The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2147: Weapons also need weapons to solve

"Use the political system to restrain a person's ambitions. Only this idiot can think of such a method." Yingyu said to Xiao He.

"Chairman, I think this approach is very good. At least it can solve a big risk, and we can influence the political situation of Chu State only by influencing those businessmen. This should reduce us a lot of risk. But we still need the government's guarantee, and at the very least we need to stabilize this person." Xiao He put forward his own views.

"Yeah. You are right. We can't put hope on one person. Although the system is good, the system itself has its own problems." Yingyu nodded and agreed with Xiao He's opinion.

"In my opinion, we can unite with South Korea to do this together. In addition, we can influence their decision-making through other methods, such as merchants. We can now give merchants in Chu country some investment, loans, and factories can also be established. . As long as it can affect their decision-making, we only need it." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. Chairman, I think the most important thing is to let Negumi understand that the reason why he can come to power depends on the power of the State of Qin, but the power of the State of Qin must be hidden at this time, and it is best to hide it in Chu After the Chinese merchants, only in this way can we further expand the influence of our bank." Xiao He suggested.

"Well. It can be done. You are responsible for the specific arrangements." Yingyu thought about it.

"Yes, chairman." Xiao He nodded. Xiao He knew very well that if the Wenyang Bank of Qin State had always been exposed, it would inevitably arouse the suspicion of Chu Chu's young man, because Wenyang Bank's influence was too great. This kind of influence is a kind of crushing of his royal power. As a result, he will inevitably take some decisive measures to deal with himself. At this time, Wenyang Bank's best way is to hide, disappear, and become invisible. Make it impossible for the other party to notice. This is the clever method.

Just when Wenyang Bank was discussing negative investment. Li Xin, who was far away in the Western Regions, was embarrassed.

"This matter is a bit complicated. According to the truth, there are also military matters in it, but let's do military matters." Li Xin said embarrassedly looking at the report in his hand. At this time, the chief of staff walked over and handed Li Xin a cup of tea.

"Sir, this matter, I think, is a fortune for us," the chief of staff said.

"Get rich?" Li Xin said incredulously.

"Yes, sir, this slave business is indeed enough for us to make a fortune. I heard that Wang Ben in the south seems to have done this." Li Xin's chief of staff said anxiously.

"What's going on? Tell me." Li Xin asked when the report was set aside.

"Oh. That's it." The chief of staff paused at this moment.

"The chief should know about the railway company's construction of the railway, right?" the chief of staff asked Li Xin.

"Of course I know. They are good for us to build the railway. As long as they build the railway, our problems can be solved a lot. Soldiers and logistics can be solved. This is a good thing for us." Li Xin said To.

"Yes, this is a good thing for us, but the railway company has encountered a big problem." At this time, the chief of staff said.

"What's the problem?" Li Xin asked.

"Oh, you'd better finish talking at once, don't make me want to ask you." Li Xin heard that the other party didn't say anything deliberately, and was a little anxious, so he asked directly.

"Oh. This is the case. Over the past year, the Qin State Railway Project has started a lot. However, it needs people to start the construction. However, building the railway is a chore. Few people took the initiative to do it. We used to The people of Qin are relatively poor, and some people do it, but they don't do it now." said the chief of staff.

"Although the railway company recruited a lot of people from Wei and Chu, this gap still cannot be resolved. It can be said that the railway company is short of people, and the shortage is very serious. General Wang Ben in the south is relying on this time. Suppressing the bandits, captured a large number of Western Regions, and then sold these Western Regions to the railway company of the Western Regions, allowing them to solve a large part of the labor problem. Moreover, I heard that they have begun to target Yueshi. People, Wusun people, or other people, let them actively participate in the slave trade. Now we should do the same in the north. So I think this is a good opportunity to make a fortune.” At this time, the chief of staff said his own The view comes.

"Sir, we have our own trading company, but the trading company cannot operate well. If we can organize some people into Dawan to arrest slaves, I think our business will be greatly improved. Solution, after all, these slaves are very valuable." The chief of staff continued.

"The other thing is, these slaves are all in the territory of the Parthian nation. We can take the opportunity to weaken the nation's strength. If we fight in the future, it will definitely be of great benefit." The Chief of Staff then suggested.

"Well. It seems that sending troops to fight, especially when we send troops to fight, has so many benefits." Li Xin wiped his chin and said.

"Yes, not just these, we can also take the opportunity to sell some of the equipment in our hands, so that we can act with the Dawan people and get even more wealth." The chief of staff continued.

"Yeah. Your idea is good, but it is not good to send troops to fight directly. Our troops must be carried out by means of armed caravans that capture slaves. We must never use the banner of the Qin army." Li Xin said at this time.

"As for weapons and equipment, we can sell to each other. But it's also legal. What kind of weapons are there? I think we still need to ask the above to provide them. After all, such weapons can only be used if approved by the above." Li The letter says.

"Well, sir, I don't think these are important anymore. The important thing is that we can now get enough slaves to start the slave trade. This is the most important thing. As for the arms trade, these are no longer what we can care about. Yes." The Chief of Staff said to Li Xin.

"Yeah. You are right." Li Xin nodded.

"The key is that we have to start the slave trade, attack and harass the Sabbath country, and support Dawan. This is our purpose. Okay. You write a report according to this idea. Send it to the General Staff, the specific thing should be the General Staff Responsible, we can't decide on such a thing." Li Xin said to the chief of staff.

"It's the sir. I must write a good report to impress the staff." The chief of staff said in a salute. Soon the Chief of Staff wrote the report and sent it to the Qin State Staff by telegram together with Zhao Kaizi's report. The General Staff has always attached importance to the news on the border. So the staff quickly got the news they wanted.

Inside the staff.

"I agree to do this. If you do this, you can consume the Shah Nation as much as possible. After all, I heard that this Shah Nation is very powerful. If they cannot consume their war mobilization capabilities in time, our Qin army will face it in the future. It is a very powerful opponent. For such an opponent, the Qin Army will probably have to pay a high price to eliminate it. This is definitely not the result we want." Yang Duanhe expressed his opinion.

"Well. The slave trade is profitable. Wang Ben also sent the same telegram. It seems that he can only agree to this at the moment." Wang Jian nodded and agreed.

"However, what do you think about the issue of arms exports?" Yang Duanhe asked Wang Jian at this time. On the issue of the slave trade and the arms trade, Yang Duanhe did not object. It can be said that Yang Duanhe is more supportive, but Yang Duanhe has his own views on the types of arms trade transactions.

"Wang Ben, this kid, sent a telegram, let us sell them some weapons such as landmines and grenades. After all, this thing can be exchanged for a large part of the advantage." Wang Jian said.

"Now, Li Xinbu has also raised such a question, and it is aimed at the Parthian Cavalry. Landmines are indeed a weapon against the Parthian Cavalry. But such a weapon has also had a great impact on us. If these weapons are in the future It is harmful to us. What should we do?" Wang Jian asked at this time.

"This." Yang Duanhe shook his head, he didn't know what to do.

"I personally think that from the point of view of need, we should indeed export a batch of landmines and grenades to them, but this kind of weapon will deal with us in the future. This is indeed what we need to worry about. Not enough, we have to face one first. A formidable opponent, this opponent has sufficient forces and a huge threat. If the people of Dawan cannot stand it and become the helpers of the Parthian nation, then our Qin State will be very much against such an opponent under the situation that we are not yet fully prepared. Not good." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"Therefore, I think that such weapons should be given to the other side. Not only we can get sufficient funds. The other part is that we can help the Dawan people to eliminate their strength against the Shah Nation as much as possible." Yang Duanhe suggested. .

"Yes. I am also like this. Compared with the disadvantages brought about by landmines, I think that selling landmines to the other party can bring greater benefits. Such benefits can be said to be easy to see." Wang Jian continued.

"However, I think that the shortcomings of landmines, we can build roads, and that we can develop some tools to find and clear these mines, as long as we have such tools, we can not be afraid of the threat of landmines. Although. Very powerful, but we can have a way to deal with it." Yang Duanhe said at this time.

"Well. Yes, weapons naturally need weapons to solve." Wang Jian said.

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