"Damn it, isn't this Old Chen?" Zhao Lin saw a corpse hanging from a tree outside the commercial stronghold where Qin merchants gathered. The corpse was severely killed, his limbs were severely chopped off, and some parts were still there. Connected, but it looks very cruel. His stomach was cut alive, and his internal organs flowed all over the floor.

But from the beginning of his clothes, he can vaguely tell who this person is, because Lao Chen is just a piece of clothing, and the clothes are not washed all the time, which causes a lot of grease. Such characteristics enable everyone to remember his characteristics in a short period of time.

"Yeah, isn't this Old Chen? Who did it? How can you kill people like this?" The Qin people who had already been onlookers gathered and said. Some people I know say so. But no one dared to go up and get the body down.

"Come on, help? Get the corpse down." Zhao Lin walked over and immediately waved his arms.

"It's really angry, who kills like this." A stout man stood up, looking at his size, he knew that he was a veteran.

"Hey, don't say it. Get it down quickly." Zhao Lin waved helplessly and said. He was worried that this incident was linked to the previous attack on the Qin State Caravan.

"Hey, look, what seems to be written on the back of Old Chen?" At this time, a good-eyed person immediately saw a white cloth strip written in blood, and the blood stains were a little black.

"Kill all the people of Qin." A person said at this time.

"Ah." After hearing this, everyone was surprised.

"Here. Who is this?" The people of Qin State who gathered together shouted angrily. They were angry at such a provocation, and vaguely they also felt a trace of fear and threat.

"Quickly condense the body. This matter must be done by Dawan people. Some Dawan people are dissatisfied with us Qin people. They specifically killed us Qin people." Zhao Lin said at this time.

"This is not bad. We ask the Dawan people to make sense of this matter. Let them catch the criminals, otherwise our lives will be in danger." A Qin countryman shouted loudly.

"Huh, looking for those waste Dawan people, they are not good at all. They will not make huge sacrifices for the benefit of our Qin people." A small businessman first stood up and said excitedly.

"Oh, what can I do? This Dawan business is doing well. I have several batches of goods already ordered. If our safety is not guaranteed, or our goods are looted, I can There is nothing wrong with it. I have already lost money. I don't want to go on like this anymore. I don't want to." A man with a long chin stood up anxiously and said. He was walking back and forth in a hurry.

"How can this work? We came to Dawan to do business with the support of the Qin government. Now our safety and property cannot be guaranteed. How can we do business?" A Qin businessman stood up and complained.

"I think, let's just join the name. Directly send a telegram to the Qin government and ask them to send troops to solve this matter directly. Otherwise, our lives and safety will be seriously damaged. During this period, we are all careful. Act. Everyone who is armed gathers together to resist the **** Dawan people." A middle-aged man proposed from a height.

"I think it's okay. If the Qin army doesn't come, we'll just fight it ourselves. I don't believe it. The muskets in everyone's hands are all iron rods." An armed man immediately agreed.

"I think we all contribute some money. Let's settle these things. We might as well occupy the country of Dawan." A young man said very excitedly.

"I think it will work." Zhao Lin agreed.

"No, if we do this, we will all give a lot of money. We will not get our money easily. Unless we can form a huge business, we all still hope to get the support of the government." The middle-aged man vetoed it.

"Huh, this Dawan country should belong to the Qin country." Zhao Lin belongs to a young man, and belongs to the expansionist of the young people of the Qin country. This is a dream that the young people of the Qin country gradually formed when they sought to develop their dreams and make money. The ideological faction, they believe that the Qin country should continue to expand, use the great military advantage of the Qin army to wipe out all the countries in the Western Regions, and then establish a Pan-Western Region. The land, slaves, and mineral resources obtained from the expansion will be exploited by grabbing. This is a very radical approach, but this idea is very popular among young people. In their view, Qin should be like this, and the Shangwen government's approach is a bit too conservative.

"I think we should send a joint telegram first to see what kind of attitude the above is. Maybe they are still very beneficial to us, so we don't need to use this nervous approach." The middle-aged man continued.

After everyone heard it, they nodded one after another. After all, if it expands violently, they think they will lose the current market. You must know that Dawan is connected to the State of Parthenium. This is the best place for Qin's goods to be dumped in large quantities. It is difficult to find such a large-scale dumping in the Western Regions. Place of merchandise. If there is a war, the first thing they will face is business failure, and they cannot afford such a loss.

For the development of resources, these require a lot of money, manpower, and material resources to do, and the risks involved are also great. The businessmen present will not agree to this. After all, they are only doing commodities, not resource development. Business.

The telegram was drawn up quickly. Then they sent it directly to Shangwen's office. For such telegrams, relevant departments will collect them and report them to Shangwen as soon as possible.

Qin State Xianyang.

"This matter is really a headache." Shang Wen shook his head when he saw the telegram and said.

"We have planned to deal with it coldly. But now things seem to be not as simple as we thought." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"What's the matter?" Meng Yi came in and asked Shang Wen, and he asked as he saw Shang Wen frown.

"The situation is worse than we thought. Things in Dawan." Shang Wen said.

"There is a special armed force specifically aimed at the merchants of the Qin State. They continue to attack our merchants. The merchants' safety and property have suffered great losses, but we can't deploy more troops into Dawan for a while. Moreover, This requires a reason for sending troops. We can only defend, and cannot take plans with offensive measures." Shangwen said.

"Yeah." Meng Yi nodded.

"But if we don't handle it well, it will seriously affect the election. You know, we don't have much time." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

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