The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2152: Technology patent case

With the strength of the Yue people, if they were to attack the Kingdom of Parth, they would lose in a mess, and they would also face the danger of subjugation. The people of the Yue family were very aware of this risk, so Qin Li faced such a choice. , Naturally unwilling.

Although through Bai Shi’s explanation, the slave business is a good way to get rid of the current predicament and restore strength, but with such strength, they can’t proactively provoke a country like the Parthian nation, even though the state of Qin is crazy. Good, but Yueshi people have their own difficulties.

However, the Yue people could not defeat the Western Parthian nation, but they could defeat the Southern Peacock dynasty, because after all, the southern countries are usually very weak. Although the people of the Yue family still don't know what kind of country the Maurya Dynasty is and what the strength of this country is, they have already paid attention to the Maurya Dynasty.

"These people from the Yue family, who can't beat the Kingdom of Apostas, can clean up the Peacock dynasty. Forget it, as long as there are enough slaves. Lao Tzu doesn't care who you beat." Wang Zhao relaxedly looked at the report submitted by the Yue family. . No matter who he hits, as long as he can complete the task of a slave, he doesn't care about anything.

And in the Qin State Staff Headquarters. The telegrams sent by Li Xin and Wang Ben were evaluated.

"According to Li Xin's telegram, they want to mobilize the Dawan people to carry out a slave capture operation against the Parthian nation." Yang Duanhe said.

"However, the content of the telegram also illustrates another problem. The problem is that the Dawan people have a fear of rest instinct, and this fear is not conducive to their next military operation." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded. But he didn't say anything. In his opinion, Li Xin's actions were a bit rash.

"If this is the case, Li Xin's military actions against the Dawan people will probably be a big obstacle. This thing will not be completed." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian.

"I see, there are many difficulties." Wang Jian said.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Duanhe himself felt that such an approach was very feasible. At least under such conditions, the Qin army could achieve the purpose of weakening the Sabbath nation by using only a small portion of its troops. For Qin State, it was really great. But Wang Jian doesn't seem to be optimistic about such things.

"I'm not optimistic about Wang Ben's letting Yue people attack the Kingdom of Peace." Wang Jian shook his head and said.

"You can say that the people of the Yue family were chased all the way to those deep mountains by our country of Qin. In such an environment as the mountain, they might not be able to regain their strength. Even with the assistance of our country of Qin, how about their The strength is not enough, it is impossible to face a strong opponent like the Nation. For the Yue people, they prefer to target weak countries, so that they can quickly restore their strength. To restore their strength, I think this This is the primary goal of the Yueshi people. Under such a goal, the Yueshi people probably won't promise us to take the initiative to provoke a powerful enemy like the Siberian nation." Wang Jian analyzed rationally. Hearing this analysis, Yang Duanhe couldn't help feeling a little pity.

"Li Xin's proposal is also good, but the Dawan people are facing a strong enemy they are familiar with. Under such a strong enemy, will they take the initiative to provoke each other?" Wang Jian asked Yang Duanhe.

"I see. It's not possible." Although Yang Duanhe thought that the Dawan people would take the initiative to attack each other, thinking about it rationally, it seemed impossible. After all, the Dawan people had already been beaten to fear when faced with such a strong opponent.

"That's right. The Dawan people are scared of being beaten by the cavalry of the Parthian nation. They can't attack the Parthian nation in fear, and if they are retaliated by the Parthian nation, this is their business. Not that. Our Qin State affairs." Wang Jian said.

"However, we must think of a way to solve this problem." Yang Duanhe said unwillingly.

"Li Xin's report, especially this diplomatic report, proposed the use of landmines. First of all, we must give the people of Dawan a very safe security guarantee. I think this report has great value." Wang Jian said as he pulled out The report drafted by Zhao Kaizi told Yang Duanhe.

"Yeah. But it is only for defense, and a lot of landmines are also exported. Although it is in line with our foreign military trade. However, if the Dawan people don't buy it, we can't help it." Yang Duanhe said worriedly. .

"We still have cavalry troops, and we have a steady stream of additional soldiers, don't forget. We have a large number of Huns cavalry in our hands." Wang Jian had already planned it.


"You won't dispatch those cavalry?" Yang Duanhe asked at this moment.

"It's the cavalry. I think it is necessary for us in Qin State to dispatch those cavalry. If those cavalry don't fight, it will cost a lot of money. This kind of thing does not mean that we spend so much money to build troops." Wang Jian Speaking of.

"And it's just the use of small groups of troops to capture slaves. I think this should be done." Wang Jian said naturally.

"Yeah." Yang Duanhe agreed with Wang Jian.

"The supply of the cavalry troops is okay. They have great flexibility in fighting. The Huns cavalry, against the cavalry of the Parthian nation, I see who the cavalry of the two countries is strong." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"You played a pair of pairs." Yang Duanhe said with a smile.

"Yes, I just want to play a pair of cards. Look at these two elite cavalry units, who is strong enough." Wang Jian said.

"So, isn't it the same with Yueshi?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"Well. It can be so, but we can also provide more landmines. Anyway, the production of landmines has begun to be commercialized. I think it will not be long before we can provide a considerable number of landmine weapons." Wang Jian said very easily. To.

On the one hand, the Qin State provided defensive weapons and landmines. On the other hand, the Qin Army took the initiative to provide harassment by small groups of troops as a demonstration. In this way, the other party could not attack countries such as Dawan and Yuezhi, but at the same time it could not avoid being harassed . This has a great positive effect on weakening the Sabbath state. This was Wang Jian's idea at the beginning, but what Wang Jian did not expect was that there was a serious deviation in the strategic choice of the Yue family. They chose to go south, but did not choose to go further west. This difference in strategic goals will bring about big deviations.

In the Chu Chamber of Commerce in Xinzheng, South Korea, Chu merchants are discussing the conditions set by the Qin people nervously, but such conditions are given by the Koreans. For such conditions. Negative personal attitude is that the people of Qin are intentionally weakening the power of the king of Chu and deliberately giving merchants more power. Although Ning Chu was very dissatisfied, she had to accept it. After all, if you are in a superior position, you need a lot of support. Fan Zeng put forward his own opinions to Ningchu. This opinion is also very pertinent.

In order for Ning Chu to rise to power, he must first have his own military power, but in whose hands such military power is in the hands of Ning Chu, he simply doesn't know. At the same time, if you control military power, you need a lot of financial resources to provide a huge guarantee. How to provide such a guarantee? Only those businessmen hold huge wealth in their hands.

Ning Chu has neither military power nor financial resources. At the same time, the domestic nobles cannot support him in power. Under such circumstances, how can Ning Chu come to power?

The conditions given by the people of Qin, although they seem very harsh, can meet all the conditions of Negative at the same time.

The first choice is military power. The people of the Qin state demand that part of the military power be controlled by the people, so that a large part of the military power is controlled by the generals. The generals of the Chu army were mostly private soldiers of the nobles. In doing so, Qin State gave these private soldiers a reason to exist.

Being in the upper position, and the need to obtain greater benefits. Some aristocratic private soldiers became a military force supporting Ningchu, such as the southern Xiangjia, they were the main military force supporting Ningchu.

The second is the settlement of financial resources. The parliamentary system provides an excellent way for businessmen to enter the political circle. This is also the reason why businessmen in the Chu Chamber of Commerce are actively discussing today. They have a great fascination with political power, but they suffer from their status as businessmen and no political power. Now there is a parliament. Although the upper house is a separate aristocratic parliament, the lower house can allow businessmen to enter. In this way, businessmen have the power to discuss politics, and some bills cannot be approved and implemented without their consent. They can also put forward their own proposals. In this way, businessmen have their own political rights, which is an effective guarantee for them and guarantees their commercial interests. At the same time, the financial support was exchanged.

Fan Zeng didn't know how many nobles' support could be gained by the proposal of the House of Lords, but he thought that like the nobles of the Zhao State, they would be able to share the power of the central government, and should also be able to obtain some political power. In this way, the financial dilemma is solved. It has a great boost to the upper ranks of Ning Chu.

The most critical of the last item is that Qin specifically restricted the king's power and expanded the power of relatives. This was something Fan Zeng hadn't thought of before. This is enough to attract many people to actively participate in the opposing superiors. After all, with relative power, this is a great power, and this power is higher than king power. This is an important reason why Fan Zeng stayed. Of course, Fan Zeng did not tell Ning Chu about this idea. However, Ning Chu was dissatisfied with the conditions for the expansion of the right to the party.

But thinking of the financial and political support of Qin and South Korea, Ning Chu still bears this matter. After all, this kind of support is very large.

"If we agree to the terms of Qin State Bank and the Korean Royal Bank, investment, business investment, how much profit is this." A middle-aged businessman in exquisite clothing said excitedly.

"At this Xinzheng Summit, Qin State Bank was very brilliant. How many projects do they want to invest in? Railway investment, commercial trade investment, investment in Yan State and Qi State are also very large, even though both countries have such a situation. Such a problem, but people from the Qin country are very optimistic. But we are the only country in Chu that does not have such an investment. If we lack such an investment project, how much less would we make?" said the middle-aged businessman.

"Yes. That's right. I am also worried. Sometimes, I also think that if we Chu State had such a lot of investment, wouldn't it be possible to make money for the rest of our life at this time? This is an excellent opportunity. You must not miss it." Other businessmen nodded in agreement.

"If it weren't for Qin's support for the businessmen, I think we people would still not be able to make this money, and the conditions of Qin people are pretty good, I think, Chu's system should have been changed a long time ago." Speaking of.

"I think this parliament is pretty good. I heard that the parliament on Zhao’s side is like this. Those businessmen who entered the parliament’s circle were very active. If they were dissatisfied, they would raise them in the parliament. Come out. I heard that Zhao Guo’s tax rate has been fixed. But those tax collectors levied taxes indiscriminately. As a result, some businessmen and congressmen raised this matter in the parliament. Although specific measures have not yet been introduced, Prime Minister Li Mu The rectification has been started. I heard the effect is very good. Think about our country of Chu. If we can do the same, is our situation like this?" a young businessman said dissatisfied. Over the years, the Chu merchants have suffered from unreasonable taxation in their own country. If there is a parliament and their powers are expanded, they will not be afraid of such things.

"Yes. That's how it should be. Not only will our rights be expanded, but we can also make a lot of money. It's okay. Where can I find it? I think we agreed to this matter. Give some money, as long as the son I can agree to do this. I think it's worth it." A dark businessman agreed with excitement, waving his arms.

"Yes. It's worth it." The businessmen agreed. Seeing such a situation, Minzu nodded slightly. I felt a lot more relaxed at once.

Qin State Xianyang. Shang Wen received a special case from the Minister of Justice.

"That's the way it is. Our Glass Association suspects that Zhao Guo has stolen our country's related technology patents. Therefore, we demand compensation from the other party." The Minister of Justice said to Shang Wen.

Shangwen was also confused when he received such a case. A glass factory in Zhao Guo discovered the secret of unfavorable tempering, so they tried some manufacturing. Although there are still various shortcomings, this kind of tempered glass has been promoted on a large scale in Handan of Zhao State, such as Handan of Zhao State. Some of the shops have used this kind of tempered glass to make their windows. However, there is a serious technical patent infringement. After all, the earliest tempered glass appeared in Qin, and Zhao Guo's tempered glass had to be authorized by Qin people before. And now the tempered glass produced by Zhao Guoren is not authorized.

"I think it is very likely that Zhao Guoren discovered this kind of tempered glass himself." Shang Wen said.

"But, Prime Minister, I personally think that the patent right is on our side of Qin." The Minister of Justice solemnly said to Shang Wen.

"We don't care how Zhao Guo obtained the patent for this technology, but out of the consideration of protecting personal intellectual property rights. I think that Qin Guo should do this at all costs. The benefits of this are obvious." The Minister of Justice Speaking of.

Shangwen looked at the Minister of Justice and motioned to the Minister of Justice to give him an explanation. Although Shangwen believed that this was a technology discovered by Zhao Guo himself, he respected the technology. Shang Wen also felt that Zhao Guo should be sued for infringement on this technology.

"If someone steals such a patented technology and they use it for profit, we sue the other party. If the other party claims that the technology was discovered by themselves, if this is the case, the rights of the person applying for the technology patent will be affected. Severe infringement, such an infringement, sometimes is economic loss. This loss may be greater because of the economic value of a certain technology patent. The consequence of this is that the other party will do whatever it takes to steal, robbery, etc. By such means, they only have to produce the technology patents. If they publicize that this is their own discovery and are exempt from legal sanctions, I think this is very unfair to the technology patent applicants, and we originally proposed the technology patents. The legal meaning of the bill is lost. Regardless of whether the other party actually discovered the technology or other reasons, the Qin government must protect the economic rights and interests of the technology patent holders." The Minister of Justice said to Shangwen seriously.

"Yeah. You are right. I agree with you." Shang Wen nodded in recognition.

"I will deal with this matter as soon as possible." Shang Wen said.

"But you can formally submit text materials to Zhao Guo. I want to talk to Zhao Guo personally about this matter." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I will submit relevant texts as soon as possible." The Attorney General nodded and said. Then left. He has to prepare relevant materials. This is the first technology patent dispute between Qin and Zhao. Because this is a technology patent between the country and the country, the Minister of Justice pays special attention to it. It is for this reason that the Minister of Justice formally submitted it to Shangwen himself. .

"This is a troublesome thing." Shang Wen said.

"Indeed, we still have to start a judicial investigation. Anyway? I think these are infringements." Meng Yi said to Shangwen from the side.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"But this incident also illustrates a problem, that is, technical things must be protected. I think Zhao must agree to Qin's handling conditions. If they think that Qin is infringing on their rights, I think, This is an unfair treatment of Qin State and an irresponsible treatment of Zhao State." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

Shang Wen nodded. Instructed Meng Yi to continue speaking.

"I know that Zhao Guo is actively introducing Qin State's technology, but if they win the lawsuit on this technology patent, it will cause a serious consequence, that is, a kind of trampling on the technology patent. Think about it. Anyone, after finding a way to obtain the secrets of technological manufacturing, and then make them themselves. This is a loss of economic interest to the technical patent owner. I am afraid that few people can calmly accept such a loss. If Zhao Guo wants to obtain more technology patents, I think they must do so." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

“We’d better send a telegram to Li Mu as a private person to let him understand this situation. This will be of great benefit to Zhao’s technology introduction. Otherwise, we are in the protection of technology patents and rights and interests. I think many companies will withdraw from Zhao Guo. This kind of case is very special. It must be analyzed as a classic case." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Do I need to send a telegram?" Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Yes, you will draft the relevant legal telegram. This is your strength." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi with a smile. Meng Yi plays a vital role in this kind of work, and Shangwen has a big problem with the format. Most of the memorials submitted by Shangwen were reports. Most of the other content was drafted by Meng Yi.

Zhao State of Handan.

Li Mu looked at the two telegrams sent by Qin State. One is a telegram from the Ministry of Justice of Qin State. They stated in the telegram that one of Zhao’s glass companies violated the interests of the Qin State Glass Association. Another telegram was sent by Shangwen, the prime minister of Qin. The content of his telegram is related to glass factory infringement. In the telegram, he explained in detail the impact of this case.

On the one hand, it is the urgency to introduce technology, and on the other hand, Zhao cannot protect the technology discovered by the people of his own country. This is Li Mu's distress. In Li Mu's view, Zhao Guoren must have discovered this technology by himself, and this is where mass production has occurred. However, the people of Qin State sued Zhao Guo's glass factory by way of infringement. If this is the case, who would be the artisans of the Zhao country to invent and create.

But Li Mu also had to worry about some things happening. For example, the introduction of Qin State's technology. As Shang Wen said, technology companies that use technology as shares are worried about their technology patents being stolen. They will definitely hesitate to invest in Zhao State. , Zhao Guo could not get relevant technical support. Such a thing has a great impact.

"Prime Minister, why is it so distressed?" Li Zuoche came in with a stack of reports and asked.

"Oh. A case, this may be Zhao Guo, and Qin Guo's first such case." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"Let's take a look. What do you think of this matter?" Li Mu asked Li Zuoche.

It looks like Li Zuoche took Li Mu's telegram. The first telegram surprised Li Zuoche. He did not expect such a case.

But the second telegram made Li Zuoche a little embarrassed.

"This makes us very difficult for the State of Zhao. If we do not do this, it will make it difficult for the more advanced technology of the Qin State to enter the State of Zhao. The technology is already difficult enough. However, if we do not follow the requirements of the Qin State, the result will be , Our craftsmen have made a profit. But they have lost the opportunity to introduce advanced technology from the State of Qin. It is difficult to rely on the current level of craftsmanship and processing technology of our Zhao State." Li Zuoche shook his head and said.

"What do you think?" Li Mu asked.

"For long-term considerations. I think this case should be dealt with seriously, but we must also actively guide it. Otherwise, our craftsmen in Zhao will not be able to innovate technologically." Li Zuoche said.

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