The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2126: Handan Iron Works fell

"We have seriously considered the issue of Chu State. Regarding the young master's thoughts, I am sorry, it is difficult for the Qin State government to make such a choice." Meng Yi said apologetically.

Although Fan Zeng's suggestion was received, when Meng Yi officially informed the news, Fu Chu felt a little unacceptable. He thought it was Qin Guo's intention.

"That's it." Although it is difficult to accept. Negative cuddle is still more generous. He can only think of other ways to make up for it now. Negative still thought of other ways.

"Although we Qin State cannot provide help at the government level, if the son needs help, in fact, we can seek the help of Qin State Bank." At this time, Meng Yi said to the negative.

Just when I was thinking of other ways to solve the problem of funding. He heard Meng Yi's words as if there were assignments. He felt that the people of Qin would definitely let go. Thought of this. Ning Chu looked at Meng Yi.

"I don't know what Prime Minister Meng means?" At this moment, Minzu looked at Meng Yi and asked.

"I mean, the government can't provide enough help. Perhaps the son can understand the situation of the Qin government. After all, such support cannot be put on the face of Qin." Meng Yi explained why Qin was unable to provide assistance. . Hear such an explanation. Minzu understands. What I did was actually a kind of coup. However, he didn't understand why Qin was able to support South Korea but could not support Chu. The reason for this was unclear. Because of the enlightenment of an example like South Korea, Ning Chu still hopes to get help from the Qin government. But the Qin government rejected its own ideas.

"The government of Qin State cannot help, but Bank of Qin State can. If the son can provide relevant auxiliary measures, I think he can get investment from Bank of Qin State. Therefore, we hope that the son can go to Qin State Bank to try it. Try, we can provide relevant introductions.” Speaking, Meng Yi handed the prepared letter of introduction to the young master.

"This." Ning Chu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Qin people to be so reserved. He didn't understand.

"This is our Prime Minister's letter of introduction. If necessary, this kind of introduction letter can find our Prime Minister to talk about our ideas in detail. If necessary, we are naturally willing to provide it." Meng Yi said.

"That's it." After hearing Meng Yi's explanation, Ning suddenly understood. The Qin government may have its own reasons for not being able to explicitly support funds. But they can achieve financial support through bank investment, with such support. Of course, Minzu understands the significance of doing so.

"But we hope that the son can have his own business company and a project of his own, for example, to develop his own colony. Or to manage some commodities, develop trade, etc., in this case, I think it will be easier to get investment from the bank." Yi went on to say.

"Oh." Ning Chu nodded. At this time, he slightly understood what the Prime Minister Qin meant. In fact, if you want to get the support of these funds, you must have a good project. With such a project, Qin is naturally willing to invest.

"It's just." Ning Chu looked at Meng Yi with some embarrassment.

"Some things, you also know. Regarding the economic construction and the achievements in attracting foreign investment, I still lack a lot in this respect. Chu State currently lacks such talents. I want to know what the Prime Minister has in this regard. Can the measures or methods be used for reference?” Ning Chu asked Meng Yi at this time. In fact, Ning Chu didn’t know much about these things. Although Meng Yi provided a direction, Gongzi Ning Chu only needed to move in this direction. Just follow the direction. But the problem is that Ning Chu has seen the direction, but he can't continue. The reason is that he doesn't know what to do next, and he is still lacking in specific measures. It is for this reason that I don’t know what to do when I see the negative direction.

"Oh. That's it." Meng Yi was also a little surprised. Now that he has given a general direction, Chu State can just follow the direction. How to go, this is Chu people's own business, how can they interfere well. But seeing Gongzi Ningchu's dazed look, Meng Yi knew very well that the other party really didn't know what to do. Seeing this, Meng Yi couldn't help it. Healed it with a reluctant explanation.

"Actually, what our prime minister meant was to let the son attract foreign investment and develop industry and commerce. In order to better develop Chu’s industry and commerce, you can first set up a company and then operate it as a demonstration, and then let more Merchants get involved. In fact, it's that simple." Meng Yi explained simply.

"Oh. So that's it." Hearing this explanation, Minzu understood a lot in his heart. Although there are not many words, it does make him feel open. After all, a big problem was solved at once.

"It's just, how to bring in investment. How to get Qin's capital?" At this time, Ning Chu continued to ask. After all, he knew too little about this issue.

"This problem is actually very simple. If the son wants to establish a company, he naturally needs an input of primitive capital, such as land, labor, and other things. These are all shares, but they cannot be done with these. For example, a lot of funds, projects, technology patents, etc." Meng Yi cited examples one by one.

"These things can actually sell part of the shares, so that your share plate will become larger, and at the same time solve many of your problems. If you want to get the capital of Qin State, you only need to establish your project clearly. With this You only need to show the project to Qin’s investment bank, so that they will understand your intentions, and they will evaluate the value of the project. With such a value, the bank will invest, of course. You need to sacrifice part of the shares. With such shares, you can naturally do a lot of things." Meng Yi explained.

"It's just that there is a sentence in it. I don't understand why your prime minister asked me to get the support of the businessman." Sui Chu asked at this time.

"There are two reasons. The first is the needs of the State of Qin. After all, our investment in the State of Qin requires the State of Chu to liberalize the development of industry and commerce. At the same time, it provides various environmental support, which includes a large amount of taxation. Policies. With the support of the government, only with this thing can Qin's bank investment reach Chu." Meng Yi said.

Ning Chu didn't say anything but just nodded in agreement with Meng Yi's opinion.

"The other reason is Chu's own reasons." Meng Yi said with a grin.

"We Chu State's own reasons?" Ning Chu looked at Meng Yi unclearly. He didn't know the specific reason Meng Yi said. Ning Chu himself was not very clear, but he knew very well that since Meng Yi was able to put forward this One point, it shows that this point is very important to me, and I thought of this. Negative eager hope to get the reason.

"The son wants to be in position, we naturally understand it, but what the son in position wants to do, we don't know. If the son wants to be in position, it must represent the interests of some people. For the current state of Chu, if he wants to be in position, if he wants to be in position, we don’t know. , Only with the help of the merchants can we get to the top." Meng Yi said.

"What businessmen need is low taxes. Policy support. In addition, they must also introduce foreign investment and actively open their own countries. Active commercial trade with other countries. Not only that, but also the development of colonies to meet the businessmen's continuous market expansion. Demand." Shang Wen said.

"In this way. Funds. Population. Projects and other conditions are met by the merchants. These are things that the son will do after he takes the position. The son only needs to do so to get the strong support of the businessman. The reason why the son can be in the position is that he does not represent one. The strength of the class. The current situation in Chu State is that the nobles have no interest in the princes, and the princes are going to rejuvenate the Chu state, and naturally oppose the nobles. In this way, the strengths that the princes want to rely on are only the power of the merchants. "Meng Yi continued.

"With the support of the merchants. The son needs to appease the strength of the merchants. At this time, he must come up with things that are conducive to the development of industry and commerce and attract foreign investment. Only in this way can he get the support of the merchants. The son's affairs can have a fundamental solution." Meng Yi then suggested.

"If this is the case, can I do this. Can those businessmen be encouraged to get the capital support of Qin?" At this time, Ning Hu asked.

"Yes. It can be done." Meng Yi nodded and said.

"If you do this. Yes. I fully accept Qin's request. If necessary, I can conclude any treaty." Hing Hun stood up excitedly thinking of the good results in the future and said to Meng Yi.

"This is not in a hurry." Meng Yi said with a smile.

"Related treaties, we hope to sign separately with Chu State. After the son is in power, with the help of Qin State, we can conclude specific treaties with other countries." Meng Yi said.

"Then thank you very much, Prime Minister." Ning Chu said excitedly. he knows. I have a big strategy, so

Qin State helped formulate one of his strategies. No matter who knows. Ning Chu knows very well that his career is finally on the right track. What he wanted was for those businessmen to follow him as soon as possible and bring in a lot of capital from Qin State. In this way, there will be quite a lot of problems that can be solved. There is a general direction. Negative work is also very efficient. He quickly did these things in the Chu Chamber of Commerce. And Meng Yi has to return to his office to do his own thing. After all, it's the last few days. The summit determined a lot of content. It needs to be finalized and become an agreement, and then representatives of various countries sign to indicate that the agreement is finalized. The sub-agreement involves an extremely wide range. Meng Yi couldn't be sloppy.

Zhao Guo Handan Stock Exchange Market.

"What's going on with this stock today?" Zhao Fang said worriedly. He watched nervously as the quotes on the blackboard kept declining. Although he slipped only one point, his loss was great. A few hundred golds are gone all at once. His position is particularly large. He heard an inside story from the stock market. It is said that the shares of Handan Iron Works will be a lot of pressure. There are fewer and fewer shares in the market. Just hold it patiently. It will definitely go up. But what Zhao Fang saw was that as soon as the market opened today, the numbers on the blackboard dropped by one point. Zhao Fang felt a little fire-resistant.

Zhao Fang is an aristocrat from Handan, but unlike other aristocrats, Zhao Fang is a gambler, and every time he gambles. Therefore, his wealth has lost more, but this person has a lot of ups and downs. Because he is a gamble. If you bet well, he can turn it over at once. If it's bad, he may never get up.

When Zhao Guo appeared the first batch of people to play tickets. Zhao Fang is already a person in this circle. Because in his view, stocks are gambling. And when gambling is different from the casino, he can fully analyze the other party's intentions, especially the various news on the stock market. He can judge whether the stocks can be taken based on these news.

"What's going on?" Zhao Fang was a little annoyed, because today's trend is completely different from what he predicted. The paper boy on the blackboard is constantly rewriting the numbers, and the numbers are moving downwards. This was far beyond his expectation.

"Damn it, did you make a mistake." At this time, Zhao Fang ran to the blackboard with a little excitement, and he found the manager.

"Did you get the numbers wrong?" Zhao Fang found the other person and pointed to the numbers on the blackboard and said.

"Master Zhao. There is absolutely nothing wrong, and absolutely impossible. This is the number given by the quotation over there. Look." The steward took a list and handed it to Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang saw that this was just now. The number above is indeed such a number. Zhao Fang felt a little bad, but he still believed it was a copying problem.

"Can you please confirm, I think this should be a problem, the price of Handan Iron Works should not be like this. I heard the news. It is good, he should rise. But." Zhao Fang was a little disbelief.

"Okay. Zhao Ye, wait a moment, I'll confirm it for you." The steward said carefully. For such a nobleman, he knows that he can't afford it, but he can show the data to the other party, as long as there is no error in showing the number at once, in this case. His matter is over.

Although Zhao Guo's Handan stock market hasn't been open for long, but such a thing. The steward still sees a lot. The reason for a bit of freshness is simple, because their judgment is wrong. These people are generally overconfident. To put it bluntly, these people are self-righteous guys. They have always believed in their own judgments. Once there is a decline, they judge that someone else has a problem, and never look for a problem on their own. So they keep coming here. Ask yourself to see if it's their own problem, and you got the wrong question. However, in fact, they have never had a problem, because if they copy a wrong number, the children of these newsboys will lose a large part of their salary, which can be said to be an unreasonable loss for them.

"This. There should be no problem." The man in charge handed a quotation from the latest statistics to Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang took the list, and it looked like it was down by a quarter point compared to the previous list. His loss intensified further. But he has no way. After receiving the numbers, the newsboy on the blackboard erased the numbers with the sheepskin cloth on his sleeves. Everyone present was nervously watching the emergence of the new numbers. Then the newsboy wrote down the numbers on the order with a chalk in his hand. Many people present were a little upset, because they knew exactly that the demand for iron would increase a lot, especially the recent Handan Summit, which had already raised such news, but The numbers on the blackboard are declining, no, not a decline, but a serious decline. Many people don't know where the problem is. Many people think this is a mistake, and there may be a problem with the price of the match.

"Damn it. That **** sells these orders generously. Such a good stock." Zhao Fang said annoyedly.

"Brother Zhao. The price is falling." A little nobleman who followed Zhao Fang said anxiously.

"I know. I saw it." Zhao Fang said impatiently. He was also puzzled by the occurrence of such a thing. He didn't know what went wrong. Yesterday, as well as the day before yesterday, someone told him that news of favorable iron production will appear at the Xinzheng Summit. At that time, such news will definitely stimulate the stock price to rise rapidly, but now, the price is falling, ruthlessly falling. Zhao Fang didn't know what to do. On the one hand, he absolutely believes that the Xinzheng Summit will definitely announce news that will help them develop pig iron production. However, now, the price of Handan Iron Works is falling. Just a few minutes. It has fallen by two points. He has lost more than one thousand gold, which is definitely an unacceptable figure for others.

"We must consider whether it is possible to sell the list in hand." At this moment, Zhao Fang heard a message from his ears.

"I think it is better for us to sell. After all, Zhao Guo uses a margin system. Once the margin is exceeded, all positions will be closed. In this case, it will be too cheap for those stock brokerage companies." The famous floor trader whispered. As far as the rules are concerned, they know better than anyone else.

"Damn it." Zhao Fang only remembered when he heard such news, he had no money to call the margin. The reason is that his gambling character has already weighed on all the funds. In this case, his funds are very tight, and once his guaranteed amount is exceeded, all his funds will be lost. This is something he never dared to think about.

"Damn, who is selling these stocks." Zhao Fang was upset. But at this time, he can only abuse the other party so loudly, but no one knows who is selling these stocks.

In the headquarters of Handan Wenyang Investment Bank.

"How much has the stock price dropped now?" Wang Sen asked with some worry.

"It has fallen by two points." Shen Tu reported worriedly.

"Oh. I see." Wang Sen just nodded. Because he knows very well that the reason for the two points drop is because they sold half of the shares in Handan Iron Factory. Half of the shares are definitely not a small number. It can definitely cause a big drop. Originally, there was only one point drop. It has become two. If investors are panicked enough, Handan Iron Works will become a disaster.

"It's just that, I think that this is really unnecessary. We should explain the situation clearly to the above. The shares are absolutely high-quality, and it is a pity to sell." Shen Tu then suggested.

"Yeah." Wang Sen also had some irritation in his heart. He was opposed to selling the shares of Handan Iron Factory. After all, he did this project alone. For the Handan Iron Works, he valued it very much. What he didn't expect was that it would be sold by a telegram sent by the headquarters at this time. To be honest, Wang Sen was very unwilling. After all, this was his painstaking effort. Selling it means selling his painstaking effort.

"I also know. This Handan Iron Works is a high-quality stock. In the next few years, the demand for iron will definitely increase a lot." Wang Sen said.

"But I can't help it. This is the order from above. This item is my painstaking effort. Selling it now is like cutting my flesh." Wang Sen said distressedly.

"Manager. Do you think this will work." At this time Shentu understood what Wang Sen meant. In his opinion, Wang Sen was still unwilling to accept the order sent to him by the headquarters, but he had to implement it again, so he looked very pain of.

"Our selling this time has already caused market volatility. The price of Handan Iron Works has dropped very little. We might as well take advantage of the present opportunity to continue to suppress the stock price, and then eat at a relatively low position. If we do, we can at least make a lot of money.” Shentu came up with such an idea based on his understanding of the market.

"Yeah." Wang Sen nodded.

"You have a good idea. In this way, we can get a lot of stocks later. In this way, we love to make the difference in the middle. That's right." Wang Sen nodded.

"However, the above requires us to prepare a lot of funds. What should we do about this?" Wang Sen asked.

"This point. I think the manager has been a little worried." Shentu said with a smile at this time.

"We can use the profits made this time as our activity funds and ask the other party to make a budget so that we can arrange our funds according to the budget. If we need funds, we sell our shares. If we don’t need funds, we You can continue to hold shares. In this way, the contradiction between shares and capital will not conflict at all." Shen Tu suggested.

"Well. Yes, you have a good idea. We can do this, but in order to prevent the use of funds, I suggest that we still leave some more reserves. If this is the case, it will also have certain benefits for us. After all, financial changes are changing, just in case. There are some accidents, which is also very detrimental to us." Wang Sen thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Yes, the manager. The manager is very considerate." Shen Tu continued.

"Well. That's it. But still rely on the methods you provide to proceed." Wang Sen did not forget to praise.

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