The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2276: Prisoner of War Li Shun

"When shooting for a while, don't use the machine gun. Understand?" Meng Yuan walked to the machine gun position with his rifle.

"This. Officer." The machine gunner looked at his officer with some incomprehension.

"Don't shoot." Meng Yuan said.

"It's the sir." The machine gunner nodded, expressing his understanding. Despite the great puzzlement, he still obeyed his commander's order not to fire.

"Okay. That's it." Meng Yuan walked away with the gun.

The gunner buckled the safety and pushed the bullet into the chamber.

"I think we don't have our part in this battle." The machine gunner said helplessly. The sub-machine gunner shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

"Zhao Ming, when he will fire and shoot, he will only use one platoon force to shoot with platoon guns, that's it." Meng Yuan told Zhao Ming.

"Sir, why? Just over a hundred people can be easily knocked out." Zhao Ming asked puzzledly.

"Hehe, if we act too strong, the Goguryeo people will take us seriously. At that time, the trouble will be even greater. What I have to do now is to make the Goguryeo people mistakenly believe that we have rushed to build a defense line, you know?" Meng Yuan said To.

"Understood. Sir." Zhao Ming nodded.

In front of the Qin State Marine Corps position.

"The Goguryeo people are about two hundred steps away from our position. Will they open fire?" a corporal asked a platoon leader.

"Put in some. When it's a hundred paces, fire and shoot. Don't worry, we will definitely be able to hold the position." Platoon Commander Shi said more easily.

The Goguryeo people in the distance were advancing slowly. They were also worried about the enemy in front of them, because they didn't know whether the enemy in front of them was from Yan Guo or someone else. They didn't understand, because the Qin army's position was not clearly marked. This makes them feel very confused. For this reason, their superiors will spy on it.

"One hundred steps. Fire." The platoon leader Shi commanded louder.

"Bang bang bang bang." There was a crisp row of guns. The Qin State Marine Corps began continuous shooting in units of squads.

"Puff. Puff. Ah." The Goguryeo people were caught off guard by being beaten, even though they were already very careful. But many people were still hit by the flying bullets.

"Bang." A Goguryeo immediately woke up from the shooting just now, and then squatted down to aim. The bullet may not be able to stop at this distance, but the bullet that was shot out was better than no bullet at the very least.

"Puff." The Goguryeo had just fired a bullet, and one bullet hit his chest. The bullet passed through his chest and hit a Goguryeo soldier who was about to shoot. The two fell down suddenly. Although they did not die suddenly, they were already injured. With the medical level of Goguryeo, the wounded soldiers could not be saved at all. It can't be saved.

The Qin State Marine Corps uses the latest bullets, pointed bullets. Not a round-headed bullet. After using the smokeless gunpowder, the pointed bullet has a great advantage in shooting distance, and it penetrates very strongly. And it is easy to process. Round head bullet. Although it has advantages in killing power, this bullet cannot use the power of smokeless gunpowder. After experimenting many times, Qin Jun decided to switch to using pointed bullets. This bullet comes from the Li's Armory. People in the military like to call it Li's pointed bullet.

"Bang. Bang." The gunfire of the Marines began to become chaotic, and they had entered a free-fire state. But because their rate of fire has surpassed the flintlock guns used by the Goguryeos. On average, they can shoot seven or eight bullets in one minute. In this situation, their opponent Goguryeo can be considered very good with a bullet.

"The Goguryeo people are beginning to retreat." Zhao Ming saw in the binoculars that the panicked Goguryeo people were retreating in fear. They would be hit by flying bullets accidentally. The flintlock in their hands had nothing to do with this. No counterattack.

"Yeah." Meng Yuan nodded.

"Sir, do we launch a counterattack?" Zhao Ming said itchy.

"Yeah. I think it's okay. But, don't chase them too far. We only need to chase them as far as 300 paces." Meng Yuan issued an order.

"Get the bayonet, rush." ​​Zhao Ming shouted loudly after receiving the order, waving the pistol in his hand.

"Catch me back alive." Meng Yuan went on to shout. He felt that they didn't know much about the Goguryeo people.

"Kill." Qin Jun has already launched a counterattack. They were holding up their bayonet rifles, and the Goguryeo people running away from the crazy pursuers, the Goguryeo people were helpless.

The battle soon ended. Victory is one-sided. The Qin army wiped out more than fifty Goguryeo people at the cost of slightly wounding one person. The rest were defeated and fled into the nearby woods. The Qin Army did not launch a greater counterattack. Instead, he quickly returned to his battlefield.

"Sir, we caught this." Zhao Ming pushed a Goguryeo who was only fifteen or six years old to the ground.

"Go find San, he knows something about Goguryeo." Meng Yuan looked at Goguryeo whose face was full of fear and his hands were shaking. He has been kneeling on the ground since he was pushed. Holding his head with both hands, this was the posture when he was catching prisoners of war. This Goguryeo obviously held his hands high in order to save his life, hoping to save his life.

"No need. Sir. He knows what we say, and he can answer whatever we ask." Zhao Ming said from the side.

"Oh." Meng Yuan felt very curious.

"What's your name?" Meng Yuan asked.

"I. I. My name is. Li Shun. Yes, it is under the three kings. I, we have twelve kings." Li Shun said very nervously. He became very stuttering because of the tension. Meng Yuan was very unhappy at this point.

"Speak more neatly." Meng Yuan said angrily.

"Yes, it's an adult." Li Shun tried his best to control himself, but he was still terrified in his heart. Such fear made him unable to control his body at all.

"Why are you hiding in Xiangping City and not coming out?" Meng Yuan asked curiously.

"This. We don't know this very well, but what we know is that the opinions of the kings disagree." Li Shun said in crappy words.

"We know, these are all the veterans said. Some kings let go south, others want to go west. Others just go back. However, some kings directly occupied Xiangping and don't want to go back." Li Shun said To.

"Our idea is that we don't want to go back anymore. In Xiangping City, there are everything and a lot of supplies, enough for us to live a good year. Why do we want to go back." Li Shun lowered his head and said.

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