The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2179: Can't ask for it

For the news that Wei Liao brought back. Shangwen fully accepted that the Qin army once again issued a conscription order to a few nomadic tribes and mountain people living in the middle of the mountains in most areas of the north. This may also be a way for them to survive, after all, their lives are too poor. As a soldier, you can live better, and they can accept such a choice.

The territory of the Yue family outside the Western Regions of the Qin Kingdom. The Yue people are still in a half-tribal and half-national situation. Their country was once a unified country, but it was more scattered, and the situation is still the same now.

"What are you Yue people doing recently? How come you have assembled so many troops?" Meng Dong asked curiously. Meng Dong is a lieutenant of the Qin Army, and his position is an observer of the Qin Army. In fact, they come here to observe. Sometimes they are also responsible for training some Yue people how to use firearms and provide some references in tactics. This will allow them to see more of the Yueshi people.

"Oh. This matter. We are gathering the forces that can be assembled in our tribe to attack the indigenous tribes in the south and the city." Wei Dou explained with a smile. Wei Dou is an aristocrat of the Yue family whom Meng Dong has made since he came here. He is not sure what his real name is, because the other party’s name is vague, but the other party is proud of learning from Qin and being close to the Central Plains. Therefore, he also named himself a Central Plains name, Wei Dou. Because Wei is a Central Plains country, this means that his name is very orthodox. The bucket is a measuring instrument with very different meanings, so he took such a name. And he is proud of speaking the Qin dialect, and his tribe is actively learning the Central Plains civilization. This also allows them to have no communication barriers.

"Southern?" Meng Dong was a little surprised. He didn't know why he wanted to attack the South.

"Oh. Speaking of it, this is what you Qin Jun asked us to do, but you let us attack the West's Shah, but you also know our ability." Wei Dou said with a smile.

"We can't beat each other at all, and the opponent's strength is strong, we can't attack them at all, and our Yue people are also hard at work in such a mountainous area, this area is what you call the Peacock Dynasty, but we accept What you call the Peacock Dynasty." Wei Dou said with a smile.

"Oh. So, are you going to the south to attack the Peacock Dynasty?" Meng Dong asked tentatively at this time.

"Yes." Wei Dou nodded and admitted.

"The purpose of this trip is to harass and snatch. Only in this way can we Yueshi people survive." Wei Dou said to Meng Dong.

"We are no better than you people of Qin." Wei Dou said.

"I admit that you Qin people are very powerful, and it is for this reason that we are willing to cooperate with you Qin people and have the firearms that you Qin people are good at. With these firearms, we can deal with the Southern Peacock dynasty." Wei Dou said .

"Yeah." Meng Dong still doesn't know what the upper ranks of the Qin military think about. After all, it is relatively closed and there are mountainous areas everywhere. It is for this reason that the Yue people can settle down here because it is mountainous and not convenient for the south. The attack of the Maurya Dynasty, coupled with the firearms purchased from the State of Qin, was enough to allow them to maintain their current situation, but the Yueshi people still had a big problem with their survival.

In Meng Dong's view, the people of the Yue family simply cannot survive continuously in such an environment because it is mountainous. The food problem is a big problem, followed by the problem of population growth of the Yueshi people. Although the Yueshi people can get a part of the profit through some trade with the Qin State, they maintain the trade with the Parthian nation to allow them to survive. But recently, I don’t know what factors have made it difficult for them to continue their trade with the Shah.

"Our trade with the Parthian nation is no longer sustainable." Wei Dou said to Meng Dong.

"Why?" Meng Dong also wanted to know the specific reason.

"The reason is that the Parthian nation levies heavy taxes on us, and this tax far exceeds our ability to bear." Wei Dou said.

"Our profit margin was suddenly compressed a lot. We are helpless about this. We must know that our situation is also very bad. I hate these Sabbath people, who are not dominant in the trade, so I think of a way to do it. Taxes are directed at us, not only that, but also robbing our caravans, which we can no longer sustain." Wei Dou said.

"Why didn't you attack them? This kind of thing has been given to the State of Qin, and we have already started." Meng Dong said angrily.

"No, our Yue family is different from your Qin people. You Qin people can not be so angry, but we can't." Wei Dou said helplessly with a smile.

"You Qin people let us do the slave trade. Perhaps this is the only way for us Yue people to survive." Wei Dou continued.

"We don’t think we can beat them in the West. After all, our strength is inadequate. Even with the help of the people of Qin and the superiority of firearms, we can’t take on such a large combat mission. But for the Maurya Dynasty in the south, I think we still have. Advantages, after all, their military strength is very weak. For us, they are very easy to fight, and their large population can just make up for their demographic advantage. Qin also needs a large population of slaves, don’t you?" Wei Douxiao Asked.

"Yeah. That's true." Meng Dong nodded in agreement.

"Qin does need a large population. For example, many farms and pastures." Meng Dong has not returned to Qin for a long time. He didn't know how much the Qin State had changed. He thought that this population was mainly used for agriculture, and he didn't think much about railways.

"Oh. It turned out to be like this." Wei Dou nodded at this time. He also wondered why the people of Qin needed so many slaves. It turned out to be agricultural demand.

"However, I have a request." Meng Dong said at this time.

"Oh. I don't know what kind of request the Meng brothers have. As long as I can agree to it, I will definitely agree." Wei Dou said at this time.

"It's also very simple. I just want to take a look with you and see how you can lay down the Southern Peacock Dynasty." Meng Dong continued.

"Oh. This request. Don't tell me, I also hope to get the support of Brother Meng, because with your Brother Meng, my people can expand quickly. I can't ask for it now, and I can't ask for it." Wei Dou said happily To.

"Okay. I'll follow you." Meng Dong said with a smile.

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