"At present, the most people in the north have signed up to join the army, and the final count of registration is about 10,000 people, which can be organized into four regiments." Gongsun Shu said with a smile. He is the major staff officer of the Training Section of the Qin Army Staff Headquarters. Their main task is to be responsible for the training tasks of the army, and in the future they will be organized and trained according to certain needs. Form the most needed organization for the Qin Army.

"Four regiments. If organized according to a force of two thousand people, it would be almost five regiments. In this way, we will be able to organize two brigades." Lieutenant Colonel Tu Tuo nodded and said. He was an officer who grew up in the old Qin Army because of his rich experience, he was placed in the Qin Army Staff Headquarters. Mainly because he has a lot of experience, but he has not been trained in the military academy of the Qin Army system. Therefore, in accepting new things, he feels that his ability is becoming more and more lost.

"Sir, we can't organize two brigades just by the number of people. One regiment has 2,000 people, one brigade has two regiments, plus two battalions, so that we can reach six battalions. It cannot be said that it is not a strong army." Gongsun Shu said.

"We also need to look at the specific combat power. Now in the Qin army, there are more and more Huns, Northern Humen, and mountain people. Such an army is very dangerous to us. Five A powerful army with a thousand people. The threat to the central Guanzhong area of ​​the Qin Army is also great." Gongsun Chu said worriedly.

"Well. I did not consider this point. I just considered it purely from a military point of view." Tu Tuo nodded and said.

"Then how do you plan to build the latest army?" Tu Tuo nodded and asked.

"Our plan is like this. The regiment-level organization will no longer use a large organization of 2,000 people, but a small organization of 1,000 people, so that we can control these combat troops well. At the same time, we can have more Make good use of the flexibility of the cavalry to fight. The establishment of two thousand people is too big." Gongsun Shuo said.

"As for the brigade, I personally think that the brigade should adopt a mixed organization, and the cavalry unit should have a 1,000-man organization. The mountain infantry has a 1,500-man organization. The mixed brigade has a 1,000-man cavalry unit, and the other 1,500 mountain troops. Infantry troops." Gongsun Shu said.

"A brigade has an establishment of only 2,500 people, isn't it too small?" Tu Tuo said with some worry. After all, such an organization is only 500 people larger than the current organization of the Huns cavalry regiment. Moreover, the mobile combat capability of the cavalry has been greatly reduced. The ability of foot combat has also been increased. But it cannot have a strong combat effectiveness. In this case, is it not worth the gain? "

Tu Tuo said worriedly at this time. After all, the organization remains the same, but if the force becomes smaller, it will have a great impact on combat effectiveness. Tu Tuo must take this into consideration.

"Sir, what should be considered is the future combat targets of our Qin army and the composition of the army." Gongsun Chu said at this time.

"Yeah. Tell me." Tu Tuo didn't understand the meaning of what his staff officers said.

"According to the current situation, the proportion of foreign troops in the composition of the Qin army is likely to increase in the future. We don't know how far this proportion will increase, but we can't stop it from continuing to increase." Gongsun Shu said.

"The reason is finances. Especially military expenditures. Military expenditures can only increase to a limited extent, but most of them are reduced. Because the Qin army cannot have too many troops fighting outside. Especially in the Guanzhong area and other areas of the Qin army. The formation of the army, the logistical pressure of the formation of such an army, and the high military cost, our Qin army cannot have too many troops formed by the Qin people themselves. Therefore, the control of these troops must be strengthened." Gongsun Speaking of losing.

"In addition, there is another reason, which is the large-scale reduction of the combat effectiveness of the Qin army's main combat targets. Whether it is the mountain people in the north or northeast, as well as the western region, or the plateau on the southwest defense line. It is the corresponding Kanto The targets of the Six Nations combatants have temporarily entered a confrontation or peace period. Under such circumstances, the Qin Army’s combat targets have been reduced. The main purpose of the Qin Army is to put such troops into local chaotic areas. In this case, The mixed brigades organized by our Qin Army can play a certain role, the Huns’ cavalry units, the mountain combat troops of the mountain people, and some artillery units, plus the command of our Qin army. In this way, it can quickly form a certain degree. Combat effectiveness. Such a mixed brigade may form a strong suppression of some strong combat forces, but for some weaker and low-level conflict combat areas, I think this task level can still be competent." Gongsun Chu said. To. It is also for the above reasons. Gongsun Shu just thought of using this method.

"Yeah." Tu Tuo nodded, agreeing.

"Your idea is correct." Tu Tuo nodded and agreed.

"In this way, we can quickly solve a lot of things. Although the combat effectiveness of the mixed brigade is weaker, it can deal with weaker targets. It is also possible to invest in some combat areas. Okay. We start to draw up a preparation plan, Submit it to the Chief of Staff." Tu Tuo nodded in agreement. Immediately, the staff members began to compile a table according to the ideas just formulated.

"Such an organization. Although it reduces the military strength, this is very beneficial to us." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian, looking at the organization chart in his hand.

"The current combat targets are relatively weak, and troops that do not require too strong combat effectiveness appear, and if they are mixed, the Huns and the mountain people will form a confrontation. This kind of contradiction is very beneficial to us. It is also easier to control. "Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes. The military establishment is indeed a bit larger now. Units like brigades are better when combined. In this way, the original two brigades can be turned into four brigades. The range of forces used will be much broader When you get up, the weaponry is relatively complete. After all, the Qin Army is facing some combat targets with relatively weak combat effectiveness. Loss will have little impact on the Qin Army." Wang Jian said.

"At the same time, if you do this, you can also save some military expenses. It is easier to control such an army." The staff's analysis is correct, and Wang Jian agrees. After all, this situation is obvious.

"It's just that, in this case, in terms of military expenses, after all, the initial plan was only two brigades." At this time, Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"But our total military expenditure remains the same." Wang Jian said with a smile.

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