Zhao State of Handan. Qin Guo Wenyang Bank Senior Conference Room.

"The problem of Yanguo and Liaodong needs a lot of funds to solve. However, there is a lack of a lot of funds in all aspects. Banks are needed to solve the problem." Song Shilun introduced.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded.

Ike was a little nervous. He didn’t know how much the Yan Nationality would benefit from such a meeting. He was the Minister of Finance of the State of Yan. At this meeting, the people of Qin invited Li Mu from the Government of Zhao and the Minister of Finance of the State of Zhao to attend, and Minister of Finance of the State of Yan. . South Korea did not notify its participation in this meeting. The reason is that the Qin people will negotiate this matter with the Koreans individually. So this tripartite meeting in the conference room.

"We all know that everyone lacks funds. Without funds, the war in Liaodong would not be fought to the present level." Li Mu nodded and said.

"Therefore, we need to discuss with all parties to solve the problem of funding." Song Shilun said.

"Our plan is to establish a joint state enterprise. Jointly develop iron ore in Liaodong. This is beneficial to all parties." Song Shilun said.

"Is this the final plan of your bank?" Li Mu asked at this time. Just after Song Shilun finished speaking, Li Mu asked like this.

When Song Shilun heard this, he was very surprised, because today's final distribution plan has not been resolved, and he ran into such a problem.

"Well, I don't know what the Prime Minister will do?" Song Shilun asked at this time. He felt that if Li Mu said this, he must have his own very good plan. He felt that he could let the other party talk about it.

"I, there is no good way, but I think there is a condition that can be mentioned for your reference." Li Mu said.

"We all know that if a joint enterprise is formed, all countries must occupy a certain amount of shares." Li Mu looked at the shares and said.

"These shares can only be sold to obtain greater benefits, and the funding problem can be further resolved. However, this market, in Handan, Zhao Guo, can now sell a large number of shares, but this newly established joint enterprise cannot Selling such shares in a short period of time, therefore, this is a big problem for the financing of all parties." Li Mu said at this time.

"Well, Prime Minister, I seem to understand what you think." Song Shilun said at this time.

"Our shares in Handan Iron Works can be traded on the Zhao State market." Li Mu continued.

Song Shilun smiled slightly, he already understood Li Mu's thoughts. If Zhao Guo participates in it in the name of Handan Iron Works, if this is the case, Handan Iron Works holds shares in the joint enterprise, which will form good news. The stock price of Handan Iron Works will rise rapidly, and Handan Iron Works will profit from this. The joint enterprise can obtain such funds by replacing shares. This is Li Mu's solution, which is solved by swapping stocks for stocks.

Li Mu and the Minister of Finance came up with such an approach. Due to the insufficient funds of the Zhao government. The Minister of Finance had to come up with such a method. If you participate in a joint venture, you need to contribute capital. However, the Zhao government has insufficient funds and can only allow commercial organizations to participate. If this is the case, it will be detrimental to Zhao. In order to change this Circumstances, they had to come up with such a way. Because the government of the State of Zhao has shares in Handan Iron Factory, as long as Handan Ferroammonium participates in it. Through the exchange of shares, Zhao can obtain sufficient financial funds for Zhao Guo at once, and the Zhao Guo government can solve this problem by simply selling the shares in its hands.

The meeting went smoothly. The Yan government agreed to do so. The people of Qin need to think about it. They think the idea put forward by the Zhao government is very good. And it makes sense. If this method is also applied to the South Korean government, the problem may be easily solved.

Handan, in Li Mu's prime minister's residence.

"The problem of funding can be solved. We can sell the stocks in our hands, and the government can solve a large amount of funding problems. With funding, all problems can be solved quickly." Li Mu said lightly.

"Then, Prime Minister, there is one more problem that we need to solve, Prime Minister." Li Zuoche reminded.

"I know, you are talking about the Liaodong Railway." Li Mu sat down and said.

"Things need to be done one by one, not too much. After we have solved the enterprise's affairs, we must solve the railway problem." Li Mu said.

"Yeah." Li Zuoche nodded.

Inside Yingyu's office of Wenyang Bank.

"I didn't expect it. Since Li Mu would come up with such a way. It sounds like they are more professional." Yingyu said with a smile.

"Yes, if it weren't for the telegram to us today, we really didn't know there was such a thing." Xiao He said incredulously.

"Well. This is the case. What we need now is to use such a method to solve South Korea's problems. Don't forget. South Korea also has a stock market." Yingyu said.

"We remember that there is a royal bank in South Korea, and we can start from this. If the royal bank has good news from you and the Korean government can participate in it, I think this problem can be solved partly, and they are willing to do the same." Yingyu thought about it for a while.

"Chairman, I understand what you mean. I will contact the South Korean government and let them solve this problem." Xiao He said.

"Well, this matter is about four countries. The Qin government does not participate. The government means to let us participate. We get a lot of profits from participating, and we can pay more taxes. This is what the government wants to see. The situation is here." Yingyu said.

"With this. We will do better." Yingyu said.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Inside Han Shu's office.

"Yeah." Han Shu looked at the telegram from Wenyang Bank.

"The King." Zhang Liang hurried over.

"Look at this telegram, this is the way Qin people came up." Han Shu handed the telegram to Zhang Liang.

"The Korean government holds a lot of royal bank shares, not just these, but other banks. I think if we get involved in this matter in Liaodong, a lot of problems will be solved at once and we will sell the shares in our hands. It can solve the problem of insufficient government financial funds." Han Shu said.

"It's just that, if you do this, isn't the government participating in stock speculation? Such things will not have a good explanation for the people and the development of South Korea." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

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