The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2227: What is the railway?

Under Jimo City, soldiers of the Korean New Army are also digging trenches to repair fortifications.

"Wow, wow." The soldiers of the Korean New Army continued to mound the excavated soil outside, and some filled them and made sandbags and piled them outside.

"Woo." Just then a bullet flew over the trench they dug.

"Mother." A South Korean soldier lay on the ground in shock.

"Bang." And a soldier was hit to the ground at this time. He was lying motionless on the ground.

"How? Has anyone been shot?" A sergeant lowered his body to prevent his body from being exposed outside the trench and asked loudly. Because their trench is only more than two hundred steps away from the front line of the Chu Jun trench. Moreover, the trenches were newly dug, and their attacks like this may be against some, because the Chu army must realize that if the new South Korean army also dug trenches, the battle will enter a stalemate. In order to interfere with the South Korean New Army's digging of trenches, the Chu Army had to send some sharpshooters to ambush around and cause great damage to the outcrops and possible emergence of the Korean New Army. This would cause certain extent to the South Korean New Army's excavation. interference.

"Look there, is anyone hurt?" the sergeant shouted loudly.

"Yes. The second child was shot in the head." A soldier shouted loudly.

"Fuck, what's the matter? How could the second child be shot?" The sergeant shouted loudly at this time. Helpless, he walked over to check the situation, and the sergeant was ready. What he had to face was a corpse with a blossoming head.

"Oh, my head hurts so much." Before the sergeant came to the front, he heard the voice of the second child. The second child is the same as the second fool of their company. Such a person does not do well in combat. But the people who will save their lives and start the company amused, what will happen to the company without such a person? The sergeant is unimaginable.

"Is this second child okay?" The sergeant walked over and looked at the second child while holding his head and asked.

"Yes, old squad leader, it's okay, it's a lot because the second child wears a bronze helmet on his head." A second-class soldier hurriedly replied at this time.

"Oh. Your kid is really dead." The sergeant picked up the bronze helmet and looked at it.

"Haha." The second child smiled.

"However, my head really hurts. It hurts my head." The second child touched his head and said helplessly.

"I know. I know. Knowing that you don't want to work, I'm willing to rest, go, and stay aside." The sergeant waved his arm and ordered.

"Xie squad leader, Xie squad leader." The second child shouted out of joy.

"Okay. Stop talking. Do you want more bullets to come over?" The sergeant scolded at this time.

"Yes, sir." As he said, the second child went to get his helmet.

"What's the matter?" The sergeant looked at the second child and asked at this time.

"Squad leader, this helmet saved one of me. I want to keep my head, so I just thought. I also use the helmet to keep my head." The second child said.

"Where did your helmet come from?" the sergeant asked at this time.

"Oh. I went into the city to get this thing. In a large noble courtyard, I threw it on the ground, no one wanted it, so I picked it up. I usually use it as a pot, and I can open a small stove. This is not ours. This incident has caught up. The bullet keeps flying on the head. If the bullet hits the head, it will be killed all of a sudden. I thought of putting this thing on my head, but I didn’t expect it to really take care of the business. "The second child said with a smile.

"Well. The company that digs the trenches will die several people in one day. The chief is almost dying of this matter. If this goes on, it will be extremely unfavorable to us." The sergeant said at this time.

"Our people are very precious, and now one of them is dead, it won't work." The sergeant continued. Speaking, the sergeant looked at the helmet, Chu Jun’s lead bullet hit the helmet, and the bullet was deformed. There is also a bullet hole in the helmet, and the bullets are stuck in.

"Old squad leader, the matter is very easy to solve, you can talk to the chief, everyone wears this helmet, I think, although it may not necessarily be in charge, but in the situation like me today, fortunately there are some protective effects, we don't need to top Isn't it more useful to wear a cloth hat?" The second child said while waving his helmet.

"Yeah. You are right. Whether it is useful or not, I will try it. At least it can save a few lives. Now our protection ability is too poor. The importance of helmets is indeed very important. Other places, we can still Save a rescue, even if you can't save it, you can still save your life. I didn't say anything about missing an arm," the sergeant said.

"What if a bullet hit this." The sergeant pointed to his head, and then shook his head.

"That's it all at once." The sergeant said helplessly.

"Okay. Loan me this helmet. I'll go to the sergeant to talk about this." The sergeant carefully lowered his body and left. As he left, the sergeant looked back at his second child.

"You also be careful. Don't let the bullet hit your head again." The sergeant turned around and told the second child.

"No problem, my old squad leader." The second child laughed. The sergeant smiled in response, and then left quickly. He was going to report the problem.

The sergeant lowered his body all the way and moved forward quickly. The sergeant was very careful. He knew that as long as he showed his body a little, those Chu State sharpshooters would kill him with one shot.

"Bang." Just then a gunshot came. The sergeant felt tight, he knew that someone might have fallen again.

"Oh!" The sergeant sighed helplessly, and then moved on.

And inside the trench. The second child's head kept flowing out, and there was a bone on top of his head. Brains also flowed to the ground. Such a scene frightened a recruit. The recruit has not been on the battlefield yet. Seeing such a scene, I squatted on the ground in shock and didn't know what to do. He dare not look at you either. The second child must be dead. It was also shot in the head, and because he didn't have a helmet, his head was knocked off. Tian Ling Gai flew out. Destiny is definitely gone. Or the second child is too careless. Carelessly let him stick out his head without the protection of the helmet, or he still feels that his helmet is still on top of his head. As a result, one of his negligences suddenly demanded his own. Life.

Within the company.

"Sir. Look, this kind of helmet has the function of protecting bullets. We should find a way to equip this kind of helmet. In this way, our people, our heads will be protected." The sergeant waved his arms a little excitedly and introduced.

"We don’t have to worry about being shot in other parts of the body, but the head must be protected by such a helmet. Now we are fighting in the trenches, fighting in the trenches, and the head is the first to stick out of the trenches. The bullets came over, all of a sudden. Will be shot." The sergeant then introduced.

"Okay. I see." The company commander looked at the helmet on the box and said lightly.

"Sir. Don't you believe what I said?" The sergeant asked his officer at this time, because he felt that his officer was too indifferent to this matter.

"I know about this matter. I will reflect on it. I know that the helmet has a great effect, but if it is to be protected, it must have a great protective effect. This is very important to us." Speaking of this.

"Yes, sir. I understand." The sergeant nodded. He thinks that his chief will definitely not reflect this matter. Because the above will not pay attention to this point. He could tell from the indifferent thoughts of his chief.

Liaoxi. Xiaohebao, here is the end point of the Liaoxi-Liaodong Railway from Yanguo.

"Woo." The trains kept calling, and the trains at the station stopped one by one.

"Where are we?" Meng Yuan asked Zhao Ming, his company commander, looking at the surrounding situation. Meng Yuan is the third battalion commander of the third battalion of the Qin Marine Corps, the 12th Infantry Regiment. His troops are stationed at Guzhu in Yanguo. There is a concession area where Qin people gather. They battalion received the order of King Qin to come to assist the people of Yan and prevent the Goguryeo from entering the Xiangping area.

"Xiaohebao. Sir." Zhao Ming replied. Xiaohebao was built by the small river, so it was called Xiaohebao. The railway stops here.

"How far are we from Xiangping?" Meng Yuan asked.

"There are still more than three hundred and seventy miles. The next road, we need to walk or ride a horse to get there. Time, I think it will take about seven days." Zhao Ming replied.

"No, it's too long." Meng Yuan shook his head and said.

"The Goguryeo people are less than a hundred miles away from Xiangping. They will definitely reach the city of Xiangping within three days. The Yanjun must not be able to hold on for that long. If that happens, the situation will be very bad. We. His mission is to delay the Goguryeo attack. But now we are too far away from Xiangping City." Meng Yuan said.

"Sir. There is no way, the train can only get here." Zhao Ming said.

"In the future, we can only use horse riding and carriage to solve our personnel delivery and logistical supplies." Zhao Ming said with some helplessness.

"Well then, bring more of our weapons and ammunition." Meng Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Our ammunition is different from that of the Yan people. Without sufficient ammunition, our problem will be very big." Meng Yuan said worriedly.

"In addition, find more horses and carriages, and transport more. This time we may be surrounded. Especially machine gun ammunition, artillery shells. We must bring some." Meng Yuan arranged.

"Yes, sir." Zhao Ming nodded and said.

"Hurry up." Meng Yuan looked at the chaotic situation in the distance and said. The tasks they received were very tense. Fortunately, they were well-trained, and the two companies ordered to fight were assembled and arrived here smoothly. As for the next battle. Meng Yuan has been unpredictable. Not much information was given to them, the map information was incomplete, and the maps were very old. The map simply outlined the towns on several important passages near Xiangping, and then there was nothing left. Even the river did not give a detailed explanation, the support of the follow-up troops, and fire cover, none of these. Meng Yuan didn't know why the above war was fought.

And sixty miles east of Xiangping. The Goguryeo people are frantically attacking the line of defense that the Yan people have hurriedly established.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho." The Goguryeos rushed over with muskets. They did not attack the formation very well, although the surrendered Yan Army soldiers tried their best to keep the Goguryeo soldiers in formation in order to exert greater firepower. But they still charge in a swarm, this kind of charge has great momentum, and can reduce the casualties caused by the frantic shooting of artillery. The Goguryeo people naturally like it, but they think it is very unrealistic for the Yan people.

"Sir, sir. Goguryeo rushed over. What should I do?" a Yanjun soldier shouted in panic.

"Release the poison gas, quickly release the poison gas, let me let out all the poison gas. After letting out, we will leave." A lieutenant colonel Yanjun brandishing a pistol shouted loudly.

"Here. Officer." The soldier wanted to explain, but Lieutenant Colonel Yanjun had already rushed over.

"Come with me, if anyone runs away. I will kill him." Lieutenant Colonel Yan Jun cursed. His people belonged to the chemical gas release team. The release of his gas bottles was very unsatisfactory. Many releases were either not poisoned to people or scattered by the wind. Now he only has 20 bottles of gas in his hands. . Their task was already over by this time.

"Quickly. Give me the poison gas and let it go." The lieutenant colonel shouted loudly.

Many soldiers heard this order and quickly turned the valve of the gas tank. After turning it open, the soldiers quickly left, and the yellow-green gas began to gather at this time. There was no wind at noon at this time. In this way, the poison gas will stay in place for a period of time, which is enough time for them to evacuate.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly," said the lieutenant colonel and shouted loudly, waving the pistol in his hand. Then they ran away frantically. Some soldiers also ran away before releasing the poison gas in their hands. The Goguryeo people are frantically attacking here. They are always rushing. Faced with such tactics, the Yan army has only to retreat continuously. It is difficult for them to gather in a short period of time to establish a line of defense. In addition, their army was weakened, and it was too difficult for them to resist the Goguryeo attack.

After the Yan Jun frantically retreated, the Goguryeo people quickly rushed over. They quickly saw the yellow-green gas in front of them, but they rushed over regardless of the sulfur burning. They thought it was the gas after the burning of sulfur.

"Cough cough. Cough cough." The Goguryeo who rushed in quickly coughed. Several soldiers lay on the ground and grabbed their throats without taking a few steps. They have difficulty breathing. The people behind still didn't realize this, and they continued to enter the yellow-green mist. More people started to cough. Difficulty breathing, then loss of consciousness, shock, and finally death.

Goguryeo’s crazy attack gradually stopped under the poisonous gas. Because Goguryeo found an abnormality, they thought such a thing was too abnormal. They decided to take the initiative to stop and see what happened. In this way, the Goguryeo people temporarily stopped sixty miles away. They didn't know what kind of weapons the Yan people used that caused their people to die suddenly.

Inexplicable things always make Goguryeo people curious.

Within the territory of Dawan.

"We will send someone to investigate this matter." Zhao Kaizi took the initiative to find Qin Wu and report the matter.

"This is the content of the telegram sent above." Zhao Kaizi said.

"For such a matter, we must first investigate clearly, and then give you a reasonable compensation and related remedial measures." Zhao Kaizi said euphemistically.

"No, it took a little too long." Qin Wu said, shaking his head.

"You know, we can't wait for such a long time. My people need to explain and appease, otherwise they will have problems." Qin Wu said, shaking his head.

"I understand all of this, but the whole incident happened suddenly, and we don't know why these **** soldiers happened like this. We need to investigate clearly and know the whole story. Only in this way can we deal with it further. Order of our Prime Minister's Mansion." Zhao Kaizi introduced.

"But the loss has already been done. Our people were slaughtered and our property was lost." Qin Wu said.

Hearing this, Zhao Kaizi already understood that the other party wanted some compensation. In the eyes of these people, it was a fact that those tribes were attacked. They couldn't change it. The only thing that could change was the result. They wanted more compensation.

"Well, I will think of a way to get you some support or something." Zhao Kaizi said.

"But I can only do this." Zhao Kaizi continued. He was a little worried whether he had said the wrong thing. If he pays compensation, the government will not admit that this is not something he can afford alone.

"Well. I don't know what my friend can compensate us? I am very interested in this." Qin Wu asked curiously at this time. For Qin, there are too many unsolved mysteries.

"I don't know, what does the prince want?" In order to prevent the other party from asking prices, Zhao Kaizi could only probe the other party's tone first.

"I want to know, what have you been doing near the Mur River recently?" Qin Wu asked at this time.

"Oh. Is the prince interested in this matter?" Zhao Kaizi asked.

"Yes, I want to know, over there you don’t graze, but you are digging every day. I don’t know what you Qin people want to do, why do you want to do this, is there gold underneath it?" Qin Wu inadvertently Speaking of this.

"Could it be that you Qin people really found gold below?" Qin Wu immediately asked when he reacted.

"Yeah. Be it." Zhao Kaizi thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Really?" Qin Wu said anxiously. Because he didn't expect that the other party would actually find gold.

"I'm talking about it." Zhao Kaizi emphasized.

"Actually, we didn't find gold." Zhao Kaizi explained. When Qin Wu heard this, he relaxed, but he was still worried.

"This is another kind of resource, coal. Qin State-owned trains need to burn this kind of resource, so all we dug up are these things." Zhao Kaizi thought for a while and said. He digs too much coal. Moreover, it is easy to dig. Once you explode with explosives, there will be a lot of things. He never lacks such things. But he needs to sell the things he digs out. Only by selling can the value of the coal become money. What he is worried about now is the railway. Only once the railway is connected can the coal be sold. Is it necessary to sell these things to the tribes on the grassland? Obviously it is impossible. Thinking of this, Zhao Kaizi also told his own affairs.

"Oh. Can this thing really be sold for money?" Qin Wu is very interested in a profitable business.

"Really, Qin needs a lot of this stuff, and with this kind of stuff, you can do a lot of things, such as making cement. With cement, your city can be made stronger. Our cannon They may not be able to move." Zhao Kaizi said.

"Oh. My goodness." Qin Wu sighed.

"I think, let's cooperate. I can give you more people to develop these coal things. I don't want much. You can give me 30% of the shares." Qin Wu said excitedly.

"Oh. This, no." Zhao Kaizi thought for a while and said.

"Oh. My friend, you and I are friends. Our army has caused such a great disorder. If I did not try my best to suppress it, I am afraid that our Dawan Congress declared war on you." Qin Wu said with some annoyance at this time. .

"Oh. My friend, you sit down, sit down, I don’t want you to make this money, but this money is not easy to make, if it is to make money, I won’t sit here. I’ll be there. The coal mines urged those people to dig, dig, and dig non-stop, to dig out more and more coal." Zhao Kaizi said with some distress.

"This. Why is this?" Qin Wu asked curiously. He was also a little surprised. If he really made money, Zhao Kaizi would try his best not to say it. He would do it silently until he finished the business, instead of sitting here and talking about the importance of coal.

"My friend. Tell you, what happened, I see you, this matter should be a profitable project, why are you so unhappy?" Qin Wu calmed down and asked Zhao Kaizi at this time.

"It's easy to dig out coal. The problem is that it can't be sold." Zhao Kaizi said.

"You know, only the Qin people will need this thing. You don't need it. If the Qin people need it, they need to build a railway. With a railway, this thing can be transported on a large scale. At the same time, more materials can be used. Shipping in, in this case, more and more trade will be done, and our business will be better and better." Zhao Kaizi said.

"But now, what we can do is very limited." Zhao Kaizi said distressedly.

"Railway, what kind of road is a railway? Is it a road made of iron?" Qin Wu asked curiously.

"Well. It's a kind of road with great transportation. It can solve many transportation problems, and the railway is very profitable." Zhao Kaizi introduced a little impatiently. But he really hoped that the other party could understand some of his thoughts.

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