The back area of ​​Liaodong in Yan State.

On the banks of the Xiaoyang River. Qin State Northern First Army Command.

"Our troops have initially reached the northeastern part of Liaoning. Sir." Bai Xi reported.

"Yeah." Yang Duanhe nodded.

"The problem is, our map is not very detailed in the book." Yang Duanhe looked at the map on the desktop and said.

"There is no way, sir. If we just took over this area," Bai Xi said.

"Yeah." Yang Duanhe said.

"We still need a detailed reconnaissance report on the situation nearby." Yang Duanhe said.

"However, before that, we have to discuss some things." Yang Duanhe took out a telegram and said to him.

"What's the matter? Sir." Bai Xi asked, looking at his own sir.

"This is the above thing. The South Korean First Cavalry Brigade may be three days later than us. In this way, we will not be able to complete our strategic goals. There may be a large number of Goguryeos withdrawing from a long narrow passage." Yang Duanhe said seriously.

"In this way. I feel that I can barely complete the task." Bai Xi said without worry.

"Of course. It's just a lot smaller than expected." Yang Duanhe said.

"This meaning is definitely not agreed by the Chief of Staff. I guess it may come from the Prime Minister's Mansion. Otherwise, the Chief of Staff would never do this." Yang Duanhe guessed.

"Yeah." Bai Xi nodded.

"Sir, consider it from a military point of view. I think this is of little significance, that is, we will completely annihilate the Goguryeo this time, and there will still be potential enemies." Bai Xi said.

"We can't solve this problem in a comprehensive way. From a political point of view, perhaps the Prime Minister can give Qin more benefits." Bai Xi said.

"Yeah." Yang Duanhe nodded.

"That's it. We can't say anything anymore. We still think about the specific plan." Yang Duanhe said.

"At present, the main problem is that we lack a map and we don't know where the troops will advance. Moreover, the map of the Yan people is extremely inaccurate. If our cavalry troops advance rashly, there will be a lot of chaos. Ours The army itself is insufficient, and if this continues, there will be big problems. I am afraid that we will not be able to solve the retreat of the Goguryeo people very well." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"Sir, I have one way, which is to use latitude and longitude." Bai Xi suggested.

"Sir, doing this is very effective for us." Bai Xi said with some excitement. When formulating the battle plan, the staff officers noticed this problem, but they still worked very hard to collect the maps of Yan State. Unfortunately, the maps provided by Yan State were too limited. In the entire eastern part of Liaodong, large areas are empty, and there are no passages, as well as important rivers, bridges, and commanding heights. These are simply disasters for marching operations. However, the staff also thought of a way to deal with it, which is the latitude and longitude, using a sextant, and then obtaining the latitude and longitude based on some calculations. This is much easier than using a map to get to an important place.

"Haha. Do we know the latitude and longitude of Xiangping?" Yang Duanhe asked at this time.

"This." Bai Xi was stunned for a while.

"We didn't notice this." Bai Xi said with a smile.

"That's right. Can you think of this problem, didn't you think of a solution?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"This." Bai Xi didn't know what to say. He has many ways to get the latitude and longitude, and that is to send scouts to investigate the situation. But doing so will take time.

"I think we can let aviation soldiers complete this task. They will conduct reconnaissance every time, and at the same time, they will also measure specific positions." Yang Duanhe said.

"As soon as possible." Yang Duanhe continued.

"Yes, sir." Bai Xi immediately ordered someone to send a telegram.

Zhao State of Handan. House of Commons.

"This time, we lost really badly." A middle-aged businessman congressman said depressed.

"I have half of my funds in Handan Iron Works, most of which are purchased at the price of twelve gold to thirteen gold. It is good now. The price is all seven gold. Yesterday it reached six gold. Using Qin Guoren In other words, our funds are locked up." The middle-aged businessman said very frustrated.

"Oh. Don't think so, maybe we will come back. As long as we solve the problem of Liaodong and receive such good news, we may rise again." An obese congressman comforted.

"Is it true?" the middle-aged businessman asked.

"Yes, it should be. This is the prime minister's proposal this time. Didn't the prime minister's report just say that? We think we can agree to such a plan." said the obese congressman.

"If this is the case, I can consider buying some more. After all, doing so will be very beneficial to us." The middle-aged businessman said hopefully.

"Yeah. However, you are not the one who lost money this time. Have you seen it? Many people present have lost money to some extent." said the obese congressman.

"However, the situation in the House of Lords is different. They are all aristocrats and major shareholders of Handan Iron Works. They sold their shares with Qin Guoren this time. As a result, they made a lot of money. I was really very angry." The obese congressman Speaking of. If everyone loses money, or he will not be so angry, but angry is that most of the nobles in the Zhao country have escaped the fate of falling this time. And they also went short-selling wildly, which is why they fell so much in just two days, because many nobles sold their shares in large quantities. As you can imagine, the short-selling squeezed it over, and no one can accept it.

"Damn it," the middle-aged businessman scolded.

House of Lords.

"Haha, I made a lot this time. I heard that among us, we have several million gold assets at once." Many nobles said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, haha. This time working with Qin Guoren's bank is different. They helped us sell stocks and made a lot of money. I think we will do this in the future." Some nobles exclaimed excitedly. They have already begun to discuss where to eat.

"However, there are still some business affairs today. Li Mu has to raise some military expenditures again. I don't know what to do with this matter?" a middle-aged nobleman asked.

"Yes, I think if we give them to them, we can buy back the shares in Handan Iron Factory, and we can sell them when they rise." a nobleman shouted loudly.

"I think you can." The other nobles echoed.

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