"No way. The child has a terrible fever. There is no way to cure it." The doctor said, shaking her head.

"No way. The doctor will save my child. I will give you money. I will receive Chengdu for you for a year and save my child." A young woman knelt on the ground, crying and pleading. Middle-aged women.

"No way. Such diseases, decoctions, needle stones, etc., can no longer be saved." The middle-aged woman explained.

"A-Lian. I know your life is suffering, but the child can only do this. This disease is too ferocious. It is too ferocious. Many men can't stand it, let alone children. My kid, too. "The middle-aged woman persuaded.

"But, this is our first child." Alian wept bitterly.

"I know, but there is no way, you know, this is a plague. Ordinary people can't withstand such a plague at all." The middle-aged woman wanted to say helplessly.

"This." A young man said while holding A-Lian.

"A-Lian." The young man stroked A-Lian's back. Comforted.

"Oh, this time the plague is terrible. Several men as strong as oxen have fallen." The middle-aged woman said.

"I'm telling you, I heard it too. I heard that this plague was caused by slaves transported from Korean merchant ships. You have to be careful, if best, kill those slaves. Then the corpses are burned. Otherwise, the plague will come again. I have heard of all this. You'd better be careful. If you don't let it go, more people will die." The middle-aged woman said.

"Yes. Yes." The man nodded. Then the middle-aged women were sent away. Although they were given some food again and again, the other party did not accept it. The climate in this place is hot and the rain is plentiful, so that rice can be grown three times a year. Production is very fast, and there is no tax, every household is very wealthy. The food is extremely abundant. But they are still not satisfied. They want to expand the land on a larger scale, so the labor issue becomes a prominent contradiction. The solution is to use slaves. This colony base bought a large number of slaves from those Korean merchant ships.

In a short time, some people in this stronghold began to contract some diseases, and there were many deaths in those slaves. Alian's family was caused by buying slaves to open up farmland.

There are also doctors and doctors in the colony. But they sometimes have no choice but to deal with this kind of cold and fever. Their techniques are very single, just a few. The ones with strong resistance may be able to survive, but the ones with poor resistance, such as women, or children, or fatigue. People. They couldn't resist, and then slowly died of organ failure. Human resistance to this disease is very helpless.

At the same time, another situation occurred, that is, the situation of slaves escaping. Because of the similar climate, these slaves also tried to escape, which intensified the expansion of the plague. But this kind of thing is difficult to solve. After all, the people of Chu have not dealt with their own plague. For such a thing, they simply cannot resist.

Qin State Xianyang. Hongyang Medical Equipment Company.

"General manager, we know that we need a kind of metal needle now. It is very difficult to manufacture this kind of needle. At present, the processing of this kind of needle requires skilled craftsmen. I am afraid that we will not be able to produce much within a year." Yang said.

General Manager Dou Shi watched Yang Chuan propagate it.

"Our technology can be produced on a large scale, and the precision is very high." Yang Chuan said.

"We use steel to press into a sheet, then roll it into a tube, reheat it, and then become a whole body, stretched, so that the needle will come out." Yang Chuan explained. This technique was invented by him himself. I pondered for a long time. But finally succeeded. And he also applied for a patent. If this technology is used on a large scale, he will have a large amount of technology patent fees every year.

"Well. How much can you produce each year?" Dou Shi asked.

"About hundreds of thousands. I think hundreds of thousands are enough." Yang Chuan said.

"Yeah." Dou Shi was satisfied, but he thought it was not enough.

"However, I think that the current market is very small and cannot tolerate such a large patent fee. I read your report. You need hundreds of thousands of gold. This has exceeded the maximum funding we have given. In addition, you need a hundred Forty-five percent of the shares, this is too difficult. I can't meet your requirements." Dou Shi said with regret.

The medical device market is very small, because medical technology in various countries does not pay too much attention to medical devices. Qin Guo's scientific researcher discovered X-ray, but only stayed at the experimental stage and did not expand further. The reason is that the level of medical technology with the aid of equipment is not high. Perhaps because of gunpowder trauma, Qin's medical equipment was once promoted, such as hemostats, scalpels, wound suture needles and so on. But these market satisfactions can easily meet market demands. Unable to expand further.

In addition to military use of medical equipment, most of the equipment purchases are relatively small, except for one thing, which is needles. Qin State cannot produce needles on a large scale because needles are mainly used for battlefield first aid, such as blood transfusion. A lot of muzzle trauma will cause soldiers to bleed and die, and the only way to treat them is blood transfusion. This demand comes from the Qin military, but the needles produced by Qin cannot meet such a large demand, which makes needles a commodity in great demand.

"Okay." Yang Chuan nodded and said helplessly.

"I will find another investor or company to do this, but I think this matter is of great significance when it comes to production." said Yang Chuan.

Driven by Shangwen, Qin Guo has discovered the basic distribution of carotid arteries in the human body and produced some pictures. But this did not promote intravenous injection on a large scale. The reason is very simple. Qin Guo could not come up with a large number of needles to solve this problem. The syringes can be made of special glass, but the needles cannot be made in this way.

This is the restriction brought by a technology.

After Yang Chuan came out, he felt that the only way to promote this kind of needle production is to find the military to cooperate. With the military's support, the production of this technology will be promoted on a large scale.

Traditional treatment methods rely less on equipment. If the equipment is further upgraded, it may be of great help to them. This is a symbol of human medical progress. The equipment represents the existence of a technological level.

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