The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2213: Ways to Develop Qi Country

Xinzheng, South Korea. Inside the bank exchange venue.

"I feel a little worried about the bank you established." Han Cai shook his head and said to Lou Jing.

"Oh." Lou Jing was a little surprised. He didn't understand that Han would say so.

"Banks need to absorb deposits, but my people said after investigating them. You Qi people don't have much deposits at all. When the bank was first established, only loans were made. There was no fund collection. This is very detrimental to the operation of the bank." Han Cai shook his head and said to Lou Jing.

"Oh. That's it." Lou Jinghuan realized it.

"If the bank doesn't have funds, can't you lend money and participate in investment?" Lou Jing asked at this time.

"This, our Bank of Korea can't do this." Han Cai said to Lou Jing, shaking his head.

"Oh. That's it. If this is the case, I can't help it. But I heard that the people of Qin have a way. Have you seen it? The bankers of Qin have gathered to talk about things." Lou Jing pointed to the gathering of Qin people. Speaking of the direction.

"Oh." Han Cai looked in the direction of the people of Qin, and he found that the bankers of Qin were discussing with each other.

"The country of Qi is indeed very poor, but this country has great potential for development. If you don't participate now, you will never have the opportunity to participate in the future." Yang Bo said. He is the representative of Qin Guo Guanzhong Yang's Bank, South Korea branch. However, he soon had a new title, President of Qiguo Branch.

"I think it's not just about participating in such a project, right?" Qin Qing, general manager of Qin's Bank and South Korea branch, walked over with a glass of wine and said.

"The more important thing about Qi country is that this is a very large market. For us, such a large market is a place that urgently needs a development." Qin Qing said.

"We all know that Qin's Guanzhong, Western Regions, and Northern regions have long been monopolized by Qin's Wenyang Bank and Royal Bank. They have established several state banks. The existence of these state banks controls the market very much. If it is in place, we simply don't have many opportunities to obtain sufficient projects to develop." Qin Qing said with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Qin Wenyang Bank is a tiger. No matter what it is, they will pounce. We can't resist it at all." Wenchang Bank general manager Che Chang said, shaking his head.

"Well. Regardless of this. We develop Qi country. Qin State Wenyang Bank should have no funds to pounce on. I heard. Their funds for the railway project are very tight. They go around and cooperate with the Bank of Korea. To solve this matter. And, I read domestic reports that Wenyang Bank is doing steel projects, and the steel projects will attract most of their funds, and Wenyang Bank’s projects are very many and scary. "Qin Qing said at this time.

"However, that's why we don't have to worry." Qin Qing said at this time.

"They are now unable to expand in Qi." Qin Qing said lightly.

"Even if we are unable to expand, our situation is not so good." Che Chang said, shaking his head.

"Qi's situation is worse than we thought." Che Chang said bitterly.

"Qi has nothing. The people of Qi have fought for years and are already poor. The people simply have no money to deposit in the bank and cannot absorb deposits. We simply don't have enough funds to do projects, and to cooperate with those generals, so are we. In this way, they lack enough funds to start. It is useless for us to have projects. We also need to have a large amount of deposits and funds. But now Qi Guo simply cannot do it." Che Chang said.

"It depends on how to solve this matter?" Yang Bo said easily at this time.

"In my opinion, Qi State has no money, but we do. We can sell our shares or pledge some shares to those who are rich. In their view, this is a very good project. It is a matter of funding. It's solved." Yang Bo said.

"The next step is the project. The people of Qi rely on the seaside and have more resources. At least, gold is available, and there is also the seaside. As long as the Koreans do shipbuilding, they can also develop. I heard that the generals have enough land in their hands. If these land resources are concentrated, it is also very impressive. We can grow some cash crops. If feasible, I think it is also good to grow sugar." Yang Bo said with a smile.

"Sugar was not grown." Che Chang shook his head and whispered. But the people around are trying to find out what kind of resources are still available in Qi people's hands. I didn't hear what Che Chang said at all.

"Did you see it? The people of Qin are very enthusiastic about developing our country. They will solve all the problems." Lou Jing said without worry.

"Oh. In that case, we are a little overworried." Han Cai said with a sense of inferiority looking at the enthusiastic and excited state of Qin. South Korea lacks experience, lacks a lot of financial means, and they know too little. In addition, the funds are not very sufficient, which makes them very unmoved to do things. Unlike the people of Qin, they actively and boldly solve problems.

"Qin people will help us solve many problems. How to develop is their business, we have to do is to cooperate. Think about what Qi Guo can develop, this is what we should care about." Lou Jing said to Han Cai Speaking of.

"I just don't know. Is Mr. Lou interested in the war between South Korea and Chu Kingdom?" Han asked tentatively at this time.

"This. I am naturally interested, and Qi is naturally willing to see the restoration of his homeland. However, the current situation in Qi is really intentional and powerless." Lou Jing said.

"It's just, I don't know how your South Korea is? I heard that the frontline war is very stalemate and has entered a stalemate. This is very unfavorable to your South Korea. You must know that Qi was like this at the beginning. If it was not a timely truce, Qi State actively resumes development, otherwise, Qi State will be dragged to death." Lou Jing said worriedly.

"That's why the military expenditures for maintaining South Korea's finances are already very high. Our king is also worried about this matter. We have nothing to do with this." Han Cai said, shaking his head.

"Our bank's situation is also very bad. We need to undertake the issuance of a large number of bonds to solve the current dilemma, but South Korean bonds cannot be sold. The concentration of funds is simply not enough. Under such circumstances, we are also powerless." Han Cai said.

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