The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2186: Battle against barbarians

"Are you sure, this is what we are going to attack?" Meng Dong put down the telescope in his hand and asked Wei Dou.

"Sure, this is an Adavika from the Maurya Dynasty. Their combat effectiveness is not bad, and there are more people. We are investigating about a thousand people. After attacking this tribe, we can get about a few hundred slaves. . The profits obtained are quite good.” Wei Dou explained to Meng Dong from the side.

"Atuo or something." Meng Dong asked puzzledly.

"Oh. It is the barbaric tribe army of the Maurya Dynasty. They are now blocking our way to the south. As long as we attack, defeat them, and then occupy here as a stronghold, we can open the road to the south." Wei Dou said To.

"Oh." Meng Dong nodded. He finally understood what he meant. However, he still doesn't know much about this country. The Maurya Dynasty still comes from the description above, but the Yue people don't call it that way.

"How do you plan to launch an attack?" Meng Dong asked at this time.

"We have deployed musketeers on the road where they are retreating, that is, on the road to the south, about three hundred people. Then on the front, we have two hundred musketeers and 12 artillery. We plan to bombard with artillery. Their camp, as long as they counterattack, we will give them a blow. Then they retreat, we will kill them." Wei Dou said.

Meng Dong nodded. The terrain here is weird, but it is conducive to the Yue people to do so. This is a valley with mountains on both sides. The Yue people also have a small number of cavalry. They can play the role of harassment on the two wings, but artillery is needed to really play a role.

"But, at this distance, the opposing tribe will send soldiers to fight?" Meng Dong knew the range of the artillery.

"As long as there is time, give them a line up, let them have time to prepare, we are enough." Wei Dou said while looking at the tribe in the distance.

"Oh." Meng Dong nodded, he couldn't say anything, he just came here to look. How to do it depends on their Yueshi people.

Soon, the battle will begin. Meng Dong raised the telescope in his hand to check the situation in the distance. The Musketeers slowly approached the tribe, as for the Musketeers behind. What Meng Dong thought was that they might have arrived there a day earlier.

The artillery was slowly advancing behind the infantry. This is a five-inch artillery exported by the State of Qin. All the artillery is made of bronze. All the weapons of the Qin army before are recovered. Except for a small part of the weapons and cultural relics, most of the bronze is used for casting The artillery, as well as a large amount of copper coins, were all turned into artillery, because Qin State used paper money, and half of the coins were of little use. In addition, countries also have a large amount of copper coins and bronze weapons. Looking at the date of delivery of these artillery pieces, one would know that they were artillery pieces of that period. This type of artillery was the inventory of the Qin army, and I don’t know how it was sold to these Yueshi people. Meng Dong thought curiously. But he quickly moved to the battlefield.

They attacked during the day. The tribes of the Maurya Dynasty will naturally find their movements. The tribe’s civil war drums and trumpets kept coming.

What Meng Dong saw through the telescope was a large number of warriors gathered in the tribe, the formation was very chaotic, and these people looked dark, with their hair draped or standing upright.

"Now that the artillery has begun to enter the shooting position, they are already prepared." Wei Dou explained to Meng Dong at this time.

"Oh. I see." Meng Dong nodded and agreed.

And Meng Dong continued to check the opponent's situation in the telescope. When the barbarian tribe saw someone launching a challenge to them, all the warriors in the tribe mobilized. The man came out to fight. There was a man yelling frantically, probably their leader. And his battle group followed. All tribal men.

Behind the battle group are all the women, old people, and children of this tribe. They shout loudly and cheer for their men.

Seeing such a scene, Meng Dong couldn't help putting down the telescope in his hand and shook his head. There is no suspense in this battle. On my own side, he uses firearms, that is, cold weapons. There is no pressure in such tribal battles.

"Boom. Boom." Yue's artillery began to show off, and the artillery shells began to test fire. Solid shells are used. The cost of grenades is very high, and it is estimated that the Yueshi people will not spend too much money on shooting.

"Huh." A cannonball bounced and fell into the tribal battle group. The cannonball knocked off the barbarian's head, limbs, and internal organs, and the blood mist kept flying up. And such casualties continue.

Meng Dong watched all this with interest. However, the artillery of the Yueshi people is really not good. Twelve artillery fired together, and only one shell hit the opponent's battle group, and many shells fell in front of the battle group. It seems that the people of the Yue family still do not master artillery shooting techniques very proficiently. Otherwise, such a result would not be achieved.

After the tribal battle group was attacked by artillery shells, there was a lot of chaos in the battle group, and many people began to panic. It is estimated that they have not encountered such a weapon attack, they are all a little scared and stupid.

After a long time, the barbarians in the battle group calmed down again, and then they shouted and began to attack.

After the Yueshi artillery had undergone the first round of test firing, they also began to re-aiming, after adjusting, the second round of firing began.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery came.

Most of the shells fired this time fell into the barbarian battle group. The horrific killing effect caused by the shells caused great trauma to the barbarians, but their formation was barely maintained, at least their leader was still there, but immediately after the third round of shooting, the battle group collapsed in an instant. . But the barbarians didn't even approach the Yueshi people's musket team. A large number of savages fled one after another. The children behind, the women, and the elderly also backed away. The barbarian retreated like a flood.

"The battle is over. How fast." Meng Dong said to Wei Dou with a smile.

"No, not yet, our spoils have not been collected yet." Wei Dou said with a smile. Meng Dong shook his head helplessly. This is indeed the case. The barbarians have not been captured yet, that is to say, they are still fighters, not captives. The next capture of prisoners is the key.

"But there is no suspense in the following battle. The musketeers will have to collapse as soon as they shoot, and then they will raise their hands and surrender, and they will become prisoners." Meng Dong said relatively easily. He saw too much of this kind of battle.

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