The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2278: No more established

"The king's idea is very good. But how to implement it?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi after he came back.

"I can't do anything about this," Shang Wen said with a helpless shrug.

"I don't know what you think, but I think this is still more beneficial to our Qin State." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"If government financial funds enter major enterprises, how many problems do you think can be solved, whether to enter it, or the government to use fiscal funds to build infrastructure, which is better?" Shang Wen asked.

"Well, it is divided into two parts. In this way, some risks can be reduced." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"However, there is one thing, I want to remind you." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Government financial funds enter the stock market. If this is done, it may lead Qin investors to reduce their ability to judge risks. At that time, the government will have an unshirkable responsibility." Shang Wen said.

"I understand this." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"I think this matter should be put on hold for the time being, because this matter is not easy to handle. The government can use fiscal funds for infrastructure construction, but it cannot enter the stock market to obtain benefits and maintain it." Shang Wen said worriedly. Shangwen's concern is for a reason, although the stock market is very profitable. But there are also certain risks. At the same time, there is not only a risk, but also a guiding risk. Assuming that government financial funds enter the stock market, after the government buys stocks that the government is optimistic about, whether investors and the public are following the trend to enter, when the stock market is rising, such a thing is easy to say, after all, everyone is making money. But if the stock market falls on a large scale. The result is conceivable that the government first faces the people who blindly follow the trend and lose money. Shang Wen feels that the people of Qin State cannot bear such risk and loss because of this kind of responsibility.

King Qin has a good idea. It is constructive, but Shang Wen believes that doing so will bring extremely serious consequences. After the stock market fluctuates sharply, the government's responsibility and image will suffer great losses. Shang Wen didn't want the Qin government to take such a big risk.

If such a thing does happen, Shang Wen must first order the risk of stepping down. As for the risks in the middle, Meng Yi may or may not know it at all, but one thing can be clearly known. Meng Yi is not fully aware of the risks. But perhaps it was Meng Yi who paid too much attention to the risk that caused him to ignore this risk directly. This is not a good thing for Shangwen.

At the border of Dawan, a horse-drawn carriage with more than 100 cavalry was rapidly deepening towards the hinterland of Dawan.

"This is a grassland, can you grow things?" Qin Wu said in surprise at Zhao Kaizi's proposal to build a farm together. Zhao Kaizi only said, oh, plant things, he doesn't know what to plant, but he knows that doing so can bring great benefits to the nobles of the Dawan country.

"Yes, it should be possible, our people have seen those places, it is very suitable." Zhao Kaizi said. In fact, he did nothing, just to get the land.

"You can sell the land to us, or you can rent the land to us at a cheap price, of course. It's best to sell it to us, and the price will definitely be much higher than what you get now." Zhao Kaizi said.

"Well. If you say that, we in Dawan are currently able to do a lot of business. First is the land business, then the slave business. In addition, there are also planting things. You need people, mines, and railways. We all need us. People from Dawan." Qin Wu said.

"Yes, these businesses can make a lot of money, so that you can develop quickly. You can buy our products, which is good for you." Zhao Kaizi persuaded.

"You know?" Zhao Kaizi said.

"Our trade was very bad before." Zhao Kaizi said.

"You can't get the payment in time. This will bring great disadvantages to your next round of trade. If you do these businesses, you will have enough funds to buy these goods, or become a big Wanwan. The richest person in the country." Zhao Kaizi further persuaded him.

"Well. I will consider this proposal. But I hope that I can also bring great benefits. If we can make money, we will have a lot of money." Qin Wu said with a smile.

"This is natural. However, I forgot to say it." Zhao Kaizi said.

"Those farms, railways, and mineral development are backed by the Qin military. With such support, it is very beneficial to us." Zhao Kaizi said mysteriously.

"Oh." Qin Wu looked at Zhao Kaizi incredulously.

Zhao Kaizi just nodded and told Qin Wu with a certain look that these were true.

When Zhao Kaizi and Qin Wu discussed commercial activities, the Qin Army’s Eighteenth Regiment’s correspondent brought unfortunate news.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters. Li Xin is looking at the latest map collected by Dawan with great interest. The map he sees is not just a picture, but a large piece of gold. Qin Jun has a new understanding and pursuit of commercial interests.

"Sir. There is a bad thing." A lieutenant staff officer walked in anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Li Xin was a little unhappy, but still reluctantly took his eyes off the map.

"The seventeenth regiment, riding the seventeenth regiment, may be annihilated." The lieutenant staff officer looked at Li Xin anxiously.

After Li Xin heard it, he felt that he had heard it wrong.

"You, what are you talking about?" Li Xin asked the lieutenant's staff with incredulous eyes.

"The Seventeenth Cavalry Regiment may have been wiped out. This is a telegram from the Eighteenth Cavalry Regiment. The telegram was sent from the nearest telegraph station. It may be a communicator from the Eighteenth Regiment." The lieutenant staff officer said.

"Above, the Eighteenth Regiment found the remnants of the Seventeenth Regiment. They suffered a lot." The lieutenant said.

"What happened? Telegram to find out." Li Xin said annoyedly.

Nothing like this has happened to his troops yet, something like this has actually happened to one of his troops. Qin State actually lost a regiment of troops.

"Sir, the above said, it may be the result of too much division of forces." The lieutenant continued.

"For whatever reason, check it out. The more detailed the investigation, the better. Damn it." Li Xin said angrily.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing." Li Xin looked at the telegram.

"Even though they are no longer part of the Qin Army's organization, the Qin Army has dispatched a fully formed unit after all, and there are no formed units." Li Xin said in an unbelievable way.

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