Guo Sheng had been prepared for such news a long time ago, but what he didn't expect was that such a thing would come so soon, even though he had been psychologically prepared, he still had some ignorance when things came up. What to do, after all, the problem he faced was a big problem, and there were more problems than he thought. There was no way, he could only discuss the matter with the people of Qin and Yan.

The Western Regions, within the territory of Dawan.

"Uncle. What did the country say?" Zhao Lin asked eagerly at this time.

"How do you say?" Zhao Kaizi handed the telegram to the other party and shook his head.

"I don't know. The military wants to launch military operations, but the telegram from the prime minister's mansion lets us stabilize each other, let us search for mineral resources, let us do things about mineral resources. This, mines, are all buried. Underground, how do I know what kind of mines are in this country?" Zhao Kaizi said at a loss. He also felt embarrassed for such an order, because he didn't know what to do. There was no unified plan on it, but he was asked to come look for mines.

"Uncle, I think this may be an opportunity to make a fortune." Zhao Lin said excitedly.

"Get rich, the slave's fortune has not been made yet." Zhao Kaizi said angrily. My nephew is very similar to myself, and he is very interested in getting rich, because if you have money, you can do a lot of things.

"This slave's fortune is indeed not easy to make. I looked at the domestic situation. The Dawan people feared that the people of Anxi people were too strong, that is, we wanted to send troops, but the people of Anxi people were too scared. They sent troops to attack and fight against the Qin army. , Too scared. There is no way." Zhao Lin said.

"Yeah, this is what your uncle is worried about. You know, the Dawan people are too scared. If the Parthians retaliate, maybe they will sell us. This Dawan person is too scared of these Parthians. Now." Zhao Kaizi said disdainfully.

"Uncle, perhaps, the Prime Minister's Mansion also thought of this, so it made us focus on those minerals. Only we have the money. Buy the minerals under the land and wait until the railway arrives. We can quickly Sell ​​these minerals and make a fortune." Zhao Lin said excitedly.

"But it's difficult to find a mine." Zhao Kaizi said embarrassedly.

"It's not difficult, uncle, it's not difficult at all. I heard that some college students looking for mines in Guanzhong came to Dawan to look for gold mines and other minerals. As long as we find these things, we can make a fortune. "Zhao Lin said to his uncle.

"Oh." Zhao Kaizi looked at Zhao Lin.

"Really, uncle, as long as we find these college students, we will definitely be able to find these minerals." Zhao Lin said.

"Okay. You go to contact and complete the search for these minerals as soon as possible." Zhao Kaizi gave an order.

On the banks of the Mur River in Dawan, which is today’s Yili River, the two brothers Zhao Bu and Zhao Tong from the Qin State Institute of Mineral Resources took a group of people to the river to rest. They have been walking for a day. The horse is also tired. People are also tired. The riverside happens to be their best resting place because it is close to the water source.

"That's it. Let's rest here. Multo, let's camp here." Zhao Bu ordered his slave to arrive.

"Yes, my master." Multo began to wave his arms, directing the others to camp and rest. Multuo was a warrior from a tribe in the northern grassland. He was captured by the people of Qin and became a slave. Zhao Bu and Zhao Tong were overseas students sent by Zhao to study in Qin. They were both born nobles and had no interest in aristocratic life. , They are interested in prospecting, especially the beauty of nature. After studying for a few months, they took the initiative to request to come here to explore minerals.

"It's so beautiful here." Zhao Tong said to his brother.

"Well, this kind of scenery is really beautiful. Sometimes I want to do my own pasture just like those herdsmen, and then I can live like this." Zhao Bu said to Zhao Tong.

"Hehe, this is not the purpose of our study in Qin State, but we came here to build Zhao State. Zhao State's demand for minerals is what we should learn." Zhao Tong said.

"Well. You said, at the foot of such a beautiful grassland, will there be the resources we want? I heard that the people of Qin found a lot of coal mines under the northern grasslands, especially those open-air coal fields, which are also grasslands. Maybe it’s true. There are coal fields." Zhao Tong said with a smile.

"Is there, it’s not what we said, but what the underground said. Or let’s check the minerals here, maybe there are coal fields. Anyway, there is still some time before eating, so we might as well just take a look. What's the mineral situation here?" Zhao Bu said.

"Okay. Just do it." He said. The two brothers began to move equipment to explore the mineral resources here. Multo saw the busyness of the two masters and wanted to come and help, but was directed by the two leaders to leave. Because they want to check the situation here in person.

"Okay. Let's start." After a lot of effort, they began to use the tools in their hands to explore the situation here. They wanted to lay a certain distance underground soil layer, based on the samples of these soil layers, and then check the situation here.

"Murtuo, send a few people over." Zhao Tong shouted loudly. After Multoh heard the order, several slaves ran over to help. Piling requires strength, manpower, and animal power. This requires a lot of manpower to help.

After a lot of effort, the slave quickly drove into the stake, and then produced the first wave of soil samples.

"Let's take a look, let's see what's below?" Zhao Tong excitedly checked the sample.

"Look, what is this?" Zhao Bu was surprised to find that there was something black in the sample. He touched it carefully. Zhao Tong excitedly stepped forward and touched it with his hand, while the other slaves continued to do their jobs, collecting samples.

Zhao Bu and Zhao Tong looked up and looked at each other.

"Hahahaha." Then the two people laughed wildly.

"Coal, it's really coal." Zhao Bu cried out excitedly holding Zhao Tong.

"It's coal, it's coal." Zhao Tong called out loudly.

"Brother, we found coal." Zhao Tong called out loudly.

"Wait." Zhao Bu stopped at this time.

"Let's look at other places, maybe we can really find that there are coal fields here." Zhao Bu calmly said.

"Yes. Let's go and take a look. Maybe there is a coal field." Zhao Tong calmly said. Then the two calmed down and continued to probe.

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