The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2302: Li Ling's interview

"Hello. This sir. I am a reporter from the Xianyang Times. My name is Li Ling." A woman reporter in her twenties, but very well dressed, reached out with her right hand holding a notebook.

"Hello. My name is Li Chang." A Qin lieutenant officer nodded and said.

"Chief Li." Li Ling said with a smile.

"Oh. Don't call me like that. You can just call my name." Li Chang rarely sees such a beautiful female reporter.

"For beautiful women, they have such privileges." Li Chang said with a smile. In the surrounding army, many soldiers unconsciously turned their heads to look at the female reporter. Such mature dress, big wave of hair, and uniforms that just fit, make many soldiers unconsciously look at the same. .

"This Qin woman is so beautiful. It would be great if I could marry one." Many Xiongnu soldiers whispered among the team.

"Don't speak, **** it," the Sergeant Chief yelled loudly from outside the team.

"Haha." Li Ling smiled slightly.

"Can I do an exclusive interview with you? You know, many Qin people in Xianyang pay great attention to this national war. They want to know what happened on the front line, it's best to be specific, can you?" Li Ling laughed Asked. This request for beauty. It is difficult for Li Chang to refuse.

"Haha. It seems that I have no reason to refuse." Li Chang said.

"Okay. Lieutenant Li Chang, what do you think of this battle?" Li Ling asked first.

"For this war, I think the victory definitely belongs to us, and I am very confident in the victory of this war." Li Chang said.

"So, what do you think of the Goguryeo people? Are those Goguryeo people hateful?" Li Ling asked.

"Well. How to say, I have never contacted Goguryeo people, and we don't know what kind of atrocities they have, but for these foreigners who occupy areas traditionally controlled by the Central Plains countries, we must not let them do this. The people of Yan can't do it. We The people of Qin can, and we can teach them, they are hitting their teeth all over the floor, and we have to kick their **** fiercely." Li Chang said, waving his sturdy arms.

"Oh. I'm sorry, for beautiful women, you shouldn't say such vulgar words, but we are used to it. Sorry." Li Chang said after looking at Li Ling.

"Haha. It doesn't matter, I understand you." Li Ling said with a smile.

"So, do you think that at present, are you fully prepared? Or in other words, what are your dissatisfaction with this war?" Li Ling asked.

"This, the problem." Li Chang was a little cautious.

"I don't know how to answer you?" Li Chang said.

"Well. You can understand it this way. Do you think you have done enough in this war?" Li Ling said at this time.

"This. Perhaps, what I have seen is not very sufficient. I think that our weapons and equipment are very single. Our rifles are only more powerful than them. We lack very much in artillery, especially in terms of powerful firepower." Li Chang Some people are dissatisfied.

"We do not have machine gun firepower to provide continuous firepower. In terms of artillery, we do not have an independent artillery battalion to provide firepower support. I am worried that we will suffer a loss in terms of firepower. After all, we don't want to fight with them with rifles. If this is the case, we still We have to mount a bayonet to stab. We do not lack the courage to fight this kind of battle, but we do not want to fight like this. Many people have already discussed this matter. The firepower given to us by our superiors is too limited." Li Chang helplessly Waved and complained.

"Oh." Li Ling quickly recorded that the morale of the soldiers was high in these news props. People did not like to see such reports, and people paid more attention to the problems in the army. Li Ling knows what attracts people's attention in news interviews. Only in this way can the newspaper be sold at a big price, and your report can attract the attention of others.

"For example, can it be specific?" Li Ling stopped recording and asked at this time.

"This, for example, our firepower. I have already talked about this issue. We lack artillery. We don’t have enough firepower to strike. You know, we are all composed of a few nomadic tribes. These soldiers need a long time. Time can be trained to become a real artillery, but the army that we organized in a short period of time lacks such training time and artillery. This poses a great threat to us." Li Chang said.

"Anything else?" Li Ling asked.

"The other thing is that there are many recruits and lack of experience. We advance at a very high speed every day, more than a hundred miles. You know, we are a cavalry force. After the soldiers start their rapid maneuvers, many soldiers will not be found. Officers can't find soldiers. , Soldiers can’t find an officer, **** it, I really don’t know what will happen after our troops are on the battlefield. Our combat missions are not clear, and the results of the exercise are very worrying. This is what I worry about the most. "Li Chang complained.

Hearing such complaints, Li Ling also felt a little bad, but she felt that it was a hot news. If this issue is exposed, think about how people will feel, Qin people will definitely complain, they To think that such an army goes to war is simply nonsense. Such news is definitely a big hit.

"Not only these, we Qin officers have to obey those **** Huns officers. They have been in the army for a longer time. I think our Qin officers are worse than them at all. After the battle begins, we will have to Obey the damned Huns. And our deputy chief of staff said. Let us obey people with higher ranks than us, otherwise we will be sent to military courts, and in special circumstances on the battlefield, we have to obey them and their orders. . If we don’t obey, we are all likely to be shot. Damn, it’s really a **** order.” Li Chang said very dissatisfied. As Qin officers, they believed that they should lead these Huns instead of letting the Huns become their military supervisors. Commanding them to fight made the young Qin officers extremely dissatisfied. They thought it was a shame to obey the orders of the Huns. The dissatisfaction caused Li Chang to tell Li Ling all his dissatisfaction. And Li Ling repeatedly saw the same from a large source of news. I am very excited to record that these reports can definitely attract Qin people's attention. There are so many problems on the battlefield, which will have a great impact on the war. This is absolutely unexpected news material.

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