The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2129: Cavalry is coming

"We found the Chu army within fifty miles to the east. The Chu army's strength is very scattered. The **** force is relatively concentrated, about 3,000 people, and the length of the convoy is as high as three miles. If you use cavalry to launch an attack, it will be very easy. "Chen Ying said with a smile. Based on their investigations, Chen Ying felt that she had great confidence in accomplishing such a task, because the opponent was an infantry and had no artillery. The forces were not concentrated, but scattered, which is really advantageous for cavalry assault operations.

"Where is the other part of the Chu army?" Chen Boyan did not underestimate the enemy because Chen Ying's report was very favorable. On the contrary, he wanted to know more details.

"Another part of the Chu army escorted both sides of the search team. According to the Marine Corps soldiers we met. Yesterday, they had a lot of troops, but because of their larger losses. The Chu army reduced the number of search teams on both sides. , The number is estimated to be around 1,000." Chen Ying reported.

"Well. There are more than a thousand people on both sides of the three-mile range. The forces are indeed scattered." Chen Boyan nodded and said.

"Sir. They are not far from us. We should attack as soon as possible." Chen Ying continued.

"How to attack?" Chen Boyan looked at Chen Ying and asked at this time.

"Be more offensive. Assault concentrically." Chen Ying suggested.

"Is this kind of offensive a little too scattered. You know. The opponent's forces are scattered. We are also scattered afterwards, isn't it not so good?" Zhang Biao said worriedly.

"Yeah." Chen Boyan nodded and said.

"It's not good if it's too scattered. The Chu army itself has already been dispersed. Our forces will be relatively concentrated. Too much concentration is not conducive to our goal of expelling the enemy." Chen Boyan said.

"Our goal is to seize the goods of the nobles of the Chu Kingdom, and then transport them to Jimo City. Our goal is to seize the spoils, not to kill the Chu army too much." Chen Boyan nodded and said.

"In this way, we are divided into three groups. Two groups attack from the flanks. The other one is from the rear. In this way, we can effectively expel the Chu army. Then we can transport the goods to Jimo City. "Chen Boyan said.

"Yes, sir." Everyone agreed. At this time everyone understood. The goal of their commander. At the same time, I thought that I could gain a spoils by accident. The profit of the divided spoils is also very high. Everyone left excitedly to make arrangements.

The Chu army escorted the team.

"It's been all morning. I feel dizzy as I walk." Uncle Chen walked on the road faintly.

"I ran for a day yesterday, and I still walked so far today. Alas." Yan San, who was exhausted from behind, also complained. Uncle Chen was really reluctant to say anything because of tiredness. Many Chu Army soldiers were exhausted, and they no longer wanted to march. If you do this, it is really exhausting.

"Hurry up." At this moment, a low-level officer of the Chu Army urged.

"It's fast." Upon hearing this order, some Chu Army soldiers stopped altogether.

"I won't go anymore. I can't walk anymore. I have walked that far yesterday. I am still going today. Nothing." A soldier simply lay on the side of the road.

"I'm not leaving either. I'm too tired." Some Chu Army soldiers saw someone lying on the side of the road to rest, and hurriedly lay down on the side of the road. Someone did it anyway.

"Get up. Get up quickly," the low-level officer scolded. But many people talked about it, and they were all too tired. Does not listen to orders at all.

"If you don't get up again, I will shoot you. Get up." The low-level officer threatened. But no one cares about these. They are still lying on the ground. The junior officers did not dare to execute them among them. After all, if it is not done properly, it will cause soldiers to become. There is no way, he can only leave. Saw the officer leaving. Everyone lay on the side of the road to rest, they were too tired. Some people fell asleep when lying on the ground.

"You did a good job this time. After the goods are successfully delivered to the destination this time, you will get a rich reward." Shao Nangong said to Nangong Suo while sitting on the chariot.

"Major General Xie." Nangong Suo quickly thanked her.

"This is what you deserve. If it weren't for you this time, we wouldn't be able to leave here at all." Said Nangong Shao. Young Master Nangong knew very well that it would be difficult for his **** team to leave if it weren't for the continuous movement of the troops led by Nangong Suo on both sides.

"General. General." At this moment, a captain ran over.

"What's the matter?" Nangong Shao asked displeasedly at this time.

"Reported to the general, the people behind stopped moving. They said they were all too tired." The captain said in a low voice. He knew that if he said that, he would definitely get a whip. So, he just said in a low voice.

"Asshole." When Nangong Shao heard such news, he became furious.

"If anyone lie down, kill me." Young Master Nangong gave such an order very firmly.

"Major General, can't you?" Just when Young Master Nangong was about to issue such an order. Nangong Suo immediately objected to the side.

"Why not?" Young Master Nangong asked displeasedly at this time.

"Major General, the brethren are very tired now. Starting yesterday, we have marched continuously. Our soldiers simply cannot bear such a heavy march. At this time, everyone is very tired. Now it is noon. People are tired and morale is low. If the major general does this, it may cause a mutiny. In this case, it will not be good for us to **** these goods." Nangong Suo persuaded.

Hear here. Little Nangong understood. If you take tough measures yourself, it is very likely to cause mutiny, and in this case, it will cause a series of troubles. And his main task is to **** the goods, not to have any accidents in the process. Thought of this. Shao Nangong looked up at the sky, and indeed, they had been forcibly marching for a long time from yesterday to now. If this goes on, I can't stand it, let alone the soldiers.

"Okay. In this case, let's take a break." Nangong nodded less and ordered.

"General Xie." Nangong Suo thanked him immediately.

"Yeah. This general is also tired. Cook in a pot. After everyone has eaten, take a good rest." Said Nangong Shao.

Immediately the entire Chu army rested. The Chu army on both sides began to rest in the woods.

The Chu Army just stopped to rest, and the South Korean First Cavalry Brigade quietly touched it.

"How is it?" Zhang Biao asked a few officers in a low voice near the observation post. In order to attack suddenly. South Korea's 1st Cavalry Brigade quietly entered the offensive position. Then suddenly attacked.

"Report sir. The Chu army stopped. Those people gathered. They all rested in the woods. They also buried pots for cooking. It seems that they are about to stop." A corporal reported.

"Yeah." Zhang Biao picked up his binoculars and looked. really. All the soldiers of the Chu army leaned against the tree lazily, and they waited for the next order. However, no one cares about these, many of them fell asleep.

"It seems that these Chu Army soldiers are really tired." Zhang Biao said with a smile.

"Yes, sir. They lay on the side of the road as soon as they stopped. We saw it really through the telescope." The corporal reported.

"Okay. In fifteen minutes, we are about to launch a general attack. Everyone is ready to prepare." Zhang Biao ordered. Then quietly left the outpost. The new South Korean Army’s reconnaissance capability is higher than that of the Chu Army. The reason is that the new South Korean Army has distributed a large number of telescopes. Chu Jun did not. In their view, distributing telescopes is completely redundant. So Chu Jun didn't allot. As a result, the new South Korean army can often find the Chu army at a long distance. However, Chu Jun could only find it from a certain distance with the naked eye. For longer distances, nothing can be done.

Fifteen minutes later. The 1st Cavalry Brigade of the New South Korean Army quietly completed its offensive preparations. But Chu Jun didn't know it.

"Offensive." Zhang Biao looked at his watch, then waved his arm. The cavalry began to charge quickly. The army rumbling noises. This is the prelude to the cavalry attack.

"Listen. There seems to be a sound?" In the woods, a soldier of the Chu Army said alertly.

"Nothing." An veteran was still lying on the ground sleeping.

"Wow." At this time, a pot of water fell from the rock, and no one touched it. I fell down by myself.

"What's the matter?" asked several sober Chu Army soldiers looking at the falling kettle.

"No. I don't know." Several people replied nervously.

Then they felt the earth trembling.

"Not good. It's the cavalry. Some cavalry came." An veteran who was sleeping suddenly realized something, and then stood up and ran quickly.

"Bang. Bang." At this moment, the gunshots in the distance rang. This is to deal with the voice of Chu Jun waiting.

"Cavalry. The cavalry came here. Retreat quickly." The veteran shouted loudly. It is a pity that many soldiers of the Chu Army are still immersed in their dreams, and they realize that the danger has come. Many people did not get up.

Even if there are a few people who can get up. For a while, it was not clear what happened.

"Boom boom." The rumble of the cavalry came before Chu Jun's eyes in a blink of an eye.

"Puff." A sleepy-eyed Chu Army soldier didn't know what was going on, his head was split open.

"Bang. Bang, bang, bang." The gunshot sounded loudly, and Chu Jun fled in chaos.

The Chu army's **** team was also extremely chaotic at this time.

"Cavalry. There are cavalry. The cavalry is here." The Chu army soldier shouted in confusion. There was no one to resist the incoming Chu army.

"Don't panic, don't panic." Nangong Suo tried his best to stabilize Chu Jun, but it was too late at this time. He saw a group of cavalry behind him was killing him.

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