"Yes, sugar. It's sugar." Xiao He said.

"The price of white sugar on the market now is extremely high. Those Chu aristocrats control all sugar exports. If we need sugar, we need to import a large amount of sugar from Chu. But the Chu aristocrats levy high taxes. , And they have monopolized all business, which is very unfavorable to us." Xiao He said.

"Why is there such a big demand for sugar?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"It's mainly the needs of the Western Regions. Our demand for sugar is daily. The taste of Qin is salty, while the taste of Chu people is sweet. Therefore, we can still meet the daily needs, but the problem is that tea, With the unfolding of the demand for tea, especially the misunderstanding of the people in the Western Regions about tea. Their nobles believed that adding sugar to tea water was the method of nobles, while the method of the poor was to add salt. In this way, the price of sugar We were maliciously promoted. If we want to sell a large amount of tea, we must have a large amount of sugar to sell. But the problem is that the controller of cane sugar is the nobleman of Chu State." Xiao He said with some regret.

"Well. If you say that, I will understand." Yingyu nodded and said.

"In other words, the biggest sales market for sugar is tea. Not actual demand, right?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"Yes." Xiao He nodded.

"I think we have to add a few more varieties specifically. Not only sugar, but also tea." Yingyu suggested at this time.

"Tea. Yes, there should be tea." Xiao He said excitedly at this time.

"Well. Think about it again. Are there any other varieties? We can also add to the futures varieties. We want to capture the dominant power of these products in our hands." Yingyu said to Xiao He.

"Silk, but silk is not easy to control, because the other party's silk has changed too much. There is no uniform style, and we can't calculate the calculation method in a unified way. I think it is too difficult to add silk." Xiao He said To.

"Yeah. Then, we will add sugar and tea. But the difference between tea seems to be quite big." At this moment Yingyu suddenly realized.

"Yeah. That's it." Xiao He nodded and said.

"It seems we can only add one more." Yingyu thought for a while and wanted to say. Because the difference between the tea produced in the tea producing area is very big. If a unified standard is used to levy, it is difficult to cover all of them.

"These, we can hand over to the spot to do. We can invest, or participate in it. In this way, we can also indirectly affect these varieties, but, Chairman I think, we can now master these as long as we master sugar Now." Xiao He said.

"The people of Chu are in control of where the raw materials are produced, and we control the market. Demand determines production. Since we control the market, we should dominate the sugar, rather than let the Chu aristocracy continue like this." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. You are right, and there is another key technology. What we are trading on the market is white sugar. Sugar needs to be processed to become white sugar, otherwise the sucrose will never become white sugar." Yingyu smiled and said to Xiao He To. At this time, Yingyu suddenly understood why Xiao He wanted to increase the variety of white sugar, because white sugar has a technical threshold for processing. If there is no technical threshold limit, Chu will soon grasp the dominance of the white sugar market, but it is precisely this technical threshold. , Giving Qin Guo the opportunity to master the sugar market.

Subsequently, Yingyu discussed with Xiao He a specific plan, and then let Xiao He handle the plan, and finally submitted it to the Prime Minister's Office for approval. In this way, the sugar can be listed and traded. This is a brand-new variety, and the launch of the white sugar variety represents the issue of production rights and market control competing for dominance. Judging from the current position of the Chu aristocracy, they have completely monopolized all the production of cane sugar, while the people of Qin have controlled most of the market demand, especially the demand for sugar, because only Qin has the sugar technology, and tea has to think about it. To sell at a better price, sugar must be matched. In this way, the State of Qin will control the market, but the cost is firmly controlled by the nobles of the State of Chu, because they have a large amount of raw materials in their hands. Under such circumstances, Qin had to give the market the right to decide, and let the market decide the final direction of sugar.

Zhao State, the outskirts of Handan East City. Wuhuan Glass Factory.

"The shopkeeper." A middle-aged man looked at his shopkeeper with a very honest look.

"What's the matter?" Wu Huan raised his head and said at this time. He took a pencil and calculated the numbers on the account book. His glass business was pretty good, and at least he sent out a small dish, but his factory had to pay a lot of technical patents to the glass factories in Qin. From glassware, To a large piece of glass. He has to pay quite a lot of technology patent fees. These patent fees eat up a lot of his profits, and he is very distressed about this. But there is no way to worry. He must pay for such expenses. Otherwise, his factory will not have a production license. If the Qin people find out, his factory will close down. He can't help it.

"Oh. Old Wu." Wu Huan looked up. It turned out that one of his was a distant relative of him.

"It's not the time for salary and salary. There are still several days. You need to wait." Wu Huan said at this time. He knew that Wu Feng must have come to him for salary. He has explained this to the other side many times. But the other party always finds various excuses to ask for money, as if he really wants to owe them money.

"You go back. In a few days, I will give you a lot of your salary, don't worry." Wu Huan waved his hand and said.

"No, no. The shopkeeper, you misunderstood. We didn't ask you for money." At this time, Wu Feng followed a more honest middle-aged man and said bitterly.

"Oh." I heard that they didn't come to ask for money. Wu Huan just relaxed a little now, but he didn't understand why the other party was looking for himself.

"You, what's the matter?" Wu Huan asked at this time.

"Oh. That's it, the shopkeeper." Wu Feng opened his mouth and said.

"The shopkeeper, this is because we accidentally discovered such a piece of glass. Take a look." As Wu Feng took out a piece of glass from his pocket.

"What's wrong with this piece of glass?" Wu Huan took the glass in a puzzled way and looked. In his opinion, this piece of glass was irregular, and it was knocked out from under the broken glass. There is nothing strange.

"The shopkeeper." Wu Feng said while looking at Wu Huan.

"This piece of glass can't be broken, and it can't be broken. You can try it, the shopkeeper." Wu Feng said with a smile.

"What?" Wu Huan asked at this time.

"Yes, this piece of glass was knocked down from other glass, so it is irregular, but this piece of glass is indeed not broken." Wu Feng continued.

"Hehe, there is such a thing, which is weird. Okay. I'll try it." Wu Huan said with a smile. He said that he threw the glass on the ground, but, strangely, the glass did not break. It was placed on the ground intact, which was far beyond Wu Huan's expectation.

"This is what you found." Wu Huan immediately picked it up and put it in his hand to check the difference, but seeing him try again, but still the same result, he felt very strange.

"How about the shopkeeper? We know how this thing was made." Wu Feng said with a smile. He knew that the shopkeeper would be at a loss after seeing such glass, and this expression was exactly what he wanted to see.

"Wait." The shopkeeper suddenly called out loudly.

"You, you are tempered glass." Wu Huan called out loudly at this time.

"Steel, tempered glass, what is this time?" Wu Feng should be at a loss at this time. He didn't know what kind of tempered glass the shopkeeper said, but he knew that this thing would definitely make money. This is also his glass here. He told the shopkeeper how to do it, and then gave him a lot of money. .

"This, this is tempered glass. The so-called tempered glass is that the glass is originally fragile and has become a piece of glass with the same hardness as steel. This kind of glass is relatively expensive in Qin, how can I say it." Wu Huan said. To.

"Do you know Xianyang Palace?" Wu Huan asked at this time.

"Oh." The two people nodded quickly and said.

"The main hall of Xianyang Palace uses this kind of tempered glass. I heard that some bullets can't penetrate it. This kind of glass is very hard. And the price is high. How did you get it out?" Wu Huan didn't. Asked the solution.

"This. We poured water on this accidentally. As a result, we didn't expect that the glass suddenly became so hard. At that time, we thought that our pot of water had ruined a good glass. We didn't dare to report it. , Planning to break the glass and re-dissolve it, and then do it again. As a result, we did not expect that we found such a piece of glass." At this time, Wu Feng explained.

"Good. Good, you are doing well." Wu Huan said.

"Do you know? You have discovered a big secret, this is tempered glass, tempered glass. This thing can be worth a lot of money. These things are very good." Wu Huan said with a smile.

"This. The shopkeeper." Wu Feng said with a smile at this time.

"Oh. I understand this. I will give you these remunerations. However, there are still some problems with the production. In addition, I will buy out this patent fee at one time and give you this amount. How about "Wu Huan smiled and stretched out five fingers.

"Hardware? So many." Wu Feng said with a smile. And hearing such numbers, Wu Huan smiled even more happily. Because he wants to pay fifty gold.

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