Shangwen walked back and forth, thinking about how to solve Dawan's affairs, in his memory. The place occupied by the Dawan people, which is today's Central Asia, is rich in resources. Coal, manganese ore, copper ore, gold ore, and chromium ore.

Thinking of Chromium, Shang Wen feels very lucky. The people of Qin State discovered the important role of chromium, which is also an important reason for the huge improvement of Qin State steel. Various chromium alloy steels allow Qin to have a variety of materials to manufacture automobile cylinders, as well as various guns, parts, machine tools, etc. Without these, Qin’s industry cannot be further improved. Because the quality of steel cannot be broken first. With this in mind, Shang Wen believes that the development of Central Asia should first focus on the development of minerals. With such minerals as a breakthrough, it will definitely be able to have a huge promotion effect.

But Shang Wen calmed down quickly, even though he found a breakthrough. But how can the minerals be developed? This is the key. The Western Regions are very far away from Guanzhong, and transportation to Guanzhong also requires a lot of railway transportation capacity. Thought of this. Shangwen rethinks a feasible way for this breakthrough.

On the southwest plateau of Qin State.

"Hey, look, what is Zhao Jun doing?" A second-class soldier of the Qin Army carrying his rifle, eating his own lunch with one hand, roasting lamb shanks, this is a special lunch before the sentry on duty. Because they are responsible for important vigilance tasks. A good meal should also be eaten. And here, there is no shortage of lamb. A box of canned food can exchange several sheep, and they hate canned food. Long-term use makes them very disgusted with this kind of food.

"Oh. They are building a fortress." At this time, a sergeant walked over. The sergeant also gnawed the leg of lamb, and the sergeant said while gnawing the leg of lamb.

"Here, they are building a fort in front of our position. Isn't this a great threat to us?" Private Li Dang asked puzzledly.

"Boy. You don't know that." The sergeant smiled and kicked the opponent and said.

"Tell you, this is Zhao Guo's shield for us." The sergeant said with a smile.

"This. What does this mean?" Li Dang asked puzzledly.

"Well, Lao Yang, don't make it difficult for him." A lieutenant walked over with his lunch box and said. In the lunch box is mutton soup, and he still holds several noodles in his hands. Qin Jun’s noodles were purchased temporarily by his teacher. This kind of dough is hard and dry, very unpalatable, but easy to preserve. But if this kind of noodles are chopped with a bayonet and put into the lamb soup. Served with delicious lamb and soaked noodles, it is also a very delicious food.

The long-term garrison life has made the Qin army officers and soldiers have a persistent pursuit of food. They try to make food more delicious every day. Because they are stationed here, there is really nothing to do. Very boring life.

"That was the first step for Zhao Jun to establish a colony. They formally reached an agreement with the Qiang natives. Zhao Jun gave them a lot of supplies and bought a lot of land. This is their colony." Lieutenant King Guang explained.

"Oh. That's the way it turns out." The second-class soldier nodded and realized it.

"Lao Yang will explain to him what he doesn't know in the future. Don't make fun of these things like you." The lieutenant told Lao Yang. Lao Yang was the same sergeant just now. He is a veteran oilman. Originally he should be a sergeant. It is a pity that he attacked without authorization, and the tribe that had attacked the Qiang took a woman back. And hide in the barracks. The result was caught by the gendarmerie above. The above punished him before he was demoted to be a sergeant.

"Yes. Sir." Lao Yang said reluctantly. Then he gnawed his leg of lamb.

"Sir, why did those Zhao people build the fortress in front of our position. In this case, isn't theirs against us?" The second class asked worriedly at this time.

"It's not opposition. It's an interdependent relationship." Wang Guang explained.

"After Zhao Jun’s fortress is built, they will build a passage, and then they will build a fortress when the passage reaches a certain distance, so that there is a connection between the fortresses. At the same time, the transportation of materials can be maintained. , They will deploy a large number of mines and barbed wire for defense." Wang Guang explained. This is what the notice from the meeting above said.

It was not easy for Zhao to establish a colony. They are facing the local Qiang indigenous tribe, because there are tribes like them in the colony. If they do not agree to leave the pastures they occupy, conflicts will erupt between the two sides. Directly confronting Zhao Guoren is not afraid, but is afraid of constant harassment. Cut off the logistics supply line. In order to get through the land that they have occupied. Zhao Guoren had to adopt such a seemingly stupid approach. Build a fort, and then extend it a little bit. Expanded, as long as the time is long enough, they can have their own colonies.

"It would be too time consuming to do so, even the mines on both sides and the barbed wire are enough." The second-class soldier looked at the construction of the fortress in the distance and said.

"Yeah. That's right. But the will of the Zhao people is very strong. They rely on the favorable situation of our position and come little by little. If they establish a position, the pressure on our side will be reduced a lot, after all, the Qiang people will Focus on Zhao Guoren." Wang Guang said.

"Yeah. I don't know what the people of Zhao are looking for? This land is very barren, and wheat can't be grown, so you can only graze. With such a large investment, you ended up with a bunch of meat, dairy products, and skins." Li When talking with a smile.

"This is not something we can understand. Okay, let's eat quickly. After dinner, you will have to be on duty and be responsible for the alert of Quanlian." At this time, Wang Guang said to Li Dang. He also took out his bayonet, smashed the cake in his hand little by little, and threw it into his lamb soup. This kind of food is good enough to eat while it is hot.

Qin Jun's reaction to the colony established by the people of Zhao was unremarkable. Although the high-level officers were very excited, in their opinion, if Zhao Guoren stood in front of them, they would be able to relax a lot, and then they would be able to return to the rear for repairs. This is a good thing. However, most of the officers and soldiers are also very plain about this, because their lives have not changed much.

The border between Yan and Liaodong.

"Tell you the good news. The Yan people have agreed to our request, and they have sent four heavy artillery. These heavy artillery were sold to the Yan people by Qin. With these heavy artillery, we can seal off a considerable area. "Meng Fang said with a smile. Because when he received the news, he was also very surprised. He did not expect that the Yan people would be so generous, and even the heavy artillery would be allocated to him.

"Really?" Guo Sheng asked with a smile.

"It's true. In addition, they have mobilized defensive artillery from all over the country of Yan. I read the telegram and said that there are about three hundred. These artillery is enough for us." Meng Fang said with some excitement. He was born as an artilleryman and has a very strong dependence on artillery. Without artillery, he would not be able to find a suitable job for himself when he came here.

"Great." Guo Sheng said happily. With the support of artillery, he believes that the role of the mine array will be even greater.

"By the way, what are you doing?" Meng Fang looked at Guo Sheng suspiciously at the arrangement of a strange landmine position with his own people.

"Haha. This is an important road nearby, and it was only discovered yesterday. From the big road over there, the small road I found, through this small road, you can bypass the second, second and third highlands over there. Then enter directly Liaodong. I see that this place is very important, so I will set up some booby traps here." Guo Sheng explained.

"Booby mine? What kind of mine is this?" Meng asked inexplicably. He knew that there were three types of anti-infantry mines produced by the State of Qin, and some mines specifically for cavalry, but he had never found any booby mines.

"Hehe, of course you don't know. I'm afraid that it's not just you, but also your entire Qin Jun." Guo Sheng said with a smile.

"What does this mean? Can you Zhao Jun build landmines yourself?" Meng Fang asked with some worry at this time. After all, if such a thing happened to him, he would be too surprised.

"No, how could we build landmines by ourselves? We Zhao Guo simply don't know about many core technologies." Guo Sheng said at this time.

"This, what is the booby trap you are talking about?" Meng Fang asked anxiously.

"Yeah. Come and see." Guo Sheng said with a smile.

"Oh." Meng Fang didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but in order to figure out what booby traps were, he had to go over and take a look.

Speaking of Guo Sheng, he took Meng Fang to a place where Zhao Jun had buried mines. This was a small road. There is a slightly steep uphill on the lower side of the road, and the trail has been on the wrong side for many years.

"Look at it." Guo Sheng said, pointing to the mine planted under his feet.

"What does this mean?" Meng Fang looked at the ground, and he found that several mine pits were connected. Moreover, not only the mines of the engineers and soldiers are connecting the fire-pulling devices with iron wires, and where they are connected, they are also specially supported by wooden blocks.

"Oh. This is a kind of thunder." Guo Sheng explained.

"This road can only deploy a very limited force, and the marching troop can be very long. If we arrange it according to the general method, the damage caused is also very limited." Guo Sheng explained.

"However, if we set up a string of mines, you will find out. This way of detonating mines will cause a lot of casualties." Guo Sheng said excitedly. Meng Fang squatted down and carefully checked the method of laying mines.

After reading it, Meng Fang understood it all at once. At the forefront of the road, Zhao Jun planted a mine that could be triggered. The mine was a trigger mine. When the other side stepped on the mine, the mine at the front was connected to the mine at the back. In this way, the mine at the back The mine is also connected to the trigger. Such a series of explosions will cause great casualties to the opponent.

"Wonderful." Meng Fang praised after reading it.

"The opponent would definitely not have thought that there would be mines behind that would cause an explosion. In this way, a large number of enemy forces would enter the narrow and long passage. At this time, a series of detonations would cause damage to the opponent's entire team. It's wonderful." Meng Fang praised with his thumb.

"Haha. This is a booby mine. Although the landmines were produced by the people of Qin, the way to bury the landmines was indeed thought of by the people of Zhao. You never thought of this." Guo Sheng said with a smile.

"Yes. That's right, you Zhao people are indeed much better than us at this point." Meng Fang said.

"Our landmines are generally blocked, but when it comes to applications, who would have thought of so many application methods." Meng Fang showed approving eyes.

"Haha." Guo Sheng smiled slightly.

"We have no other way. The landmines that you Qin Jun sold to us Zhao Jun are very limited. You can't even give you many grenades. If you use them in your way, the ones you sell to us are simply not enough." Guo Sheng shrugged and said. He expressed very helplessness.

"It's all right now. I have never buried so many mines, and the explosives are absolutely sufficient. This is the desired result." Guo Sheng said to Mengfang.

"Yeah. Tell me, what kind of mines do you have?" Meng Fang asked with interest.

"This. It's very simple. Come with me." Guo Sheng took Meng Fang and visited Zhao Jun's method of laying mines.

Beside the steep cliff. Zhao Jun buried a lot of explosives in a natural mountain pass, and laid a lot of **** on the explosives.

"What is the purpose of this method of burying mines?" Meng Fang asked puzzledly after reading it.

"Used to block the enemy's way forward, especially in dense formations. Explosives will blow these stones into the sky and then fly down below. These stones are the best weapons." Guo Sheng explained.

"Oh. That's how it is." Meng Fang nodded.

"Anything else?" Meng Fang continued to ask.

"Also, when burying the mines, put the grenade in, blow up the grenade, and the flying grenades fly everywhere. This kind of killing effect is very good." Guo Sheng went on to say another kind of special treatment. The way the brigade attacked the formation. Hear these. Meng Fang admired the other party's wit very much.

The landmines Qin State provided to Zhao Jun were not many grenades, but Zhao Jun was able to make such arrangements in specific tactics. This did make Mengfang extend an admiring thumb, and then Mengfang visited other methods of burying landmines. The other methods are undoubtedly adding some methods of booby mines, for example, to prevent the other party from being familiar with landmines and taking countermeasures , There is a fake thunder on the top, and a real thunder on the bottom. In fact, this can be regarded as a way of serial thunder.

Meng Fang deeply felt that Zhao Jun’s tactical training far surpassed that of Qin Army. Although Qin Army had an absolute advantage in weapon firepower, the opponent was able to use specific geographical advantages and rely on extremely limited weapons in his hands to cooperate with flexible tactics. However, unexpected tactical results can be achieved, which aroused the attention of Meng Fang. At the same time, he was also worried that if one day the Qin army wanted to attack the State of Zhao, he would first face such tactics, and the Qin army would have to face such tactics every step of the way, and Zhao Jun’s will to resist was very firm. , Meng Fang felt very worried.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Royal Bank of Korea.

"The two are jointly doing such a project?" Han Cai asked White.

"Yes. I think this will benefit both parties." White said.

"Moreover, we only need to contribute a small part of the funds to this project, and the rest, or more funds, we can invest in other places, which can reduce our risks and at the same time greatly To expand our investment profits.” White continued to persuade.

"I have seen your plan. We invested 800,000 gold, but only owned 25% of the shares. This ratio is too low." Han Cai said, shaking his head.

"Well. Conditions can still be discussed. But I think this is a good opportunity." White said easily at this time.

"What opportunity?" Han Cai asked vigilantly.

"A chance to make a fortune." White said.

"You should know that this investment requires a lot of capital, and we in Wenyang only occupy a small proportion. With the addition of your Korean Royal Bank, our proportion is not small." White said .

"However, the funding gap is still large. And from the perspective of future demand, this aspect of funding still needs a lot. Therefore, we need some other funding to solve this problem." White said.

"Yeah. Go on." Han Cai nodded. He still doesn't know what Qin people want to do.

"Qi is a big market, an untapped market with huge potential. At the same time, I heard that Chu merchants also gathered a lot of businessmen in Xinzheng, South Korea, and they can also get business investment from our Qin State. But they don’t know what they are doing. I think this is an opportunity. If our two companies join forces to do this business, we will save a lot of money. At the same time, we can also operate the shares in it. Get greater benefits." White said.

"I still don't understand what you mean?" Han Cai shook his head.

"Well. That’s the way it is. If we join together, we will save a lot of money. In this way, we will have some funds left. There are many projects now, but the most profitable projects are only a few. I think we should control first. Banks. As long as we set up a bank, we will jointly complete it, and then provide loans or investment. In this way, we can indirectly control Qi State or Chu State’s main business. I think the benefits are very obvious. ." White said.

Hearing this, Han Cai's heart beat. If it weren’t for Qin Guo’s personal proposal, he really didn’t know that there is such a plan, and such a plan is indeed tempting. If the Korean Royal Bank goes all out to do this project, it may be very risky. After all, a lot of funds are gathered in this project.

"We also consider this issue from the perspective of risk diversification. After all, if our bank does it, it will require a lot of funds, which will take up a lot of funds. It is very risky to use for a project, but if everyone does it together If it does, the risks that may be faced are much smaller, and it can still occupy a good proportion of the shares. I think this is very beneficial to the Korean Royal Bank. We will come to you to cooperate." White said. In fact, they are here to win each other's investment, after all, they have been entrusted by the Qi Guotian Group. But before getting funding from the other party, a series of lobbying must be conducted.

"We have other funds, we can do a lot of things, such as investing in other banks, and then encouraging them to participate in this project, or other better projects, this way, it is very beneficial to us. If it is too much Focusing the funds on this, I think that the funds occupied are too much, not flexible enough, and the risks are also great. The current situation is that as long as there are good projects, you can make money. But there are not many people who invest." Speaking of.

Han just nodded. Then he signaled to the other party to continue. He thinks the other party's statement is very reasonable, but he still needs a strong investment reason.

"If we can diversify these funds and invest them in the construction of banks in other countries, the profits will be very substantial." White went on to explain.

Han Cai seriously considered the pros and cons. What Bai said is indeed a fact. The Royal Bank of Korea can indeed only provide funds for such a large project, but in the face of such a large project, how much chance does South Korea have to win back? If there is no return, there will be huge risks. The Royal Bank of Korea cannot cope with such risks, and such risks are already unacceptable to them.

"Well, we accept your plan. At the same time, I hope to cooperate with you Qin Guo and start a series of cooperation. In the affairs of Qi State or Chu State Bank." Han Cai thought for a while and said. He thinks the other party's idea is correct.

"Oh." Bai Fang was stunned. He really did not expect that the other party would agree to it. This was a bit unexpected. White and Meng Lin had thought of such a method before, using risk and profit investment ratio to persuade the other party to give up most of the shares in this project. And the investment of Qi State, or Chu State Bank, which is also promising. In fact, such a project is just a rhetoric for them, but what I didn't expect is that the other party actually agreed to do so. White was really surprised, and he didn't know what to do next.

"What? Does Mr. Bai want your headquarters to be involved?" Han Cai asked at this time.

"Oh. No, no, I just feel that this thing came too soon." White explained.

"I will submit the report below in detail, but there are still some details I need to know, and I hope Mr. Bai can explain it." Han Cai invited.

"This. Naturally there is no problem." White said with a smile. He didn't expect that such a thing could be accomplished, which is really a surprise.

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