The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2164: The flour mill exploded

"There is no way for our family to survive. If we continue like this, we can't survive. Master, you can think of a way, now so many people are going to the flour mill, if this continues, let's????? ?." The woman cried and couldn't speak.

"Okay. One day I know that crying like this, crying, what's the use of crying." Chen Shitou said angrily.

"What else can you do without crying? You will let the people who grind the noodles come to us instead of going to the flour mill." The woman shouted.

"Really annoyed. Annoyed." Chen Shitou said angrily. Then he walked out of his door.

"Hey, this flour mill." Chen Shitou walked outside the flour mill angrily. Looked at the sign of the flour mill and cursed.

"Hey, Chen Shitou?" Just then an old man looked at each other and asked.

"Yes, who is the old man?" Chen Shitou asked puzzledly.

"Oh. I'm the shopkeeper of Zhao Mofang in the north of the city." The old man said to Chen Shitou.

"Oh. Old Zhao Mill, isn't that the best mill?" Chen Shitou asked suspiciously.

"Hey, no more." Old Zhao said, shaking his head.

"No way. When this flour mill opened, they grind better than ours. And the speed is fast. The most important thing is that they buy a lot of low-priced wheat from the people of Qin, and after grind it into flour, they can sell it Many shops in the city are sold out. This kind of profit is still very impressive. Therefore, now my mill is no longer good." Old Zhao said, shaking his head.

"It's just that I don't know Master Zhao, who are you?" Chen Shitou asked doubtfully at this time.

"I'm here to take a look and see why my mill can't get these machines. Now I figure it out." Old Zhao said at this time.

"How do you say?" Chen Shitou asked puzzledly.

"This manpower and animal power are very limited after all. Our efforts like this simply can't keep up with such steps. In this era, it is no longer something we can do." Old Zhao said, shaking his head.

"The old man thought that as long as we preserved the skills we can save our mill, now it is wrong. The key is to produce more flour in a short time." Lao Zhao said, shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, we can't do such a thing. This is not something that humans can do. What we need now is to increase production. Wrong, wrong." Zhao said and turned and left. And Chen Shitou looked at this legendary old man. Many people in the old Zhao mill run by this old man were willing to go to his noodle mill, but this is the case now. He didn't know what to do.

"Hey, these are all caused by the people of Qin." Chen Shitou shook his head and left, it is a fact. This is an irresistible trend.

Inside Maoyang Flour Mill.

"The shopkeeper, our machines, I think we don’t have to stop every day. We divide them into three classes and keep working on them, and we can make a lot of money at once. When we make money, we will add another machine and turn it on. The largest flour mill in Handan." A young man said with a smile. He said that he poured a bag of wheat into the machine.

"Hehe. I think too. But, this money can never be earned." Mao Yang said to the guy with a smile.

"If we add more machines, our plant will be expanded, and if we expand, we will have to add manpower. Adding manpower requires money to hire, and buying machines is not enough money." Mao Yang said, breaking his fingers.

"Hahaha, if this continues, the shopkeeper's flour mill can't be expanded." The man said with a smile.

"Joking, joking. We still have to work hard. Today I will give everyone a meal, meat and wine. After we finish these, we will have a good meal and a drink." Mao Yang said with a smile. To.

"In addition, at the end of the year, I will give you a big new bonus." Mao Yang waved his arm and said at this time.

"Yeah. Good. Good. Thanks to the shopkeeper." At this time, the guys thanked their shopkeepers one after another.

In the Handan Prime Minister's Mansion.

"South Korea's idea is very good. Chu is a big market. If the Chu market can be opened, it will have a very big promotion effect for us." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"If this is done, is it possible to trigger a bigger war? Zhao Guo must be prepared to expand the war, knowing that our military strength and military expenditure are very limited?" Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"Well. It doesn't matter, we just need to send troops over, test pressure, and then mediate." Li Mu said.

"You also know that Chu’s taxes are very high. Although our product quality problems have not been resolved, we need a market to pave the way for us in the future. Otherwise, if we can’t sell our things at that time, the worst thing will happen. It will happen." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"Yeah. It seems that the prime minister's plan is longer than us." Li Zuoche said.

"It's not that I planned for a long time. It's that this thing itself has great advantages." Li Mu said.

"If you think about it, the people of Qin people need a lot of tariffs to promote trade growth. We do this to conform to the trend." Li Mu said.

"And the people of Chu did it themselves. It didn't do any good to Chu, Zhao, Qin, South Korea, Wei, or Qi. It's really weird if you don't object to such a thing." Li Mu Speaking to Li Zuoche.

"Yeah." Li Zuoche nodded.

"The current demand is like this. For the quality of our products, I think we still ask the people of Qin to help. If we don't follow strict standards, we will open the market in Chu, and it will be very detrimental to us." Li Mu Speaking to Li Zuoche.

"Yes. Prime Minister." Li Zuoche recorded it.

"Boom." Then some dust fell on the roof of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Well, what's going on?" Li Mu calmed down and asked Li Zuoche.

"No, I don't know." Li Zuoche said without knowing it.

"With such a loud explosion, did someone's boiler in the city explode?" Li Zuoche asked at this time.

"This. Go and check, what exactly happened?" Li Mu ordered at this time.

And outside of Maoyang Flour Mill. The flour mill was blown into a pile of rubble. The fire, billowing black smoke kept coming out.

"Hahahaha. Hahaha. The flour mill exploded. It exploded." A woman exclaimed loudly and cheerfully.

"The flour mill finally exploded." The woman continued to shout loudly.

"How could this be?" the onlookers looked at the ruins curiously and said. They don't know what's going on, it will happen.

"Help. Help." At this time a guy shouted loudly.

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