I am afraid that he will not be embarrassed.

"Oh. Everyone, go out and rest." Old Wang said with a loud wave at this time. He looked very helpless and tired.

"I also know that you are in trouble." The man in his thirties squatted on the ground and said.

"Yes, our production tasks are not comparable to yours, I said, Lao Wei. Can your power supply station be expanded to the size of a power plant and have more generator sets, so that we can use the electricity. "Lao Wang's head also squatted down at this time and said.

"Hey, I said Mr. Wang," Wei Bu said impatiently.

"You are really greedy. Do you know that my power station is already 25 generator sets, and I will burn ten trains of coal a day. These coals are all high-quality coals. The calories burned are far away. Far beyond your imagination." Wei Bu said, waving his hands. Weibu is the head of the twelfth power station of the Wenyang Taiyuan Iron and Steel Plant. His main task is to provide sufficient electricity to the Wenyang No. 1 Aluminum Plant.

Geologists from the Qin Kingdom discovered a large amount of bauxite in Taiyuan County. Aluminum is a brand-new metal. This metal is very useful in aircraft manufacturing and machinery manufacturing. Therefore, Qin Guo has a great demand for aluminum. However, aluminum is produced by electrolysis, which consumes a lot of electricity, and Qin Guo Aluminum Plant needs a lot of electricity to produce a lot of aluminum ingots. But electricity cannot meet the needs of aluminum plants.

"Oh. It seems that I don't know enough." Old Wang said apologetically at this time.

"If you say this, there is no other way. Whoever wants you to make aluminum needs so much electricity, your electricity consumption in one month is about to catch up with the electricity consumption in Xianyang in a day. A power plant simply cannot meet your needs. ." Wei Bu said.

"Indeed, if this continues, our aluminum production task will not be completed in a month." Old Wang said worriedly.

"You didn't report to it, and build more power plants. If this goes on, our task will not be completed at all." Old Wang felt very annoyed when he thought of the output of 30,000 shi of aluminum a month. He was very anxious in his heart, but it was useless to be anxious. No one relieved him of the task.

"Now there are more than 10,000 stones of aluminum coming out a month, which is enough." Wei Bu said.

"Now there is no way. The demand for aluminum is particularly large. The price of aluminum is now very high, even higher than steel, and the comparison with gold is one to three. Aluminum is definitely a good thing." Old Wang said.

"This aluminum is light and has good thermal conductivity. The price is more expensive. The aircraft factory needs a lot." Lao Wangtou said.

"Good is good. But you consume too much electricity. If this problem is not solved, your output will not be solved at all." Wei Bu said.

"Indeed, I'll report this problem to the above. If this problem is not solved, the output of aluminum will not increase at all." As he said, the old Wang nodded.

"Okay. I'm not going to talk about it. I'm going to write a report." As he said, Old Wang went to write the report in a hurry. Wei Bu stayed in place and watched the workers leave.

Inside the headquarters of Qin Guo Wenyang Bank.

"The content of the Xinzheng meeting has been preliminary. The investment environment of various countries will be greatly improved, which is very beneficial to us. I don't know if the director has any ideas?" Yingyu asked Xiao He.

"Yeah. Chairman, I think the current investment environment has indeed changed a lot." Xiao He said.

"However, I think the biggest problem is not the change in the investment environment." Xiao He said.

"Then what do you think it is?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"I think the biggest problem is capital. We currently have too many shares in our hands, but what we lack is capital. Although the Federal Reserve Board is willing to pledge more shares to provide more capital. However, this still cannot solve us. The dilemma of lack of funds, so our biggest problem at present is not the change of the investment environment, but the lack of funds in our hands. Our capital expansion in the previous period has excessively consumed too much of our funds." Xiao He said worriedly .

"Well, you are right." Yingyu nodded. The summit convened by the government of Qin State cleared the obstacles to Qin State Bank’s investment. When this obstacle was cleared, then the next thing would become more subtle. There are many investment projects, but the funds are scarce. As a result, the bank's funding problem suddenly became prominent.

"We lacked enough funds, only from the committee. It is really insufficient. This has caused a great impact on us. Without funds, there are too many projects, and we can't help it." Yingyu said worriedly. To.

"I don't know if Director Xiao has a good way to solve this problem." Yingyu asked at this time.

"Well. If you only get a lot of funds from the committee, other banks are doing the same. If you do. Wenyang Bank does not have much money. I think the best way is to expire the pledged shares in our hands. Sell ​​part of the shares of the company. In this way, our funds can be turned over very well." Xiao He said at this time.

"Sell our shares?" Yingyu asked.

"Yes, only in this way can we have more capital turnover. The current stock market is just in the midst of an upward trend. We can sell the shares in our hands, and we can also sell the shares of those large companies. This opportunity is right. For us, it is too easy. In this way, we can also solve our financial problems." Xiao He continued.

"Yeah. The method you said is very good. In this way, we can solve the problem of capital, although there are still some problems with the sale of stocks. But it can solve our problems, this is also a solution." Yingyu Speaking of.

"I think it's done this way." Yingyu said.

"However, Chairman, I think this is only a solution to our current problem. We should also solve the funding problem elsewhere. After all, there are many projects now. If we all enter, the use of funds will not be flammable enough. "Xiao He said.

"Yeah." Yingyu nodded. Yingyu agrees with this very much. I am afraid that Qin State’s market alone cannot accomplish such a task. After all, Qin State’s market accommodates a certain amount, and Qin State Wenyang Bank still has a large number of stocks in large companies in other countries. If we can resell these stocks when these stock markets have just been established and are in chaos, then the problem of our capital return can be well resolved. "Xiao He said.

"Yeah. Right. Too many. These stocks are fixed assets in our hands. If all countries establish a large number of stock markets, we can quickly sell the stocks in our hands. In this way, our investment can be quickly obtained. Li." Yingyu said.

"Yes, and there will definitely be people in these countries who want to buy the stocks in their hands to appreciate, so that it will be very profitable for our investment." Xiao He said.

Yingyu nodded. In this way, the bank's investment can go through a virtuous circle.

And in Xinzheng. Shang Wen and Meng Yi are also discussing this matter.

"The problem of the investment environment has been solved." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"However, a bigger problem has arisen. Funding and funding are before us again." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, we can only allow the committee to mortgage as much as possible and release more funds." Shang Wen said.

"But this method has a big problem. This problem appears on the mortgage. If the mortgaged shares are too many, the backlog will still be on our side in the end." Meng Yi said.

"Moreover, there are more and more shares now. This is very unfavorable for the committee. After all, such a large number of shares. In our hands, it will be too unfavorable for us for a long time." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly .

"Yes, if we continue to lend, we will have more and more shares in our hands. This is indeed unfavorable. I am also worried about this matter. If this continues, these shares will become fixed assets, which will be squeezed for a long time. , The pressure on our Qin State is too great." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"But I remember that you had to deal with these things at that time." Meng Yi reminded.

"These shares are all pledged. We can see how many shares we can handle, through negotiation or other methods, turn them into investments, and then put them on the market to sell, especially Zhao Guo's stock market. The market has just been established. We can quickly get rid of part of it, which is very beneficial to us." Shangwen said.

"Well. This is a good way. For us, this method can solve the large number of shares in the committee, and then turn it into a large amount of capital, and then we can let countries issue a large number of bonds. In this way, we will Creditor countries." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. This is really good." Shang Wen nodded.

"Now we are going to let the committee resolve a part of the share issue and solve the funding issue. After clearing a part, the committee can have more funds to handle more things." Shang Wen said.

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