The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2261: Is this still edible?

"Looking at the newspaper. It seems that Qin's bank also supports the son's ascendance to the throne." Yi Rong said while looking at the Qin newspaper in his hand.

"Patriarch, I think we should make a decision early on this matter. Qin’s newspaper has a very large circulation. We can see it today and others can see it tomorrow. If they react early, we But we are behind. We can't get what we want." Yige said. The Yi family is only a small nobleman among the nobles of the Chu Kingdom. It only develops relatively quickly and has certain power. However, such power cannot satisfy the rapid development of the Yi family, and the Yi family is planning for greater development. And Ning Chu ascended to the throne, this is a huge credit in front of him.

"It's just that if this matter is not handled properly, our family will be over. Do you understand?" Yi Rong said worriedly.

"I know that the credit for this matter is very great. You all want to participate in it, but don't forget. If you can't make it, you and I will be dead. If this continues, our family will instantly No more. This is of no benefit to us." Yi Rong said.

"Patriarch, I have thought about this too, but, at present, I think this is also an opportunity. We should seize this opportunity, not just such an opportunity, I think. We can also reduce the risk?" Yige said To.

"How to reduce the risk?" Yi Rong asked.

"To unite with other families, as long as we unite with other families, if we do this together, we can become bigger and stronger." Yige whispered.

"En. Be cautious about this matter. I think I'll do this matter. Don't go." Yi Rong nodded and said.

"Yes. Patriarch." Yige nodded, but he was very dissatisfied. He believes that the Patriarch is losing an opportunity. If they seize such an opportunity, their Yi family will become the upstart among the nobles.

Newspapers issued by Qin State carry information that is spreading to Chu State in the south at the fastest speed, not only Chu State, but also colonies in the south.

"You said, will this land bond really give you land?" A crew member lying on a sack at Wuyue Wharf asked one of his sailors.

"I don’t know, but it’s better not to believe what the nobleman said. Why, you know, what they say is bullshit. This piece of paper can give you a piece of land. If you think about it, it’s better to give you a roll. It’s toilet paper. People in the Qin country are rich in oil and use paper for wiping their buttocks. Let’s use leaves and straw ropes honestly.” Said the sailor shaking his head.

"Tau, what I said is that this land bond might be better than the wiper paper." The sailor put down the newspaper in his hand and said.

"You know how to read and learn more. Don't always look at these useless things. After you have these things, you can sit in the captain's position. At that time, I will follow you." The sailor said. To.

"Yes." The sailor nodded. For land bonds, sailors don’t care because they don’t have too much intersection with them. What they care about is sailing.

Under the city of Jimo, in the trenches of the Chu army.

"His grandmother, these Koreans can really carry it. It has been around for such a long time. There was no movement at all." The lower-ranking officer Li Jing walked in the trenches, where a strong smell of feet exuded.

"Damn, who doesn't wear shoes, put them on Lao Tzu, that smell. I'm damn. It's dead." Li Jing scolded.

"I'm sorry, my lord. The kid knew it was wrong." As one of the soldiers hurriedly put on his worn-out military boots. The Chu Army also imported some military boots from Qin, South Korea and Wei. These military boots are all leather. They are cold in winter and sultry in summer, and the feet sweat easily. In addition, the Chu army digs trenches and rains in summer. , The trenches were very wet, and many soldiers had soaked feet that were rotten. Since then, athlete's foot, dysentery, and various trench diseases continue to occur. The soldiers of the Chu Army only had one pair of military boots a year. If it is rotten, it can only be patched, and if it cannot be patched, it can only be done by doing so. Originally, there were several pairs of military boots within a year. For example, the Qin Army would distribute them according to different seasons and changes in the combat area. However, the Chu Army was under great logistical supply pressure, and they would not distribute such military boots at all. Some soldiers' military boots have been worn for more than a year and a half. Still did not receive his new army boots.

In addition to these, the upper-level officers also deprived them of rations, deducted their rations, and worked **** the clothing of the soldiers. Some quartermasters even privately sold military ammunition to pirates and crews in the south. This made Chu Jun's situation extremely difficult.

"It's dinner. It's dinner." As one soldier said, he ran out first with the tin box, and some with the cracked clay pot. Due to poor logistical supplies, many soldiers did not have tableware. Some soldiers went to the barbed wire fence of the Korean New Army to get some cans, and some found some broken cans from nearby residential buildings. Even so, there are still many soldiers who don't have cutlery. They can only share one cutlery.

"Go, go, it's too late. There is no food left." A soldier ran out quickly. There are no military boots on his feet. It is estimated that his military boots have rotted a long time ago.

"His mother. What is this food? Can this be eaten?" At this moment, a soldier shouted loudly.

"What's the matter?" Li Jing passed in angrily. Every time he ate, something happened. These soldiers made him feel very headache.

"I said, my sir." The term sir is a term used in the Qin Army's first line, and many armies have already accepted such a vocabulary. However, the Chu army is not a new army, and the term chief is very unused. The reason is that the range of chiefs is very official. The officers of the lower level can also use the chief, the veteran can also use it, and the general can also use it. , If you use the title of chief officer, it will lead to a relationship, equality in status. Therefore, the upper ranks of the Chu army forbid the use of the title of chief, but among the lower-ranking officers and soldiers, they are not too cold with the title of chief.

"Sir, take a look." As he said, an veteran Jing San walked over with a tin box to show him.

"Sir, take a look, here are all bugs and moldy. Can you eat this kind of rice?" Jing San complained.

What Li Jing saw was that the food was full of cockroaches and flies, and the foul smell drifted over from time to time. For this kind of food, he really can't eat it, because he also wants to eat this kind of food, at most it is just one more dish.

"Is this still edible?" the other soldiers complained one after another.

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