Regarding such things as digging holes, these soldiers of the Yan Army who were temporarily recruited are still acceptable, after all, such things are not enough to cost them their lives.

In order to prevent Goguryeo from going north, the Yan State adapted their Liaodong Border Guard. The so-called Liaodong Border Guard actually only had three infantry regiments with dissatisfaction with the Yan army. Most of the soldiers were strong men captured from the local area. Weapons, personnel, and all kinds of materials are very scarce. And with such an army, the Yan Army claimed to be the Liaodong Frontier Guard. Perhaps only Yan Jun can do this kind of self-deception.

"In the past few days, I have been walking around, the situation is very bad." Zhao De said to his chief of staff Guo Sheng, shaking his head.

"Although the Yan army claimed to be a border army, according to the depreciation of a border army, there should be at least three divisions, but what you and I see is that there are only three regiments here, and the personnel of these three regiments are equipped. , Morale is very poor, these people are soldiers who have not been trained at all." Zhao De said, shaking his head very dissatisfied.

"I think the people of Yan Guo simply want us Zhao Jun to come here to help them defend." Zhao De said with great dissatisfaction.

"I know all this." Guo Sheng said.

"Old Zhao, these are no longer what we can solve. I have already sent a telegram to the country for the situation here. But when it comes to specific solutions, it is not something we people can solve. Moreover, we are here to arrange landmines. Other things are beyond our control." Guo Sheng said.

"That's how it is said." Zhao De nodded and said.

"But the situation here is really disappointing. Those Yan Army soldiers, they eat poorly, although our Zhao Jun eats well. But you also know that the future defense of Liaodong will still rely on these soldiers, landmines. It just increased the ability of defense, and the main body of defense is still people. With this approach, it is estimated that Liaodong will not be able to defend for long." Zhao De put forward his own views.

"Okay. We are here to lay mines, and we can only report the problems we find. We can no longer manage specific matters." Guo Sheng said again.

"I said, Lao Guo, do you want to say that I have too much control?" Zhao De asked dissatisfiedly at this time.

"Yes." Guo Sheng nodded dissatisfiedly and admitted.

"Why?" Lao Zhao asked suspiciously at this time.

"You should also consider the country of Yan and the actual situation here. Now the country of Yan can't fill this defense all at once." Guo Sheng said.

"You have seen it too. There are only three border regiments here, but they claim to be border guards. There is a problem with this kind of troop configuration itself, plus weapons, logistical supplies, and morale. These are all lacking. Such a problem, it is estimated that Yan Yan The country knows it, but it is very difficult to solve it, otherwise they would not pin their hopes on us engineers." Guo Sheng said.

"Instead of talking about the Yanjun's various problems now, we might as well sit down honestly and figure out how to arrange the mines more securely to withstand the attacks of more Goguryeos." Guo Sheng said to Zhao De.

"I know what you learned in Qin Guo. Landmines are auxiliary weapons. What really works is the flexible mobilization of the army. The Qin army did this." Guo Sheng said to Zhao De. Zhao De was a graduate of the Qin State Military Academy. Once his studies were over, he was transferred back to Zhao Jun's engineering regiment as the head of the regiment. This task was completed by his regiment. Guo Sheng was born in the native Zhao Jun. He had never been to a military academy. He only relied on his military experience to serve as chief of staff. However, Guo Sheng was more pragmatic and knew how to actually solve these problems.

"We already knew about the situation of Yan State when we came. The situation here is very bad, and this is what we know. We arrange landmines according to the standards of the Qin Army. Naturally, we need a lot of troops to complete it. But, you I saw it too." Guo Sheng said to Zhao De. Zhao De is an eager to learn, and it is precisely because of this that he was selected to study in Qin.

"There are not many defensive forces here, but landmines can give us a lot. It can be said that they are absolutely sufficient. The role of landmines is not only defense. I think that they should be offensive. If we can put these landmines well With the arrangement of the design, it can definitely surpass an army of tens of thousands of people." Guo Sheng said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" Zhao De asked humbly at this time. At this time Zhao De realized his mistake, in his opinion. I did follow Qin Jun's textbook too much. Although Qin Jun was the inventor and manufacturer of landmine weapons, he used landmine weapons only as defensive weapons. It can be said that it is an auxiliary weapon among defensive weapons, and its role is only to play a defensive and alert role. Rarely used for large-scale configuration. Even in the recent combat against bandits in the Western Regions, landmines only have a blockade effect, and this requires a large area of ​​minefields to complete. This kind of understanding is just a beginning and has not been popular among Qin Jun's military academies, and the textbooks of the military academy are indeed what Zhao De learned.

"I think that we can use the number of landmines to deploy on a large scale to form a blockade. If necessary, we can use different landmine layout methods to form an ambush. In this case, even though we are not enough in number, we can only use the traffic arteries. Arranging a large number of landmines, I think the problem of insufficient strength can be solved. Sometimes, as long as we have a small amount of troops, we can solve the problem of a large number of insufficient defensive strength." Guo Sheng told Zhao De of his thoughts.

"Blocked area, ambush area?" Zhao De asked puzzled.

"Yes." Guo Sheng nodded and said.

"We know the actual difficulties of Yan Jun." Zhao De said.

"But I really didn't expect to use such a method to solve the actual problems of Yan Guo." Zhao De thought about it at this time. After reading some of Qin Jun's textbooks, he thought he was ready to fight. But what I didn't expect is that in practical applications, he is still insufficient.

"Sir, don't blame yourself. In fact, this kind of thing is not something that everyone can do well. We are just here to arrange mines. If we change to other people, we will do it. However, we can't understand the superiors. Meaning, the intention of the chief above is naturally to let us use landmines to drag, prevent, and block the northward movement of Goguryeo. As long as this goal can be achieved, how landmines should be used should be arranged according to specific conditions." Guo Sheng said.

"Landmines are dead, but the people who use them are alive. If they can use the dead mines alive. This is the god." Guo Sheng said.

"Didn't our Zhao Jun fight like this?" Guo Sheng continued.

"Yes. There is nothing wrong with what you said. Landmines are dead, but people are alive. As long as we use landmines alive. There is nothing to worry about." Zhao De suddenly realized, and then said with a smile.

"Okay. Sir, let's think about how to arrange these mines. If the task is not completed well, we will be punished." Guo Sheng said worriedly. Guo Sheng was very careful about the matter of letting them arrange landmines from the beginning. After coming here to understand the situation, he had no choice but to turn the passive defense weapon of landmines into an active defense weapon. And used for large-scale blockade.

Zhao State of Handan. The warehouse area of ​​the Handan Iron Factory is filled with a large number of iron ingots. Some transport workers are nervously arranging these iron ingots. Most of these iron ingots are transported to Qin State Taiyuan, or the Shangdang of Qin State. In the county, there are a large number of steel plants in these two places. These iron ingots will be further processed into steel, and then processed into various steels. Such as rails, steel rails, and various machine tools, gears and other industrial products.

"We just produce a large number of iron ingots. These iron ingots are all exported to Qin. If this goes on, it will be too single." Li Mu said, watching the iron ingots piled up in the warehouse worriedly.

"Yes, Prime Minister, if we have Qin's machinery and equipment, we have to process some things, such as those rails, although they are not as wear-resistant and strong as steel rails, but they are cheap to build, and we have a factory that manufactures rails. The profit is huge. But the people of Qin State have been slow to provide us with equipment, and there is no such mechanical equipment. We can't do it either." The warehouse manager introduced.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded. Handan Iron Works only produces a single iron ingot, which is in demand for the rails in the current large-scale railway construction. It was unsatisfactory, and Qin used the technical blockade as an excuse to be unable to provide relevant equipment for a long time, which made Handan Iron Works's profit has been low. Although there are huge profits, Li Mu is very worried about how long such profits can be maintained. Li Mu knows very well that if a company wants to be competitive, it must continuously upgrade its products. This is also the reason why Li Mu came to the Handan Iron Works to inspect.

"Although Handan Iron Works can produce a large number of iron ingots, the ironware we process is very limited, and the weapons cannot be further expanded to weapon-level materials. Not only that, but the daily necessities we produce are only crude iron. Pot, I am afraid that such a product will not sell much?" Li Mu said to Li Zuoche, looking at the piled up iron ingots. Li Mu felt very worried about the poor competitiveness of Handan Iron Works' products. With the expansion of Qin State's investment, if there are several factories like Handan Iron Plant in the future, then Handan Iron Plant's situation is really very bad. This is also an important reason Li Mu is worried.

"Our products must be upgraded." Li Zuoche nodded and said.

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