The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2237: Compilation problem

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The people of Qin State promised to give us a batch of rockets, but to solve this problem, they asked us to use heavy artillery?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang with some uncertainty, and Han Shu was a little uncertain about the specific use of weapons.

"The king and the minister also have uncertainty, heavy artillery and benefits, but the price of rockets is bound to be expensive. I imported Qin’s rockets from South Korea for technical research, not for use. In terms of use, South Korea must use some new weapons. Come to resist." Zhang Liang thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded to indicate that he understood.

"In this way, Qin is still thinking about us." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang nodded and said.

"How to develop Qin's rockets will take a lot of time. But all of these will take a long time to proceed." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. I am still willing to wait for some of these. Talents in this area can be obtained from Qin Guo. They may really develop like this." Han Shu said.

"Weapons like rockets, although they sound sharp, they still need artillery to support their use. Artillery, it seems that South Korea also needs to develop." Han Shu said.

"But, Majesty, if you develop artillery, you need to develop the iron and steel industry. Without steel, you can't make artillery at all. Especially those heavy artillery." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. That's right." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"Qin may need a lot of steel in the future, and South Korea also needs steel. South Korea cannot put most of its steel demand on Qin." Han Shu continued.

"If we had steel, it would be easy to build guns and cannons. And we can also develop and manufacture other weapons. Some of these benefits are heavy artillery, and with heavy artillery, not only in power, but also in firepower attack, we It can also proceed further. Wasn't there a Yan Guo project before?" Han Shu said.

"We need this project." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang nodded and said.

"The other thing is to look for other islands. We always have to find places where there are a lot of iron ore and coal mines. Only with these can we introduce the development of Qin's steel technology and launch joint steel projects with other countries. This is just A transition project." Han Shu said.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang said.

On the northern grassland of Qin State.

"All retreat, retreat, there will be results in the conscription, don't worry." A lieutenant recruiting officer said impatiently.

"All back. Back." The lieutenant officer waved impatiently and said. And a large number of young men from the tribe looked forward to the Qin Army conscripts. Once they became soldiers, they would have a stable income. With this batch of income, their tribe and family can be greatly improved, and being a soldier is the only way to improve their lives. These tribal men fixed their gazes on the recruiters of the Qin Army.

As the second batch of Qin Army conscription enters the end of training, and the third batch of Qin Army conscription work, the Ministry of National Defense has issued such an order. With the issuance of the order, a large number of tribal men crowded in the conscription station. This makes it very difficult for recruiters, because most of these people meet the Qin State's drafting standards.

"You'd better line up one by one. If you can't be enlisted, don't blame me." The lieutenant said impatiently.

"Yes. Sir." Some tribal men said in a blunt Qin dialect.

Qin Guoxin Lantian recruit training camp.

"Most of the recruits have been trained." Training Director Bai Renliang said.

"However, the above has not been compiled, I don't know what the above thinks." Bai Renliang said.

"Yeah. I recently got some news from the staff of the military region that the reason for not adopting the method of establishment. Mainly because of the Yan people, some of our new recruits will be hired in the Yan country's army, so, above It doesn't seem to have the meaning of weaving." Meng Ren said.

"Well. If this is the case, I don't think we should wait any longer. The army is trained, and it will be deployed immediately, and it will be quickly thrown into the combat area. It will not be good for anyone to consume it." Bai Renliang said uneasy. To.

"Well, I have the same opinion, let's just send a telegram to it and see how it goes?" Meng Ren suggested.

"Yes." Bai Renliang said.

Inside the staff.

"Sir, do you know about Xinlantian's training of recruits?" Meng Gao asked Bai Qi anxiously with a telegram. Meng Gao was found by Meng Ren's telegram, and Meng Ren found some ways. He hoped that the matter could be resolved as soon as possible.

"Yeah. What's the matter?" Bai Qi asked.

"They sent a telegram to ask why the recruits have completed the basic content of the training syllabus, but they have not been fully organized. Most of them are still based on the battalion company. The regiment and brigade level units are not formed. This is not the case. Conducive to combat." Mongao said.

"I know a little about this matter. It seems to be arranged by the Chief of Staff." Bai Qi said.

"Why do you say that?" Mongo asked curiously.

"I don't know, the specific idea, this is the chief of staff's idea." Bai Qi said.

"We'd better send a telegram to the chief of staff." Mongao said.

"Well. I think this matter is OK. If it cannot be compiled in time, it will cause a big problem. It will not be able to form combat effectiveness." Bai Qi said worriedly.

Within Yandu.

The special train stopped temporarily in a small railway station.

"What do you think of this matter?" Wang Jian asked Yang Duanhe.

"I think it should be arranged as soon as possible. At the very least, this matter can no longer be delayed. Combat units are all regiments. The organization of the mixed brigade discussed earlier is very feasible." Yang Duan And speaking of it.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded.

"I have also considered this issue. The establishment of a mixed brigade can indeed play a big role, and it is very versatile." Wang Jian said.

"But there is one thing we have to consider. The most important feature of this battle is mobility. Our troops must return to the back of the Goguryeo in time." Wang Jian said.

"If the formation of a mixed brigade is adopted, the combat regiment as a mountain combat unit cannot complete such operations. Their mobility cannot be completed." Wang Jian said.

"However, if there is no mountain combat unit to carry out ground blockade. A single cavalry operation will not be able to complete the combat mission." Yang Duanhe considered.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded. He recognized Yang Duanhe's ideas.

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