The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2241: Huns Cavalry with Arrows

"I mean, we can recruit mountain Qiang people. They are very tough in combat. Unfortunately, their combat weapons are not as good as ours. If our country of Zhao also has such a military armament, I think we can too. Solve many problems." Li Zuoche explained.

"Why are we doing this? Tell me about your reasons." Li Mu asked further.

"The reason why we do this is because the current Zhao army is very small. And if we lose it, it will cost a lot, because we need to give a lot of military compensation, and we must equip more weapons. In the future, we Zhao The country has to carry out military expansion, and the small number of troops in front of us is not enough. But when we mobilize, our loss is very large, which is very detrimental to us. If we recruit mountain Qiang people, let them fight like the Qin people’s Huns cavalry. In the future, in areas where operations may break out in the future, we only need to send a small number of troops to achieve this goal." Li Zuoche said.

"Are these mountain Qiangs easy to control?" Li Mu asked.

"It should be easy to control. I heard that the people of Qin selected soldiers from the northern nomadic tribes they belonged to. In this case, we can do the same in Zhao. The reason why we were able to establish a colony in Zhao was relying on the help of the local Qiang people. If we have the help of the Qiang people in the mountains, they are naturally willing to participate." Li Zuoche said.

"Not only these, the Qiang people in the mountains have sufficient funds, and they can develop more extensive trade with us. This kind of trade is also very helpful for us." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. Your idea is very good, send a telegram, we have to try it. If it is good, we will recruit a regiment at the beginning, and this regiment will be used in Liaodong Dongfang." Li Mu arranged.

"Yes, Prime Minister." Li Zuoche saluted.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"I also read Qin's newspaper. I don't think there is much meaning to the propaganda of this war, but why is Zhao State's grand farewell ceremony, but Qin State does not?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang strangely. Han Shu and Zhang Liang usually come for a walk in their free time at work.

"This, as far as the minister understands. This time Qin has sent troops in a hurry, using the Qin Marine Corps. The prime minister has the right to send troops for such military operations." Zhang Liang explained.

"Yeah. But in this case, the troops are still not enough. You know, the number of troops Qin needs, I initially estimated that at least three brigades or more troops are needed, but based on the information received so far, it seems that Qin has only sent one. The strength of the battalion is very different." Han Shu said.

"This." Zhang Liang shook his head, saying that he didn't understand anymore.

"Haha." Han Shu smiled.

"It seems that the prime minister still doesn't understand. I know something. Doesn't the prime minister think that I knowingly asked?" Han Shu covered his mouth and smiled.

"This." Zhang Liang didn't dare to look at Han Shu, just bowed his head and hesitated.

"Well, this is the situation." Han Shu put away his playful joke.

"The people of Qin will mobilize troops from the troops trained in the north to participate in the battle. These troops are a small number of nomadic tribes, and they are all cavalry troops that are rapidly deployed. Speaking of which, I also have this idea." Han Shu said.

"Qin people can recruit their own soldiers from the poor nomadic tribes in the north. Why can't we in South Korea. In these poor places, recruiting soldiers is very cheap, and the combat power is also fierce. Why don't we recruit part of it like this? There are also other regions in the Qin region. For example, in the southern region, in the vast area controlled by South Korea, there are a large number of indigenous soldiers. These indigenous soldiers are also possible." Han Shu put forward his own idea.

"This." Zhang Liang lowered his head and thought.

"The minister thinks it's okay, but it might be difficult to recruit soldiers in the south," Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Why?" Han Shu asked.

"My lord, the natives of the South are only suitable for jungle warfare. We only need a small portion of them. Most of them have very low combat effectiveness. All our captain reports criticize these natives, and they are small in size. The language is not fluent, and the worst thing is that they have difficulty adapting to the northern weather. If compared with these northern troops, if they are in the northern region, they will definitely lose. In the southern jungle, they also have some guiding roles, but It will be difficult to send them to fight." Zhang Liang said, shaking his head. Regarding the combat effectiveness of the southern indigenous people, the reports submitted by the South Korean captains indicated that they were not high. They were ignorant, timid, and thin, and did not meet the physical requirements of ordinary soldiers. For such soldiers, they had never considered it. Use such natives to serve as soldiers.

"Oh. So that's it." Han Shu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"It seems that we can only recruit some soldiers in the north, and recruiting these soldiers in the south does not work." Han Shu nodded and said.

"This is the case. We will recruit soldiers from the north. In this way, we can also solve many problems." Han Shu said indifferently. However, she knows that the future of South Korea needs rapid expansion, and only continuous expansion can bring huge profits in trade. Han Shu is very clear about this.

The western border area of ​​Dawan.

"Wow." An arrow flew past the side of a Qin army cavalry.

"Don't run." A Huns cavalry followed closely behind. But he had no bows and arrows, only muskets. The carbine in his hand had already been fired and needed to be reloaded, but it was too late. The only bullet in his hand is the pistol. But the range is not enough. The opponent was thirty steps away. At such a distance, the Parthian cavalry used their specialties and their advantages in cavalry and shooting continued to suppress the Qin army by maneuvering. The soldiers of the Qin Army were unable to make a second burst after firing the musket in their hands. They were equipped with the old-fashioned flintlock. This is the universal equipment of the Qin army cavalry.

"Damn it." Just as the Huns cavalry slave was chasing the opponent, the opponent suddenly turned around, and then an arrow flew again.

"Ah." The Xiongnu cavalry waved a pistol in his hand and yelled and fell off his horse. The other Huns cavalry chasing them stopped one after another.

"Damn it. These Parthian cavalrymen are more cunning than wolves." A Qin Army second lieutenant platoon commander stopped and cursed angrily.

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