The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2245: The transmitter is burned

Qin State's southern border. An officer on duty looked at the newspaper in his hand leisurely, and he didn't care about other things. Because his soldiers have already done it. Especially those sergeants, they know exactly what they should do and what they should not do.

"Really, these should be the things the police did. Why did we do it?" a second-class soldier of the Qin Army dissatisfied and followed an veteran and said dissatisfiedly.

"There is no way, the state government has no money, we are the police, and this is still a good thing." said the veteran.

"After a while, you show me some tax bills. If there is something missing, it is tax evasion. We can confiscate all of them. Half of the value of the confiscated goods is ours. Whoever confiscated more things will get more things, know Don't know?" the veteran said angrily. The veterans like this very much, because many merchants who do border trade like tax evasion or deliberate tax evasion. This kind of thing is very bad, even though Qin State has elevated the smuggling trade to legal trade. There are still many things in order to prevent such things from happening. At the same time, in order to increase the fiscal revenue of the state government, the state legislature passed a "Forfeiture Act". This bill was designed to encourage those law enforcement officers to effectively inspect the goods for tax evasion. Such measures were taken to punish half of the value of the confiscated goods. all. In this way, the soldiers of the Qin Army at the border will work very hard to effectively inspect these goods.

"Stop, if there is a tax bill, take it out and let me have a look. We need to check it again." The veteran stopped the caravan passing by as he said, and they wanted to check the goods carefully. For them, these goods are a way of making money.

"Sir, here are my tax bills. They are all taxed. They are absolutely clean." A person in charge of the caravan quickly stood up and explained.

"Oh. That's it." said the veteran. However, he soon took over the tax bill from the other party, and whether he could punish something or not was up to him.

"Da da da. Get out of the way, get out of the way. Emergency military situation." At this moment, a Qin army cavalry rushed over quickly.

"Disperse, disperse." The veteran quickly waved his arms to let everyone get out of the way.

"Da da da." But the cavalry stopped when they rushed over.

"Are there any telegrams here?" the cavalry asked loudly. The veteran looked at the opponent's rank and turned out to be a sergeant.

"Yes," the veteran replied.

"Telegraph. Hurry up." The sergeant jumped off the horse quickly, and the veteran quickly took the sergeant to send a telegram.

Telegraph room.

"Such a long telegram?" The transmitter looked at the sergeant in confusion. The sergeant took a notebook for the other party to post, and the notebook recorded very detailed, detailed to an astonishing level.

"Yes, send it all. These are all information about the Yueshi people and the Peacock Dynasty. This is the hard work of the observers. Remember, you must post it backwards. The above is the latest situation. The Ministry of National Defense is anxious to use it. Hurry up," the sergeant said, waving his arms.

"Yes. Yes." The transmitter was helpless. Because the telegram is too long. To finish sending, this will have to burn the telegraph machine.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Sir. Look, news from the Yue family." A staff officer quickly walked up to Wang Ben and handed the telegram in his hand to Wang Ben.

"Did the Yue family lose the battle?" Wang Ben asked directly after reading the telegram.

"Yes. Sir." The staff nodded.

"Furthermore, telegrams from the border are still being sent out, with a lot of content, some detailed results, the situation of the Yue people, the situation of the Maurya Dynasty fighting, and the contents of the Maurya Dynasty they know are all sent here." The staff officer said.

"Yeah." Wang Ben nodded.

"Post, forward it directly to the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff, and let them know about this. As soon as possible. Keep sending it, even if the telegraph machine burns, it's okay. One won't work. If two people send it together, it must be sent." Wang Ben Speaking of waving his arms.

"Yes. Sir." The staff officer immediately turned and left the arrangement.

Within the Ministry of Defense. Meng Tian stayed in the receiving room.

"Sir." A reporter raised his hand, and a communications staff came over.

"Is there something urgent?" Meng Tian immediately walked over and asked.

"Sir, the information of the Yue people. They have lost the battle and they are withdrawing. The above said. The Maurya Dynasty used more than 100,000 troops to attack them." The communications staff explained.

"Oh my God. So many people?" Meng Tian was really surprised, he didn't expect that the other party would have so many people attacking the Yue family.

"Hurry up and send it over." Meng Tian said immediately after seeing it.

"Sir, by the way, the other party keeps sending reports. We can only keep receiving them." The receiver said helplessly.

"Then there is no way. Take it." Meng Tian arranged.

"Go, I'll watch it here." Meng Tian desperately wants first-hand information. He wants to know. What happened to the Yueshi people and the Peacock Dynasty.

"Da da da." The telegram kept ringing. The puncher kept making noises. The content of the telegram deciphered by Meng Tian's fast viewers. Judging from the content of the telegram, he knew something he didn't know.

For example, the Yueshi people seem to be a nation on the surface, but in fact, they are composed of many tribes, and these tribes are scattered into the place of the Southern Peacock Dynasty. In this way, they are just scattered, small groups of invading peacocks. In the dynasty, in the battle, their forces were not concentrated, and their weapons and equipment were also very different. Some tribes and tribes close to the people of Qin had a large number of muskets and artillery. The more distant tribes have only partial muskets.

This time it was a tribe who was sent out to fight. They relied on their superior guns to occupy a city of the Maurya Dynasty. They turned all the people in the city into slaves, and all the gold became their wealth. But this The practice aroused the dissatisfaction of the Maurya Dynasty people. They quickly mobilized their forces to take countermeasures. As a result, the Yue people were outnumbered. Even if their weapons were very advanced, they could not resist more people from rushing over. Not only that, but the people of the Maurya Dynasty also counterattacked some other tribes of the Yue people, causing the Yue people to be unprepared. They suffered heavy losses. They were returning, their losses were great, and their weapons were very serious. Their spoils have also lost a lot, after all, the opponents are too numerous to resist.

"It seems that the next battle will be in this place." Meng Tian said. Because he saw that the climate in this place is relatively warm.

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