The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2143: Is it suspicious?

"The key technology of landmines is a large number of powerful explosives and fuzes. At present, no country has such a technology. They do not have a complete chemical system. Naturally, they cannot create a large number of explosives. There are also fuses. They cannot study the reasons for this. Based on their current technology, it takes more than five years of research to understand what is going on. Besides, such technology is nothing at all." Li You told the manager.

"So, our current approach is to use these high explosives and fuze technology as the core. As for the manufacture of the casing and the filling of the explosives, it is enough to directly hand it over to Zhao Guo or the Korean arsenal." Li You said.

"In this way, we can also save a large part of the cost, which is good for our development. If we don't even let things like the manufacture of the casing, we need to hire a whole production line of workers. Come to do this. The cost of this is too much." Li You said.

"Now, I know that many factories are doing this. As far as I know, some mechanical processing, bearing and other factories have begun to transfer some insignificant processing technologies to South Korea, Wei Guo. And Zhao Guo. And, for For such projects, banks are also willing to provide such funds. We can use capital and technology as the core competitiveness of the shareholding. On the one hand, we not only reduce the cost. On the other hand, we are also actively exploring We can't find such a good thing, but we can't find it." Li You said with a smile.

"Yeah." The manager nodded.

"I understand. However, if we want to build a factory abroad, we need a lot of capital. In terms of technology, we do not lack. The problem is that capital. Without capital, we can't build a new factory." The manager said worriedly. To.

"I know all of this. I have just explained the situation. To obtain bank investment, we only need to negotiate terms with Zhao Guo and the Korean partner, get a sufficient number of shares, and then hold these shares to get sufficient funds. In the end, the bank may enter in, but we have the technology. And production, especially the core competitiveness, explosives and fuzes are in our hands, they only need to produce shells, springs and other parts." Li You said to the manager To.

"Okay. That's how it is decided. I'm going to meet the bank guests in a while. You can make a plan." Li You arranged.

"Yes." The manager nodded, and then slowly exited Li You's office. At this time, Li You began to think about other things. The production of weapons such as landmines and grenades has already begun to be transferred to the production of arsenals in various countries. In the next step, they will further relax the production of other weapons. But what kind of weapons production should be relaxed in the next step of production. Is it a rifle or a cannon. There are still other weapons. Thinking of this, Li You can't help but feel a headache. If the arsenal does not look forward, profits will decline rapidly, and it will be impossible to regain the initiative in the future. When Li You thought of this, he couldn't help shaking his head. This question was still unclear for the time being, but he decided to put it aside for now and wait for the decision to discuss further.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Has the diplomatic envoy to Chu State sent out?" Seeing Zhang Liang coming in to make a report, Han Shu directly asked such a sentence. After all, whether Chu State could peacefully accept the current conditions. It depends on the attitude of Chu State.

"Back to the king, it has already been dispatched. However, it will take half a month at the earliest. In this way, we will be passive." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Yeah. Half a month, this kind of variable is too big. It would be fine if Chu State telegraphed. It can be solved by sending a telegram directly. Half a month's time is too long." Han Shu said worriedly.

"Is there any way? Complete the armistice agreement as soon as possible. If we drag on like this, our situation will not be good." Han Shu asked Zhang Liang worriedly.

"At present, it seems that only hope is Qin's mediation, or because of Qin's pressure, Chu has to make concessions." At this time, Zhang Liang proposed his own plan, even though Zhang Liang proposed a three-step approach. However, such a method still has a big time limit. Waiting like this is definitely not something South Korea can afford. The longer the time, the greater the variables.

"Has there been any change on the negative side?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"My lord, the political investment of Mr. Ning Chu requires a large amount of capital. The Korean Royal Bank alone may not be able to afford it. Moreover, South Korea is currently fighting such a battle, and it is really unable to further expand the state of Chu." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. The root of all the problems lies in Qin State. I don't know how Qin State considers this matter?" Han Shu stood up and thought with worry.

South Korea is eager to end the current war, because the situation is very favorable for South Korea. South Korea has occupied Jimo City and solved the problem of logistics supply. As long as the new Korean army continues to occupy Jimo City, the fact that South Korea will occupy Jimo City will also be at the same time. The state of Chu kept in contact and ended the war.

In fact, in order to get out of Chu’s war affairs as soon as possible, Han Shu even gave some preferential conditions in order to achieve this goal, such as providing interest-free loans from banks to Chu’s side, and in addition, reimbursement There are preferential trade tariffs and so on. She hopes that through these preferential terms, Chu recognizes South Korea's vested interests. But such conditions don't know whether Chu can be impressed. However, South Korea’s time has to drag on longer and longer, and South Korea cannot provide more financial funds to support this war. In order to fight this war, South Korea has once again expanded the scale of banknotes, and the won is facing inflationary pressure.

Under Jimo city.

"How is the situation?" Xue Gui asked Zhang Ti with the telescope in his hand.

"It's okay. These Chu troops are very stupid. They don't know what a landmine is. Both teams of Chu troops actually entered the mine area. The few waves advancing were killed. We couldn't keep up with the shooting, so they just Retreated." Zhang Ti said easily.

"Well. As a result, our minefields are thinner again." Xue Gui said worriedly.

"Is the sir still worried about our logistics supplies?" Zhang Ti asked at this time.

"Yes, fighting this kind of battle, but it consumes a lot of materials, such as these landmines, we have destroyed a lot of the Chu army, but our own situation is not optimistic, the landmines were bombed, none of them, and we didn’t. The way to fill in the mines, if the Chu army slowly digs trenches to confront us, we can only get supplies from a road on the sea, don't think about getting enough supplies from the land." Xue Gui said worriedly.

"That's it." Zhang Ti nodded.

"Sir. Is there a situation ahead?" At this moment, the guard sent an alarm.

"Let me see." Chen Boyan picked up the telescope in his hand and looked at the situation in the distance, while Zhang Ti was also nervously holding the telescope to look at it. Unfortunately, their handheld telescopes couldn't see what was in the distance at all. The telescope has been used, and the signal sent by the sentry is based on the telescope, so they can't see clearly.

"Go, bring a high-powered telescope." Xue Gui cried worriedly.

"Yes, sir." A soldier quickly turned and left. Then a tripod was placed in front of Chen Boyan. This was a monocular high-powered telescope, which was far clearer than a handheld telescope. Chen Boyan took a telescope to check the situation in the distance.

"Hey, it's our banner, and it's still a cavalry." Xue Gui said at this time.

"Cavalry, our cavalry, what's going on? Why did they come here?" Zhang Ti asked puzzled.

"Did the reinforcements we requested arrived? But their pace is very slow, this shouldn't be." Chen Boyan put down the binoculars in his hand and saw.

"Sir, let me have a look." Zhang Ti looked at the telescope in his hand at this time.

"Sir. Sir." Just when Xue Gui was worried. A signal soldier hurried over.

"Report. Sir, we found our South Korean merchant ship on the sea." After the signal unit settled, he finished speaking in one breath, and then gasped for breath.

"Our merchant ship?" Xue Gui looked at his sentry alertly.

"There are cavalry in front and merchant ships in the back. Is this a plot by the Chu army?" Zhang Ti said worriedly at this time. After all, their current strength is not enough to withstand the two army attacks at once.

"Confirm and report to me again." Xue Gui ordered the sentry to arrive at this time.

"It's the sir." The sentry left quickly.

"Sir, things are a bit weird. If the cavalry in front is our reinforcements, they should approach us as soon as possible, but as you can see, they are moving very slowly." Zhang Ti said worriedly.

"The merchant ships in the back are not too early or too late, but it's just time to arrive. This is really a bit suspicious." Zhang Ti said worriedly.

"Well, I'm also worried about this, but as long as we hold Jimo City, it's fine. We don't care about the rest," Chen Boyan said calmly.

"Sir. It's better for us to confirm." Zhang Ti suggested.

"Yeah. Confirm." Xue Gui nodded.

"Reporter sir, they are indeed our cavalry. You see, a small group of cavalry is coming towards us." The sentry reported.

"Go and meet them, don't let them step on landmines." Chen Boyan ordered.

"Report sir, we will confirm that it is our merchant ship later." At this time, the signal soldier came to report again.

"Yeah." Xue Gui nodded.

"Could it be that I am suspicious?" Xue Gui said to himself.

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